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AP European History Mr. Meester Pages:

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1 AP European History Mr. Meester Pages: 710-720
Revolutions of 1848 AP European History Mr. Meester Pages:

2 Revolutionary Change Develops
During the 1840s, the movement toward revolutionary change was supported by four factors: The failure of the government to fix economic and social problems of the era An economic collapse occurred during the decade. The regularity of significant food shortages in the major urban centers. The increased popularity of the demands of the liberals and the nationalists. The radical political, economic, and social proposals Utopian Socialists, the Anarchists, and Chartists etc.

3 France The once liberal regime of King Louis Philippe became conservative and oppressive Under the leadership of Prime Minister Francois Guizot and the Chamber of Deputies. His opposition to reforms resulted in more restrictions of individual rights Excessive use of censorship to silence critics of the regime. A banquet would however, lead to the demise of Louis Philippe as King of France. Banquets had been used as ways for liberals to meet and criticize the king

4 Abdication of Louis Philippe
The predominantly liberal opposition scheduled a banquet for the night of Feb. 22, 1848. Guizot refused to grant the a permit As a result students and workingmen took to the streets and violence erupted. Louis dismissed Guizot On Feb. 23rd, fighting broke out between troops and opponents to the regime and fifty people were killed. Reports of the massacre spread quickly and over a thousand barricades were erected. On Feb. 24th, Louis Philippe abdicated and fled to England.

5 Provisional Government
A provisional government was established which represented the entire spectrum of opposition forces. The principal tasks of the provisional government: Serve as an interim authority. Arrange for elections to a national Constituent Assembly. Two important leaders of the movement were Alphonse Lamartine (a poet) and Louis Blanc (a socialist leader.). During the spring of 1848, national workshops were established to resolve the problems of unemployment.

6 June Days In April, French citizens voted for representatives to the National Constituent Assembly. The vote resulted a moderate-conservative republican government. The Assembly met in May and dissolved the National Workshops. As a result there was a confrontation known as “The June Days,” French troops led by General Cavaignac suppressed the radicals who wanted to maintain the workshops.

7 Second French Republic
A new constitution was written and accepted in October 1848. It established the Second French Republic which provided for a president and a single chamber assembly which would be elected on the basis of universal male suffrage. The president would serve a single four year term. Presidential elections were held in December and Louis Napoleon, nephew of Napoleon I, easily defeated his rivals Cavaignac and Lamartine.

8 “Little Napoleon” The election of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte would be the beginning of the end of the French Republic. When the National Assembly refused to allow him to run for reelection he seized power He held a plebiscite to approve his new constitution A year later he proclaimed himself emperor of a new French Empire

9 Women in the Revolution of 1848
The 3 years following the revolution saw a major increase in feminism in Paris They saw it as an opportunity for reform Many tried to vote in elections and joined political clubs The most radical group were the Vesuvians They wanted household equality, to serve in the military, and to be able to dress like men Another important (more conservative) group were the Voix des Femmes A newspaper that addressed women’s issues Embraced traditional maternal role of women but wanted better education, economic security, property rights, & the right to work and vote All of these movements were thoroughly defeated and the groups repressed.

10 The Austrian Empire Nationalist Revolutionary activity threatened Austria more than any other state. The successful Revolution in France would inspire both nationalist and liberal revolts through out the empire. Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Italians and many smaller ethnic groups as well

11 Hungary The nationalist ambitions of the Hungarians can be seen with Louis Kossuth’s revolt on March 3, 1848. On March 15, 1848, the Hungarian Diet declared the March Laws a constitution which established a national assembly. specified individual freedoms. eliminated the remnants of the feudal order an autonomous Hungary within the Austrian Empire. On March 31, 1848, the Austrian government accepted these substantive changes. They had no choice due to…

12 The Vienna Uprising Revolutionary activity broke out in Vienna on March 13, 1848. Within 48 hours, Prince Metternich, the symbol of Conservatism in Europe, resigned. Ferdinand I, granted concessions including a pledge to support the development of a constitution and the extension of individual liberties. Student revolutionaries weren’t satisfied forced the emperor to flee to Innsbruck Ferdinand feared a serf rebellion more than the students and emancipated them so they wouldn’t join the revolt

13 The Magyar Revolt The Magyars hoped to create an independent Hungarian state with the Habsburg empire Annexed several territories Transylvania, Croatia, Serbia, etc. This would allow the Habsburgs to send aid the other ethnic groups and bring the Hungarians back under their control Austria sends in Count Jellachich By September he had invaded Hungary with the support of the other ethnic groups By January 1849 troops occupied Budapest Allowed Austria to get rid of the March Laws and reestablish control over the Magyars

14 Czech Nationalism Czech nationalistic aspirations were manifested with the establishment of a Bohemian Diet in March. Its initial demands concerned: universal manhood suffrage guarantees of basic political and religious rights and the parity of the Czech and German languages in education and government. On April 8th, Ferdinand I, granted these concessions and rendered Bohemia an autonomous state.

15 Pan-Slavic Congress Czech nationalism was blurred by the emergence of the Pan-Slavic Congress in June of 1848. The leaders of the Pan-Slavic Congress hoped to establish an autonomous government for Czechs, Slovaks, and other Slavs within the Austrian Empire. A radical revolt broke out in Prague the day of the Congress. General Windischgraetz’s wife was killed and he sent in troops to crush the rebellion The middle class supported the end of the radical and allowed the Austrians to “divide and conquer”

16 Italian Revolts The Habsburgs controlled northern Italy which revolted following the nationalist uprisings in the Austrian Empire. Austria quickly put down the Piedmont revolt. Ferdinand abdicated in favor of his brother Francis Joseph Following Piedmont liberal & nationalist hopes shifted to Pope Pius IX Demonstrations forced Pius appoint a radical ministry He then fled to Naples Republican nationalists such as Mazzini and Garibaldi go to Rome and form the Republic of Rome Austria and France move in and crush the new Republic of Rome

17 Prussia & German States
News of the revolt in France resulted in rebellions in Prussia and other German states Baden, Bavaria, Hanover, and Saxony. The princes of the lesser states attempted to nullify the demands of the revolutionaries by promising constitutions and appointing liberal ministers. King Frederick William IV of Prussia was adamant in his refusal to placate the revolutionaries. A violent revolution developed in Berlin.

18 The Berlin Assembly On March 17, 1848, Frederick William IV relented and announced that a Prussian assembly (The Berlin Assembly) would be convened in April, 1848. A constitution would also be developed. Furthermore, he announced that internal reforms would be instituted, and that Prussia would assist in the development of a constitutional revitalization of the German Confederation. The Frankfurt Parliament attempted to create a new constitution but failed Split the Working Class & Liberals

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