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DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities for GSN and GUAN Data

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1 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities for GSN and GUAN Data
GCOS/CBS Lead Centers Coordination Meeting Kenza KHOMSI Direction de la Météorologie Nationale Cette soutenance sera présentée selon le plan suivant: .... 7-9 September 2016 Cambridge, UK

2 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Area under the DMN CBS LC responsibility Northern Africa: Algeria Agypt Libya Morocco Mauritania Tunisia Eastern Africa: Sudan

3 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Area under the DMN CBS LC responsibility Western Africa: Benin Burkina Faso Ivory Coast Gambia Ghana Guinea Guinea Bissau Liberia Mali Niger Nigeria Senegal Sierra Leone Togo

4 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Area under the DMN CBS LC responsibility Central Africa: Cameroon Chad Congo Guinea Equatorial Central African Republic Gabon  Islands: Cape Verde Madagascar Sao-Tomé and Principe Canaries islands Comoros islands

5 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
CBS Centre objectives The Lead Centre started the following activities as from May 2006 and released reports about it from 2008 to Main aims are: Identification of GSN and GUAN stations with problems sending CLIMAT messages; Contact with focal points of NMHSs from which no CLIMAT message is received; Support to NMHSs for preparing CLIMAT messages in a standard format.

6 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
CBS Centre objectives Co-ordinate activities with other GCOS centres and/or other centres as appropriate; Maintaining of the list of Focal Points (FPs) in co-operation with WMO Secretariat; Assist AOPC in the revisions of GSN and GUAN stations; Monitor and report to CBS and GCOS on taken actions, achieved progress, concerns and recommendations on a yearly basis in a time frame that corresponds to planned meetings.

7 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Statistics Many Countries are sending CLIMAT reports routinely 10 Countries are missing a focal point for GCOS : Chad, Comoros islands, Egypt, Mauritania, Sierra-Leone, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Central African Republic and Sao-Tome and Principe. 8 Countries without GCOS GSN stations : Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Liberia, Central African Republic, Sao-Tome and Principe

8 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Undertaken actions An official correspondence was made with the head of Midelt station requesting the regular sending of CLIMAT Report messages; As required by the DMN Quality Management System, an Improving Sheet (Form) was opened to enhance Climate message availability. Improved situation

9 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Undertaken actions The establishment of an automatic tool through TRANSMET (Moroccan telecommunication system for exchanging meteorological data) to follow Moroccan network (GSN and RBCN) CLIMAT Reports.

10 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Undertaken actions The collection and transfer of World Weather Record (WWR) data for several countries; Exchanges with the Sudan Focal point to raise the question of no message reception for June 2014, at the Khartoum GUAN station and for November 2015 at all Sudan GSN stations. Results: Clarifying the situation and re-sending CLIMAT data (manually); Mail to the Director of Meteorology of Chad to report the No CLIMAT Report reception from stations numbered: No response. Exchanges with the Director of Meteorology of Central African Republic who has promised to review the situation but no news until now. Designation of focal point for this country was asked but no proposition. Mail to the Director of Meteorology in Mauritania asking the designation of focal point for this country but no proposition till now. A message was sent to Togo asking the focal point address, but no response.

11 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Undertaken actions Messages to many focal points: Senegal : asking CLIMAT Report data for November 2015 for all GSN station. No response, Niger : asking CLIMAT Report from the Niamey-Aero GUAN station; Algeria: Suggesting the addition of 3 GSN station from Algeria (with a map showing the areas and the target stations): No response; Tunisia: asking CLIMAT Report from the station of GABES that sent no message from January 2013; Libya: Explaining that CLIMAT-Reports availability, from the 4 stations: SWANI, BENINA, SEBHA and KUFRA, is too bad attending 0% mainly in 2014 and 2016; the address used returned a mail delivery error; Sudan: asking CLIMAT Report from the stations of WALKAL, WAU and JUBA; Cameroon: Explaining that the only station, NGAOUNDERE, sent no message in 2016; Madagascar: Explaining that availability of CLIMAT-Reports of 5 stations (out of 9) decreased notably and reached 0% by the year 2016.

12 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Identified problems GCOS focal points are missing or do not respond to s; Silent stations or stations that have never sent messages; Technical problems preventing the transmission of CLIMAT messages : Sudan.

13 DMN CBS Lead Centre Activities
Ongoing and planned Actions Countries not sending messages: efforts will be kept to contact the concerned, identify the problems and seek solutions. The designation and updating of the focal points will be of great help; Stations that do not send messages: it may be judicious to change them with more active ones, proposals were made in this sense; In many cases, we note that some mail addresses are no longer valid or does not respond. The countries do not automatically indicate any change in the name or address of the focal point. We recommend that WMO sends a form, each year, to request updating information on the focal point.

14 Thank You! ROYAUME DU MAROC Ministère délégué auprès du Ministre
de l’Energie des Mines de l’Eau et de l’Environnement Chargé de l’Eau DIRECTION DE LA METEOROLOGIE NATIONALE Thank You! Cette soutenance sera présentée selon le plan suivant: ....

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