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Review Lecture and Microteaching

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1 Review Lecture and Microteaching
October 6, 2014

2 Warm Up/ Bell Ringer What are you most excited by or nervous about for your micro teaching demonstration today? What do you predict will go well? What challenges might you expect? (ten minutes)

3 Backward Design Review
Three Phases You must do all three phases No, seriously, all three phases! In order no less :P It is obvious when you don’t do them in order… If then statements- My model example was not as strong as it ought be. (This is an example of a time to stop and reteach…)

4 IF/THEN Statements If I want evidence of the declarative knowledge encompassed in the terms producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, apex predator, and trophic level I need assessment questions that provide opportunities for students to provide correct definitions. Assessment Mechanism- Short answer and multiple choice quiz asking for definitions. If I want evidence of student understanding of the relationships between members of an ecosystem I need an assessment that provides students with a chance to explain their understanding. Assessment Mechanism- Short answer paragraph assignment asking students to explain interlocking relationship between members of an ecosystem. If I want evidence of student ability to successfully design a food web and explain the relationships therein, I need an assessment that asks for students to create a visual representation of a food web. Assessment Mechanism- Food Web drawing in-class activity

5 What is a rationale? A rationale provides the reasoning behind something The if/then statements serve as the rationale for how you will assess your lessons. They need to not name the assessment mechanism in the statement. Let’s practice making some….

6 Practice Rationale If I want students to analyze the ethical issues with cloning then I need an assessment mechanism that… If I want evidence of knowledge of the steps of cell division then… Evidence of application of bio ethics arguments around cloning to a different science issue such as euthanasia ….

7 Microteaching You’ve got ten minutes to prep. Different people will do their demos in different places. Your job as teacher: teach the demo and engage students Your job as student: be a student as well as an evaluator. Feedback needs to be specific and concrete.

8 Peer Assessment Rubric

9 Presentation Suggestions
Stand tall, be the authority you are! It is ok to not know the answers to every question. Enjoy yourself and share your passion!!

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