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OC Organizational Structure Review Task Force
Stacen Tyskiewicz OSRTF Vice-Chair October 19, 2016
OSRTF Membership OSRTF Contributors OSRTF Members
Ashbaker, Steve Baran, Eric Carman, Keith Hydzik, Richard - Ch Mizumori, Michelle Moore, Geoffrey Peters, Albert Silver, Kenneth Tolo, John Tyskiewicz, Stacen – V Ch OSRTF Contributors Freeman, Charles "Bud“ Hundal, Raj Meyers, Andrew Reynolds, Tim Vojdani, Raymond Williams, Craig
OSRTF Review Approach Delegation Agreement WECC Bylaws
Activities previously approved for funding under Section 215 WECC legal provided feedback on our approach Three criteria each which had to be met: OC activities should support WECC’s reliability mission under Sections 7c, 7d, 7e, and 7f of Delegation Agreement OC activities should provide value to WECC members OC activities should complement but not unnecessarily duplicate NERC efforts
WECC Delegated Activities
OC Function - Improve Reliability
Identification and mitigation of key vulnerabilities Physical and cyber security Human performance Equipment misoperations/failures Optimum sharing of operating and system data and event analysis insights to: Deepen understanding of issues Promote operational excellence Share best practices/lessons learned Provide value to membership OSRTF proposal aligns with WECC’s Value Proposition “Enhanced Reliability & Security”
Subcommittee / Work Group Evaluation
Sorted each group into “buckets” Performance Analysis / Event Analysis Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Reliability Improvement Unknown – not sure where they fell
Five Discoveries OC’s main objective is Reliability Improvement
Two OC functions support Delegated Functions and mission Event and Performance Analysis Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Some functions align with RC function or will be moving there Functions that are very specialized but do not require OC oversight Some duplication of effort, little work product, or unable to determine value to membership
ORSTF Proposal Combine DEWG & EMSWG
Acronym Decoder RWG – Relay Work Group
HPWG – Human Performance Work Group PWG – Performance Work Group GOWG – Generator Operator Work Group CIIMS – Critical Infrastructure and Information Management Subcommittee DEWG – Data Exchange Work Group EMSWG – Energy Management System Work Group TELWG – Telecommunications Work Group PSWG – Physical Security Work Group CSWG – Cyber Security Work Group JSIS – Joint Synchronized Information Subcommittee RASRS – Remedial Action Reliability Subcommittee UFAS – Unscheduled Flow Administrative Subcommittee
Event and Performance Analysis Subcommittee (EPAS)
Reliability Assessment and Performance Analysis, and Event Analysis and Reliability Improvement Currently supported by: Operating Practices and Event Analysis Subcommittee (OPEAS) Operating Issues Work Group (OIWG) Performance Work Group (PWG) Relay Work Group (RWG) Human Performance Work Group (HPWG) Energy Management System Work Group (EMSWG) Data Exchange Work Group (DEWG)
Event and Performance Analysis Subcommittee (EPAS)
Combine OPEAS and OIWG to form EPAS Focus on Event Analysis Leverage the NERC Event Analysis Process data Lessons Learned Reliability Guidelines Analysis of trends Workgroup structure Ensures subject matter experts are available WECC Staff engaged in the Event Analysis Process EPAS in evaluating Event Analysis data
Event and Performance Analysis Subcommittee (EPAS)
Work Groups supporting EPAS HPWG EA Process indicates human performance is an issue Operator Training Subcommittee (OTS) is focused on WECC CEH training Recommend disbanding OTS as review indicates WECC no longer needs to provide operator CEH’s RWG EA Process indicates system protection performance is an issue Review of quarterly misoperation reports for trends GOWG (new) GOP issues not captured well with TP/TC OC structure Ongoing issues – frequency response, etc. PWG Tracks and monitors BA performance data Liaison to NERC Resources Subcommittee Propose to track ERS measures here
Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Subcommittee (SASMS)
CIIMS becomes SASMS Combine DEWG and EMSWG supporting SASMS EMSWG Coordinates the development of network and data modeling policies in support of EMS throughout the Western Interconnection DEWG Traditionally focused on the WECC Operations Network (WON) The WON has been replaced by a hub-and-spoke configuration managed at the entity Now deals more with issues specific to data policy and less with the infrastructure As the focus shifted, it aligns more with EMSWG
Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Subcommittee (SASMS)
DEWG + EMSWG The two work groups have been meeting jointly but have preferred to remain separate for one key reason, participation Work groups deal with overlapping subjects but each has different skillsets Many entities cover the data-exchange and EMS responsibilities separately Representation of both aspects is critical to the success of the work group Need to maintain larger representation
Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Subcommittee (SASMS)
Work Groups supporting SASMS TELWG Infrastructure coordination for telecomm services Best practices, guidelines, etc. PSWG Active and large work group Encourage sharing lessons learned, best practices, etc., more widely Recommend engaging NERC Physical Security Subcommittee
Situational Awareness and Security Monitoring Subcommittee (SASMS)
Work Groups supporting SASMS CSWG Address “gap” between Cyber security experts Regulatory compliance Management of EMS Provides focus on cyber security Acts as a liaison forum Technical experts and the compliance/security professionals Western Interconnection stakeholders and the various national cyber security groups: NERC, the Department of Homeland Security, etc. This group will add value to current CIP efforts and promote reliability and security within the Western Interconnection Newly formed CSWG
Joint Synchronized Information Subcommittee (JSIS)
PMU’s provide high quality data for BPS event analysis PMU data is hosted at Peak JSIS move to Peak? JSIS chair recommended maintaining the current structure There is also a similar group being formed by NERC Two Work Groups support JSIS Oscillations Analysis Work Group (OAWG) meets bi-weekly to review System Events Disturbance Data Work Group (DDWG) collects and analyzes PMU data to facilitate analysis of system performance Recommend no change to JSIS and that it continue to report to the OC and the PCC
Remedial Action Subcommittee Reliability Subcommittee (RASRS)
PRC assigns RAS review to the RC The implementation timeline is 36 months after regulatory approval OSRTF recommends RASRS remain within the OC structure for now WECC staff, Peak, and the OSRTF work together to determine where this function should reside once the standard is implemented Transition plan will be needed Recommend no change to this group at this time
Unscheduled Flow Administrative Subcommittee (UFAS)
WECC may not be the best fit for UFAS Nevertheless, WECC is currently the designated Administrator of the Western Interconnection Unscheduled Flow Mitigation Plan (WIUFMP) Until a new administrator is selected, the OSRTF agrees that this group should continue to perform their necessary functions per the WIUFMP tariff This will allow the functionality provided by UFAS to continue Recommend that the UFAS group be phased out if and when a new administrator is selected at some future time For now, remains part of the OC Plan requires Qualified Device Owners and Qualified Path Operators to review and select Administrator of the Plan every two years; current plan will be in second year beginning January Qualified Device Owners and Qualified Path Operators need to take on Plan Administration; at that point UFAS would need to be part of WECC
External Forum Groups Several subcommittees, work groups, and task forces were not recommended to continue under the proposed OC structure realignment This was not a reflection of their work or value added, but related more to whether WECC or the OC is the best fit for these groups and their relationship to the reliability functions of the EPAS or SASM Did not meet the three criteria Need a transition plan for these groups
Interchange Scheduling and Accounting Subcommittee (ISAS)
ISAS works to improve scheduling and tagging processes (i.e. the equitable and efficient functioning of the commercial electric power market Ensures these processes complement North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) and NERC Standards Very specialized and software-tool intensive. Peak has formed a WECC Interchange Tool (WIT) Users Group that may perform some of the activities historically performed by ISAS and applicable Work Groups OSRTF does not believe that ISAS meets all three criteria for inclusion into the EPAS or SASMS Recommend ISAS be moved to Market Interface Committee
Next Day Study Work Group (NDSWG)
Coordination of Next-day Studies is critical to the reliability of the Western Interconnection There was discussion as to whether this was more properly an interconnection issue or a group that mostly interfaces with Peak The conclusion was that all BA/TOP interaction on next-day studies was with Peak The OSRTF recommends transfer of the NDSWG to Peak (once Peak has demonstrated the ability to take on this group and necessary governance) The transition to Peak will be addressed in the Transition Plan
Path Operations Implementation Task Force (POITF)
The POITF will sunset as it completes its work
Technical Operations Subcommittee (TOS)
Substation Work Group (SSWG) Hosts an annual spring meeting Functions as a networking forum Did not meet three criteria Would be an ideal External Forum Controls Work Group (CWG) Currently inactive RWG moved to EPAS TELWG moved to SASMS OSRTF recommends disbanding TOS, SSWG, and CWG It should be noted that CWG, SSWG and TOS could present a case to EPAS or SASM justifying they should remain as a WG
Essential Reliability Services Work Group (ERSWG) in WECC
NERC has formed the ERSWG under NERC PC and OC WECC is transitioning to a higher non-traditional generation mix WECC should support the NERC effort but not duplicate it OSRTF believes that PWG can adequately monitor the NERC Essential Reliability Services (ERS) efforts OSRTF recommends PWG modify their charter to reflect these new responsibilities NERC Resource Subcommittee has the bulk of ERSTF Measures; PWG works hand-in-hand with NERC RS
OC and MIC Combination? OSRTF concluded that this exceeded the scope of the OSRTF Charter Bylaw changes, etc. Joint OC/MIC discussion at July 2016 meeting indicated support for existing structure Opportunities for joint sessions for common issues under existing structure
Joint PCC-TEPPC Review Task Force
The JPTRTF proposing to create a new Reliability Assessment Committee (RAC) Replaces PCC & TEPPC RAC would report to WECC CEO rather than BOD How will JPTRTF impact MIC and OC proposals?
Timeline October 2016 – Present recommendations to the Operating Committee for approval December 2016 – Present to Board of Directors for approval Transition plan in 2017
Motion Resolved, that the Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) Operating Committee (OC) hereby approves the recommendations of the Organizational Structure Review Task Force (OSRTF) as described in its Proposed Operating Committee Structure whitepaper dated August 25, 2016.
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