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Presentation on theme: "IDENTIFYING AND SERVING THE HOMELESS POPULATION"— Presentation transcript:


2 Definition Lack a…. FIXED REGULAR ADEQUATE Nighttime residence

3 PEIMS 100 Record, Column 79 1 = Sheltered: Living in emergency or transitional shelters (SBISD 32%) 2 = Doubled-Up: Living with family or friends due to loss of housing or economic hardship (SBISD 58%) 3 = Unsheltered: Living in cars, parks, public spaces, substandard housing or similar settings due to the lack of alternative accommodations (SBISD 1%) 4 = Hotel/Motel: Living in motels, hotels (SBISD 6%) Unaccompanied Minors (SBISD 3%) As of February 7, 2015 SBISD have identified 537 students

4 Educating Unaccompanied and Homeless Youth
1 in 10 report being raped 1 in 100 die each year, the vast majority from suicide 75% report at least one parent who abused drugs or alcohol 20-40% were sexually abused in their homes 40-60% were physically abused Many youth have been thrown out because of their sexual orientation (20-40% identify as LGBT) 10% of currently homeless female teenagers are pregnant

5 McKinney-Vento Act Requirements
Nutrition Enrollment Transportation

6 Nutrition Automatic Eligibility
External Funding and Compliance sends the names of eligible students to Child Nutrition Service and to the campus. Lunch is provided for all eligible homeless students at no cost to the student Eligible students are entered into the SKYWARD student information system

7 Enrollment Immediate Enrollment Even if Lacking Proper Paperwork
Proof of Residency Guardianship Immunizations (30 Days to Produce) Birth Certificate School Records Identification begins at the campus level Campus must forward all SRQs to External Funding for students that are identified or may be identified as homeless

8 Transportation Transportation services are available to the school of origin The term `school of origin' means the school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled. Students can possibly have 2 schools of origin. Transportation is set up through External Funding If families identify other needs, those services will be set up through External Funding or through campus CIS/CYS

9 School of Origin Suzy’s family was recently evicted and had to move into a shelter in a neighboring district. Which school is the school of origin? A What are this student’s options for transportation? School of Origin from A, or as a comparable service from B Where can this student enroll? Anywhere in Texas that is in their best interest

10 School of Origin Suzy decided to enroll in District B.
Recently, Suzy’s mother got a job near District C. Which school is the school of origin? A What are this student’s options for transportation? School of Origin from A, or as a comparable service from B Where can this student enroll? Anywhere in Texas that is in their best interest

11 School of Origin Suzy decided to enroll in District C. Eventually, they were able to get in a shelter closer to district C. After 2 months, she decided she did not like District C and is thinking of moving to district D. Which school is the school of origin? A What are this student’s options for transportation? School of Origin from A, or as a comparable service from C Where can this student enroll? Anywhere in Texas that is in their best interest

12 How long is a student identified as homeless?
Once a student is identified as homeless during the school year, the homeless status remains for the entire school year even if housing is established before the end of the school year. Homeless status does not roll over into the next school year. A new Student Residency Questionnaire must be completed if a student remains homeless for the next school year.

13 When does the homeless status change?
Once a student has been identified as homeless, the homeless status will remain until the end of the school year. An SRQ must be completed annually a student remains homeless for more than one school year.

14 Dispute of homeless status
Contact External Funding and Compliance if you have questions regarding a student’s homeless status.

15 WHO DO YOU CALL? External Funds & Compliance Staff
Lawanda Coffee, Director (Homeless Liaison) Ext. 2267 Yajahira Alamilla, Support Specialist Ext. 2495


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