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Unit 2 : Patterns of Organization/Text Structure

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1 Unit 2 : Patterns of Organization/Text Structure
Unit 2: Author's Purpose Unit 2 : Patterns of Organization/Text Structure Friday 4/15/16 Patterns of Organization/Text Structure

2 Three Questions What exactly is classification categorization?
What exactly are text features? How can I tell when a text is personal opinion vs. facts?

3 Recognizing text structures
Stories (narratives) include a setting, plot, character, problem, and resolution, expository text is framed around different structures. These structures occur in both textbooks and trade books, although no one structure is used by itself. Students can get a "feel" for the prominent structure used, but should also be explicitly taught that authors will not only use one structure by itself. The reader who is attentive to the author's organizational patterns will usually find it easier to comprehend the information being explained.

4 What is Classification structure?
This structure is an organizational strategy whereby authors arrange groups of persons, places, things, or abstract ideas according to a common feature. Objects, persons, places, or events can be classified by sorting by size, color, likes, dislikes, etc

5 What is Classification structure?
SIGNAL WORDS: one, two, first, second, third, to begin, next, finally, most important, when, also, too, then, to begin with, for instance, for example, in fact, etc. QUESTIONS that can be asked about classification text structure might include the following: What categories does the author use to classify these items into categories? How can these items be put into categories?

6 How is this classification?
First Dates A first date can end up being categorized as successful, clingy, boastful or awkward. Successful first dates include both parties expressing information about what they like, who they are, and so forth. Usually, these dates will end in tentative plans for a second one. Clingy dates end up with one of the parties practically begging for information about the other. However, the non-clinger is not interested. On boastful dates, one member of the duo talks about all of his or her skills, talents, and abilities. The listening end of the pair is never asked about his or her life. Awkward first dates generally involve lots of silence or one or both of the partners not knowing how to act appropriately. While many dates occur every day, they can generally fall into one of these categories.

Comparison/Contrast, Cause/Effect, Chronological, Classification, Sequence

8 What is Compare/Contrast structure?
This structure is an organizational strategy whereby authors look at two or more topics and compare their similarities and identify their differences.

9 What is Chronological order?
This structure is an organizational strategy whereby authors arrange information or a story with a beginning (introduction, middle, and end. This can include timelines, stories, news events, etc. NOT to be confused with “sequential order”

10 What is Sequential order?
This structure is an organizational strategy whereby authors identify steps in a process in the order in which they should be followed “how to” or instructional materials use sequential order. “How to tie your shoes” Signal phrases: First, next, after, before, then, last,etc.

11 What is Cause and Effect structure?
This structure is an organizational strategy whereby authors identify one event or action and it’s effect or outcome. Used primarily in scientific or mathematical texts. “smoking causes cancer” “Texting while driving causes accidents”

12 What organization? Recurring headaches can have several disruptive effects on a person's life.  Severe headaches are more than temporary inconveniences.  In many cases, these headaches make a person nauseous to the point that he or she must go to bed.  Sleep is often interrupted because of the pain.  This worsens the physical and emotional state of the sufferer.  For those who try to maintain a normal lifestyle, drugs are often relied on to get through the day.  Such drugs, of course, can have other negative side effects.  Productivity on a job can certainly be reduced, even to the point of regular absences.  Finally, perhaps the most distressing aspect of all this is the seemingly unpredictable occurrence of these headaches.  The interruption to a person's family life is enormous: cancelling plans in the last minute and straining relationships with friends and family.  It is no wonder that many of these people feel discouraged and even depressed.

13 What organization? Although friendship is something that most people enjoy, friendships are not all the same. Some friendships are forged from a long-term familiarity with one another, and other friendships can spring up just by spending one fun evening together. Not all friendships result in daily or even weekly time spent together; long-term friendships can be kept afloat using communication tools like the Internet and telephone, while other friendships result in sporadic get-togethers sometimes months or even years apart. People seek different things in friendship, meaning certain friendships result around trips to a diner or video games while other friendships may occur due to a work relationship or general common interests.

14 What organization? The life and death of a star begins somewhere in space. Astronomers claim that a star begins as a cloud of hydrogen and helium. As the cloud moves about it collects bits of dust and more floating gases. Then the cloud begins to warm as more dust and gases are pulled into it. After a long period of time as the cloud becomes denser, heat and friction cause the atoms to explode. That is how a star is born. The star will burn for about ten billion years as it radiates heat and energy. When the hydrogen begins to burn out the star becomes even larger. At this stage, it gives off a lot of light but not much energy. The star may continue to burn brightly but dies when it runs out of hydrogen. This is the life cycle of a star.

15 What organization? Both the moth and the butterfly belong to the same group of insects called Lepidoptera. Both of these insects have two sets of wings as antennae. However, they have many differences that set them apart. Even though the wings are similar, the butterfly’s wings are not connected while the wings of the moth are. This means that the moth’s wings move together when it flies.

16 Answers Cause/Effect Classification Chronological Comparison/Contrast

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