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Regulations, Accommodations and Text Reader

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1 Regulations, Accommodations and Text Reader
2016 February DAC Meetings Regulations, Accommodations and Text Reader KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

2 Regulation Reminders Administration Code (703 KAR 5:080-Feb. 2014) and Inclusion of Special Populations (703 KAR 5:070-Feb ) regulations in effect Train all who could potentially help with assessments Updates New videos and PowerPoints 070 Regulation still in approval process Regulations from 2014 still in effect. Better to have more trained than you will need than to not have enough trained on testing day and run the risk of an allegation. This includes principals. Changes meant that students do not have to initiate use of accommodations on state testing but it is still a good process to work with as a teaching tool to have students learn what they need, when they need it. New video and PowerPoint is out there for use on the KDE site. The regulation is still in the process of being changed. It has certain steps it has to go through before being finalized. OAA will notify districts when the process is completed. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

3 Administration Code Test Security
Everyone is responsible, so everyone must be aware Process for test materials that ensures the materials are always secure Continually engaged proctor Cell phones Verify accommodations list Test security is everyone’s responsibility, from KDE down to the people who administer the assessment. Make sure that all information about testing is making it down to the folks in the trenches. Ultimately the teachers and proctors are the ones who generally will have the allegations against them if something goes wrong. Don’t put anyone in a situation to have an allegation filed because they didn’t know what or how they were supposed to handle something. Have a set procedure in place for counting and checking in and out the test materials. Remind teachers/proctors to be sure they have the correct amount of materials when they go to the testing room and have the same amount of materials when the session ends. No assumptions, count them and make sure. Engaged proctor means that the proctor is actively moving and monitoring to be sure students are following directions, in the appropriate section of the test booklet/student response booklet, and keeping only allowable items on the testing stations. Cell phones are not allowed to be used during the assessment but the growing concern of students/parents not wanting the phones to be taken away creates a new issue. One solution would be to bag them up! Each student shuts the phone off, places it in a plastic Ziploc baggie, folds the baggie over, tapes the excess flap over the screen, and writes his/her name on the baggie. The phone can then be left face down on his/her desk during testing. Baggies may not be touched until all test materials are taken up by the teacher and counted. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

4 Inclusion of Special Populations
Not Student Initiated Student Driven Extended Time Technology Considered First Non-Standard Response Template Audio CD Text Reader Student driven means the student is in charge. Give him/her a list of ok accommodations. They aren’t meant to be a secret. Student is allowed to have a simple, plain list of the accommodations at their work station. Extended time is made consistent across all state assessments (not counting ACT). Inclusion regulation trumps individual assessment rules surrounding extended time. Technology is the way of the future. In order to prepare students for that KDE is continuing to try to improve what is offered to students. Accommodations are discussed in the DAC/BAC manual and the TAMs. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

5 Non-Standard Response Template
Accommodations Large Print Braille Non-Standard Response Template Audio Text Reader Non-Standard Response Template is not a kit that you have to order but is available to use in place of a scribe. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

6 Non-Standard Response Template
The NSR template is an option for students who qualify with a writing disability that requires a scribe. Remember the only portion of the test that the student is graded on actual writing skills is On-Demand Writing. All the constructed response answers are graded on content knowledge of the subject being tested. The student could write in all lower case and never punctuate and still have a good response. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

7 Audio CD Grades 3-8, 10 & 11 K-PREP Comes in a kit when ordered
Does not require Internet service Need CD player or computer to listen Requires headphones for each student Answers in Student Response Booklet Kits are discussed in the manuals. All kits come with a test booklet, SRB and all materials needed for completing the assessment. Audio CDs are the same as last year. Each student is required to have his/her own headphone set so taking the test doesn’t impact or bother other students taking the test. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

8 K-prep online Text reader
Windows, Mac, iPad, Chromebook for Grades 3-8 Samplers are available at Ordered with Accommodated materials Few changes from last year Individual login and password Not an online test Text reader is online this year. Students will have their own user login credentials in order to access the appropriate test. Student responses are still marked in the Student Response Booklet (SRB). This year the assessment is accessed through Windows, Mac, iPad or Chromebook. Orders for Text Reader will be done in PearsonAccess. There is no kit that arrives because it is online, not on CD. It is not an online test and thus students will still need a student response booklet in which to respond. Student will use his/her pre-printed Student Response Booklet (SRB). Please mark on the SRB that the student used the Text Reader by bubbling in the appropriate bubble. A list of login username and passwords will be sent to the school via two s. The school will then assign user names to students. Students will only have access via their log in to only the grade level materials for which they are enrolled. Generation 2 or newer iPads are the only iPads the text reader will work on. Older ones do not handle the lock out software. Allowing students to use their own device this year is not allowed since iPad use is new and we do not know all the issues and problems. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

9 What students see KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016
Prior to testing beginning, schools will want to ensure that the equipment being used is ready and can handle the Lexiflow reader program. Samplers are available now to be practiced with by students. The sampler user name and password is the same for the entire state. User name: sampler Password: sampler KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

10 After Login for Sampler
The sampler is the only place that the student will actually see two grade levels. Once they are given their own user id and password they will only have access to the grade in which they are enrolled. User guide for the sampler is provided at the bottom of the screen. If a student finishes the sampler and wants to later work through it again, the browser must be closed out and the cache must be cleared before opening it again. If this is not done, the program will reopen the sampler on the last page open on that computer. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

11 Selecting a Grade Level Sampler
The student will then see the subjects he/she can choose between. On the live test he/she will see the appropriate subjects for their given grade level. Also on this screen is the Back and Log Out buttons as well. The student will click on Reading for example. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

12 Reading KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016
For the sampler, it goes straight to the reading sampler. On the live test there would be one more page in here that offers the three sections under reading. Reading Part A, Reading Part B and Reading Part C. The student would click on whichever part of the test he/she is doing at that moment. Proctors should be moving around the work stations to be sure students are clicking on the appropriate section for the test time they are working on. All actions are on the top tool bar. None are at the bottom of the page. Hopefully this will be a bit easier on students to be able to find all actions in one place. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

13 Settings in which to choose
Tool Bar Settings in which to choose Increase Size Table of Contents Used on iPads only Table of contents can be a picture list of the pages or a true table of contents that lists what is on each page. Students can adjust how big or little the page is to fit their visual needs. Settings button is where they will change the speed of the reader, whether it is one or two page viewer, continuous play and word highlighting colors. Things that are the same are the page forward button, stop, play, highlighters, help and home. They now have a button to erase all highlighters if need be (but it is not required). KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

14 Home Button Takes student back KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016
This prompts the student before sending him/her back. It allows for a chance to say no if it was an accident. Once they go out of a test and stop they cannot go back so this is a safe guard. It will take them back to the subject menu page that gives all subjects offered to them so they could move to say Reading Part B when it was time. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/22/2016

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