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The PRIME Study Dr. Komalkirti Apte

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1 The PRIME Study Dr. Komalkirti Apte
Perceived need for chronic Respiratory dIsease ManagErs: A pilot study Dr. Komalkirti Apte Ms. Madhuragauri Shevade, Ms. Sapna Madas, Dr. Sundeep Salvi. Chest Research Foundation, Pune

2 The need for this study Population of > 1.2 billion
2nd most populous 7th largest (3.3 million  km2 ) multilingual widely diverse Population of > 1.2 billion Healthcare is largely self funded and catered to for by 1.5 million doctors (856,085 doctors trained in modern medicine and 712,121 doctors trained in alternative medicine) Population > 1.2 bn

3 No of patients seen per day
STATE-WISE DISTRIBUTION OF NUMBER OF PATIENTS SEEN BY EACH DOCTOR / DAY >30 25 – 30 <20 No of patients seen per day 40 million patients visit some doctor (non-specialist) every day in India Salvi S, Apte K et al. Lancet Global Health Dec 2015

4 Appointment based system of patient consultation?

5 The need for this study Chronic Respiratory complaints
Acute Respiratory complaints Clinical history Examination Diagnostic tests Medical management Counseling Patient training on medication use All other body system complaints 40 million patients 1.5 million doctors ~ 8 – 9 minutes per patient Prevalence (in %) Salvi S, Apte K et al . Lancet Global Health 2015

6 Research Question ?? Is there a perceived need for additional skilled assistance in the management of patients suffering from chronic respiratory diseases? Is there a possibility of development of a second tier of skilled and qualified healthcare professionals who will bridge the gap between patients of chronic respiratory diseases and the limited number of skilled doctors?

7 Research Methodology Study Population 7442 doctors Pulmonologists 125
Intended sample size: N = 500 125 Pulmonologists 125 Intensivists 125 Pediatricians 125 GPs 7442 doctors Pulmonologists 125 Intensivists 125 Pediatricians 125 Pulmonologists 10.02% (746) Intensivists 28.78% (2142) Pediatricians 17.15% (1276) GPs 44.05% (3278) GPs 125

8 Research Tool

9 Research Tool

10 84 doctors participated in the study
Data Management 7442 invites Nov 2014 Consent I agree to participate 7395 doctors did not respond 7395 re-invites Consent I agree to participate 47 doctors 7391 doctors did not respond 4 doctors 84 doctors participated in the study Consent I agree to participate 7391 Telephonic calls 3852 numbers had discontinued service 33 doctors

11 84 doctors participated in the study
Transferred to Epi Info Software Generated into Microsoft Access 84 doctors participated in the study Transferred to SPSS Data Analysis

12 Results Response rate Ps 125 Ps 27.38% (23) 3.08% Is 41.67% (35) Is
1.63% Peds 8.33% (7) Peds 125 0.55% GPs 125 GPs 22.62% (19) 0.58%

13 Workload of chronic respiratory diseases in the participating doctor practices
GPs Intensivists 6 – 12 mins/pt 5 – 15 mins/pt Acute diseases TB Allergic Rhinitis COPD Asthma Others Pulmonologists Pediatricians 4 – 14 mins/pt 5 – 15 mins/pt

14 Assistance of manpower in management of chronic respiratory disease patients
No assistance Temporary and unqualified assistance Trained assistance % of assistance available

15 Need for assistance in managing patients of chronic respiratory diseases
% of doctors responses

16 Required competencies suggested for skilled manpower assistance
GPs Intensivists Pulmonologists Pediatricians

17 Conclusion Heavy patient load Insufficient time
Poorly trained / temporary assistance Need to develop a second tier of skilled and qualified healthcare professionals

18 Impact of the study

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