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Work, Power, and Machines

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1 Work, Power, and Machines
Chapter 14 Work, Power, and Machines

2 14-1 Work Objectives: Write and answer the objectives on page 134.
1. When does a force do work? Before: After: How are work and power related?

3 I. What is Work? Work is a quantity that measures the effects of a force acting over a distance. Work is only done when force causes a change in the motion of an object. Work = Force x Distance W = F x d

4 If you try to lift a car, you might apply a large force, but if the difference that the car moves is equal to zero, the work done on the car is also equal to zero. - However, once the car moves even a small amount, you have done some work on it.

5 II. Work is Measured in Joules
Because work is calculated as force times distance, it is measured in units of Newtons times meters; N m. - These units are also called joules (J). - 1J is equal to 1 kg m2/s2 You do about 1J of work when you slowly lift an apple; which weighs about 1N, from your waist to the top of your head; a distance of about 1m. 3 push-ups require about 1,000J of work.

6 Examples: 1. A crane uses an average force of 5,200N to lift a girder 25m. How much work does the crane do on the girder? W = ? F = 5200N d = 25m W = Fd W = (5200)(25) W = 1.3 x 105 J W = 130,000 J

7 2. An apple weighing 1N falls through a distance of 1m
2. An apple weighing 1N falls through a distance of 1m. How much work is done on the apple by the force of gravity? W = ? F = 1N d = 1m W = Fd W = (1)(1) W = 1 J

8 3. The brakes on a bicycle apply 125N of frictional force to the wheels as the bicycle travels 14.0m. How much work have the brakes done on the bicycle? W = ? F = 125N d = 14.0m W = Fd W = (125)(14.0) W = 1750 J

9 III. Power Power is a quantity that measures the rate at which work is done. Running up a flight of stairs doesn’t require any more work than walking up slowly, but it is definitely more exhausting. The amount of time it takes to get work done is another important factor when considering work and machines. The quantity that measures this is Power. Power = Work / Time P = W / t

10 IV. Power is Measured in Watts
Power is measured in SI units called Watts. A Watt is the amount of power required to do 1J of work in 1s.

11 Examples: 1. While rowing in a race, John does 3960J of work on the oars in 60.0s. What is the Power output in watts? P = ? W = 3960J t = 60.0s P = W/t P = 3960/60.0 P = 66 W

12 2. Using a jack, a mechanic does 5350J. of work to lift a car 0
2. Using a jack, a mechanic does 5350J of work to lift a car 0.500m in 50s. What is the mechanic’s power output? P = ? W = 5350J t = 50s P = W/t P = 5350/50 P = 107 W

13 3. Suppose you are moving a 300N box of books
3. Suppose you are moving a 300N box of books. Calculate your power output in the following situations: A. You exert a force of 60N to push the box 12m in 20s. P = ? F = 60N d = 12m t = 20s W = Fd W = (60)(12) W = 720J P = W/t P = 720/20 P = 36 W

14 B. You lift the box 1m onto a truck in 3s.
P = ? F = 300N d = 1m t = 3s W = Fd W = (300)(1) W = 300J P = W/t P = 300/3 P = 100 W

15 Go back to the 14-1 Objectives on page 78 and answer them again.
1. When does a force do work? 2. How are work and power related? ** WORK AND POWER QUIZ TOMORROW**

16 14-2 Work and Machines Answer the following on a separate sheet of paper.
Objectives: 1. How do machines make work easier? 2. How are work input and work output related for a machine?

17 Machines Which is easier: A. lifting a car yourself B. Using a car jack - Which requires more work? :Using a jack does not require less work :You do the same amount of work either way, but the jack makes the work easier by allowing you to apply less force at any given moment.

18 -Machines multiply and redirect forces
:Machines help us do work by redistributing the work that we put into them. :Machines can change the direction of an input force, or they can increase an output force by changing the distance over which the force is applied. -Work input equals work output

19 :A car jack and a loading ramp make doing work easier by increasing the distance over which the force is applied. :As a result, the force required at any point is reduced. :But the amount of work you put into the machine - the work input - is equal to the amount you get out - the work output.

20 : But how long should the ramp be?
-Mechanical advantage tells us how much a machine multiplies force or increases distance. : A ramp makes doing work easier by increasing the distance over which the force is applied. : But how long should the ramp be? A. long ramp- use little force, longer distance B. short ramp- would be too steep

21 Equations Woutput = Oforce x Odistance Winput = Iforce x Idistance

22 Go back to the 14-2 Objectives and answer them again.
1. How do machines make work easier? 2. How are work input and work output related for a machine?

23 14-3 Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency Answer on a separate sheet of paper
Objectives: 1. How does the actual mechanical advantage of a machine compare to its ideal mechanical advantage? 2. Why is the efficiency of a machine always less than 100 percent?

24 Mechanical Advantage Mechanical advantage of a machine is the number of times that the machine increases an input force. MA = Output force / Input force MA = Input distance / Output distance

25 A woman drives her car up onto wheel ramps to perform some repairs
A woman drives her car up onto wheel ramps to perform some repairs. If she drives a distance of 1.8meters along the ramp to raise the car .3meters, what is the mechanical advantage? MA = ? Input Distance = 1.8 m Output Distance = .3m MA = Id / Od MA = 1.8m / .3m MA = 6

26 If you exert 100 N on a jack to lift a 10,000N car, what would the jack’s MA be?
Input Force = 100N Output Force = 10,000N MA = Of / If MA = 10,000N / 100N MA = 100

27 Efficiency Efficiency is the percentage of the work input that becomes work output. Because there is always some friction, the efficiency of any machine is always less than 100%. Efficiency = (Work output / Work input) x 100

28 You have just designed a machine that uses 1000 J of work from a motor for every 800J of useful work the machine supplies. What is the efficiency? Efficiency = ? Work Output = 800 J Work Input = 1000J Efficiency = (Wo / Wi) x 100 Efficiency = (800 / 1000) x 100 Efficiency = 80%

29 Go back to the 14-3 Objectives and answer them again.
1. How does the actual mechanical advantage of a machine compare to its ideal mechanical advantage? 2.Why is the efficiency of a machine always less than 100 percent?

30 On Page 150, write down and answer the 14-4 Simple Machines Objectives
What are the 6 types of simple machines? Before: After: What determines the MA of the 6 types of simple machines?

31 *Simple Machines are divided into 2 families:
1. The Lever Family 2. The Inclined Plane Family

32 The Lever Family -Consists of the simple lever, pulley, and wheel and axle. -To understand how levers do work, imagine using a claw hammer to pull out a nail. -As you pull on the handle of the hammer, the head turns around the point where it meets the wood. -The force you apply to the handle is transferred to the claw on the other end of the hammer. The claw then does the work on the nail.

33 Levers


35 -Levers are divided into 3 classes
:All levers have a rigid ARM that turns around a point called the FULCRUM. :Force is transferred from one part of the arm to another. :Levers are divided into 3 classes depending on the location of the fulcrum and of the input / output force.

36 1st Class Lever Examples: Hammer, Pliers and scissors are 2 1st class levers joined together Input force applied on one end. Fulcrum in the middle. Output force on other end.

37 2nd Class Levers Examples: Wheelbarrow, nutcrackers, and hinged doors Input force applied on one end. Fulcrum on the other end. Output force in the middle.

38 3rd Class Levers Examples: Human Forearm (Biceps), tweezers Input force applied in the middle. Fulcrum at one end. Output force on the other end.

39 Pulleys

40 Fixed Pulley: Wheel attached to surface
Changes the direction of the applied force NO mechanical advantage – same amount of force is required

41 Movable Pulley: Pulley moves along the rope Wheel supports the load
Effort is in the same direction as movement Reduces the forces needed to move an object

42 In the second picture, the weight is held by two ropes instead of one
In the second picture, the weight is held by two ropes instead of one. That means the weight is split equally between the two ropes, so each one holds only half the weight.

43 Combined (double) Pulley:
Has at least two wheels The more complex the pulley, the more the effort needed to move the object decreases

44 Pulleys are used to gain mechanical advantage trading the amount of rope you have to pull to lift an object for how heavy the object can be.

45 The more lines of support (ropes) a pulley has, the more mechanical advantage it has!

46 The Wheel & Axle

47 The Wheel & Axle a wheel connected to a rigid pole
The Wheel & axle is a modified lever: The center of the axle acts as a fulcrum – making the wheel a lever that rotates around in a circle.

48 The Inclined Plane Family consists of : the inclined plane, the wedge, and the screw

49 The Inclined Plane The Inclined Plane is a sloping surface, such as a ramp. It is one of the most important machines in industry. The inclined plane makes lifting or moving an object easier.

50 The Inclined Plane If you push an object up a ramp, you must move it a longer distance than if you tried to lift it straight up, but less effort is needed to move it. By using the inclined plane, the same amount of work is done, but the work is done in an easier way.

51 The Inclined Plane a sloping surface that does not move
An inclined plane provides for NOT Less work but less effort.  The trade off is greater distance to travel.

52 The Inclined Plane Used to reduce the force needed to overcome the force of gravity when lifting or lowering a heavy object. MA = distance of plane / height

53 The Inclined Plane

54 The Wedge

55 The Wedge an inclined plane that tapers to a sharp edge
The wedge used to increase force.  The material remains in place while the wedge moves through it. A wedge changes the direction of the input force.

56 The Wedge - A wedge is a small inclined plane used as a tool.
- It acts as a moving inclined plane. - A wedge is usually a piece of wood or metal that tapers to a thin edge.

57 The Wedge It is used to raised an object or to split an object apart.
-For example, when a door wedge is jammed under a door, it raises the door slightly and exerts a strong force against it. An axe is a wedge attached to a shaft.

58 The Wedge It changes a forward movement into a parting movement that can split a log. Nearly all cutting machines make use of the wedge, including scissors, saws, and knives. A nail is a wedge too.

59 The Wedge Wedges can be forced between two things to hold them tightly together, like nails or a doorstop. Wedges can be used to split, cut or fasten.

60 The Screw

61 The Screw A screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.
Like pushing an object up a ramp, tightening a screw with gently sloping threads requires a small force acting over a large distance.

62 The Screw Tightening a screw with steeper threads requires more force.
Jar lids are screws that people use everyday. Spiral staircases are also common screws.

63 The Screw an inclined plane wrapped around a central cylinder
A Screw has two (2) parts: The Body – Cylinder Post The Thread – Inclined Plane wrapped around the cylinder.

64 The Screw Functions of the screw
To fasten things – the standard screw or nuts & bolts. Drill bits are screws used to make holes. A jackscrew is used to lift heavy objects; car jack.

65 The Screw When you turn a screw:
The input force is changed by the threads into an output force. The output force pulls the screw into the materials. Friction between the threads & the material holds the screw in place.

66 The Screw

67 Go back to the 14-4 Objectives and answer them again.
1. What are the 6 types of simple machines? 2. What determines the MA of the 6 types of simple machines?

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