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Digital Capability Discovery

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1 Digital Capability Discovery
Gurdish Sandhu Associate Director Digital & Information Strategy 28th April 2017 University of East London - London's leading university for civic engagement

2 Digital Capability Defined
Digital capabilities are the capabilities which fit someone for living, learning and working in a digital society.

3 Digital Capability Six Elements
Critical use Creative production Functional skills Self-actualising) Participation

4 Six Dimensions Description
Element Description ICT proficiency (Functional skills) ICT proficiency The use of ICT-based devices, applications, software and services. The confident adoption of new devices, applications, software and services and the capacity to stay up to date with ICT as it evolves. The capacity to deal with problems and failures of ICT when they occur, and to design and implement ICT solutions. An understanding of basic concepts in computing, coding, and information processing. ICT productivity The use of ICT-based tools to carry out tasks effectively, productively, and with attention to quality. The capacity to choose devices, applications, software and systems relevant to different tasks, having assessed their benefits and constraints;

5 Information, data and media literacies (Critical use)
Information literacy The capacity to find, evaluate, manage, curate, organise and share digital informatin. Data literacy The capacity to collate, manage, access and use digital data in spreadsheets, databases and other formats, and to interpret data by running queries, data analyses and reports. Media literacy The capacity to critically receive and respond to messages in a range of digital media – text, graphical, video, animation, audio - and to curate, re-edit and repurpose media, giving due recognition to originators.

6 Digital creation, problem solving and innovation (Creative production)
The capacity to design and/or create new digital artefacts and materials such as digital writing; digital imaging; digital audio and video, digital code, apps and interfaces, web pages. . Digital research and problem-solving The capacity to use digital evidence to solve problems and answer questions, to collect and collate new evidence, to evaluate the quality and value of evidence, and to share evidence and findings using digital methods. An understanding of digital research methods; an understanding of different data analysis tools and techniques. Digital innovation The capacity to adopt and develop new practices with digital technology in different settings (personal and organisational; social and work-based); to use digital technologies in developing new ideas, projects and opportunities

7 Digital communication, collaboration and participation (Participation)
The capacity to communicate effectively in digital media and spaces Digital collaboration The capacity to participate in digital teams and working groups; Digital participation The capacity to participate in, facilitate and build digital networks;

8 Digital learning and development (Development)
The capacity to participate in and benefit from digital learning opportunities; Digital teaching The capacity to support and develop others in digitally-rich settings,

9 Digital identity and wellbeing (Self-actualising)
Digital identity management The capacity to develop and project a positive digital identity or identities and to manage digital reputation (personal or organisational) across a range of platforms; Digital wellbeing The capacity to look after personal health, safety, relationships and work-life balance in digital settings; to use digital tools in pursuit of personal goals (e.g. health and fitness) and to participate in social and community activities; to act safely and responsibly in digital environments; to negotiate and resolve conflict; to manage digital workload, overload and distraction; to act with concern for the human and natural environment when using digital tools.

10 Jisc Digital Capability Discovery Tool
The tool has been designed: to support individuals and managers in a range of roles by helping them to identify and reflect on their current digital capability and make plans to improve their capability through a set of recommended actions and resources. The discovery tool supports individual members of university staff to reflect on their digital capabilities. It presents a series of reflective questions that relate to the different elements of capability Organisationally, the discovery tool can be used to raise awareness of the range and importance of digital capabilities, and to promote personal development. Conversations about digital capability can be taken forward with a common reference point and some shared terms, Digital capabilities are made more familiar and less threatening.

11 Digital Capability Profiles
Academics Researcher Learner Leader profile Library and information Learning Technologists Organisational – Model of the Digitally capable organisation

12 Rationale for taking part in the Pilot
Introduce our staff to the idea of digital capability through a positive process of reflection and self-assessment; Introduce various elements of digital capability and encourage staff to explore their confidence in each area; Directing staff towards relevant resources for further self development; To create a big picture of overall digital capability profile of the departments, teams and the university. Equipping staff with essential digital competence to improve quality of everything we do Maximise the use of university systems, IT applications and Social media. Improving Data driven decision making.

13 For individual member of staff
Individuals can discover their own digital capability through a series of reflective questions. Reflection on these questions will provide an awareness & knowledge of the elements of digital capability. An opportunity to reflect on one’s confidence in each area; A visual summary of one’s digital profile based on one’s reflections; List of actions one can take to build his/her confidence further Most importantly links to resources one can use to support his/her own development

14 Stakeholders @UEL HR – Head of Organisational Effectiveness
IT Services – AD (responsible for Digital capability training). Centre for Excellence for Teaching & Learning New Directors of Teaching & Learning Research Development Manager Library

15 Benefits Highly confident Digital Capable workforce
Informing Digital plans / strategies & initiatives Gaining understanding of what digital capability resources and opportunities and increasing their uptake. Potential of embedding Digital Capability in the curriculum Step towards building Digital culture across the university Potential to embed Digital framework into Professional Development / staff inductions etc. Developing shared vocabulary and understanding across disciplines, teams, groups etc.

16 Participating HEIs in (March – June) jisc pilot
School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University University of Derby University of East London Glasgow Caledonian University University of Hertfordshire University of Hull Institute of Education, University of Reading The Open University University of Southampton

17 What is involved? & Resource Requirements
Co-ordination & communication about the Discovery Tool and pilot Develop a timetable and issue reminders (VC, HR, Corporate Communication, CELT to academics) Supporting staff to access & use the discovery tool and receive feedback from staff Stakeholders meeting Arrange awareness meetings with schools & services Assessing the results in collaboration with Jisc Organisational value of using the tool Writing case study

18 Time Scale of Discovery Pilot
Commence on 22nd May 2017 End date 30th June 2017

19 Selecting your area & role
Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all) 09/05/2018 Selecting your area & role There are 14 areas to choose from. You need to select the one that best fits your area and one of the 3 roles that best fit you. The ‘Academic’ area has additional sub categories (see next slide February 2017 Discovery Tool – User Tips by Heather Price

20 Selecting your academic area (HE)
Title of presentation (Insert > Header & Footer > Notes and Handouts > Header > Apply to all) 09/05/2018 Selecting your academic area (HE) There are 19 HE subject areas to choose from (ending with Education). The subject headings after this relate to FE. February 2017 Discovery Tool – User Tips by Heather Price

21 Role Definition Staff Staff who do not line manage others. E.g. Lecturers Managers Staff who line manage others. Eg. Heads of department or similar Senior Manager Managers who are at a senior level in the organisation, top two tiers would be probably correct.   e.g. Vice Principal, VC, DVC, Directors, ADs

22 What we have done so far? Established Digital Capability Function
Created Project Site Mapping current Digital Capability training on six dimensions of DC

23 Demo Digital Capability Discovery Tool -


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