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Robert Rules and So Can You

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Rules and So Can You"— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Rules and So Can You
How to conduct a HOSa Meeting by Jane Shovlin-Member National Association of Parliamentarians

2 Why Students like Power Parli Pro is Power Students love Parli Pro

3 How Make it relevant Make it easy Make it a success
Allow students to choose their club Make it easy Provide scripts and samples Make it a success Allow them to present using all their handouts and notes

4 Parli Pro Provides a voice for everyone Keeps meetings on track
Removes personal issues

5 Lesson Plan Hand out Notes Divide into groups of 6-8
Allow 5 minutes to choose A president, secretary, a club name and mission Ex: Students for open campus, SOC, Allow 15 minutes to prepare Have each group present using guidelines

6 State Standards This activity meets the following state employability standards 7.5 and 7.6 17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.8

7 Assessment and accountability
Use the presentation as a grade Add a written test to upper levels

8 Try it! This is the one place a little bit of knowledge is perfect.
Start slowly and build your knowledge base. Look for training for your local officers this September.

9 The Meeting We are adjourned!

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