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The Assessment of Burden of COPD (ABC)-tool

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1 The Assessment of Burden of COPD (ABC)-tool
Development and evaluation IPCRG Prof. Dr. Onno van Schayck Maastricht University

2 COPD is more than airway obstruction
Introduction COPD is more than airway obstruction Ambition: Measure experienced burden of COPD and treat accordingly

3 Aim of this approach Provide patients with insight Raise awareness
Match experienced burden to treatment Increase self management & shared decision making Provide structure during consultation Make a tailor made treatment plan

4 Previously presented and awarded during IPCRG research meeting in Singapore
Process of the development of the Assessment of Burden of COPD tool, 6 steps 1. Defining burden of COPD 2. Formulating requirements 3. Reality check 4. Literature review 5. Development instrument 6. Evaluating instrument

5 CCQ (clinical COPD questionnaire)
The ABC scale CCQ (clinical COPD questionnaire) Symptoms Functional state Mental state Adapted by adding questions about: Fatigue Emotions


7 Visual overview of integrated health status Possibility to monitor
Additional parameters Lung function Exacerbations BMI Smoking Physical activity Treatment algorithm

8 Evaluation of the tool Presented last year: New this year:
Psychometric properties ABC scale Validity Reliability New this year: Effect evaluation – Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial Qualitative evaluation – Experiences with the ABC tool

9 Cluster randomised controlled trial
Pragmatic study to test effectiveness on: Disease specific quality of life – Saint George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) Statistically significant more patients with a clinically relevant improvement in intervention group Perceived quality of care - Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care (PACIC) Significant better score in intervention group compared to control group

10 Qualitative evaluation
Amongst: Healthcare providers Patients Results: Excellent instrument that provides insight & structure Suggestion for improvement: Implementation in ICT systems “ It provides an overview of the patient at that moment, with a visual representation which is not debatable and instantly clear.” “ It takes more time, because you have to transfer data and information.” “ It should really be integrated in the healthcare systems.”

11 Next step Nationwide implementation in daily care
Further development of a tool for other chronic conditions

12 Thank you for your attention!

13 References Slok AHM, In 't Veen JCCM, Chavannes NH, van der Molen T, Rutten-van Mölken MPMH, Kerstjens HAM, et al. Development of the Assessment of Burden of COPD tool: an integrated tool to measure the burden of COPD. NPJ Prim Care Respir Med. 2014; 24:14021 Slok AHM, In 't Veen JCCM, Chavannes NH, van der Molen T, Rutten- van Mölken MPMH, Kerstjens HAM, et al. Effectiveness of the Assessment of Burden of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (ABC) tool: study protocol of a cluster randomised trial in primary and secondary care. BMC Pulm Med. 2014; 14:131 Slok AHM, Bemelmans TCH, Kotz D, van der Molen T, Kerstjens HAM, In 't Veen JCCM, Chavannes NH, Asijee GM, Rutten-van Mölken MPMH, Schayck, OCP. The Assessment of Burden of COPD (ABC) scale: a reliable and valid questionnaire. COPD: Journal Of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Published Online Jan ; 1-8.

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