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2nd Mini-Forum for Central West Electricity REM

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1 2nd Mini-Forum for Central West Electricity REM
EuroPEX Discussion Points Brussels, 20th of June 2006

2 Transparency – The Goals
Facilitating monitoring of market developments for both regulators and other stakeholders Promoting market participation resulting in increased competition and liquidity of the markets Levelling playfield for the different trading arrangements in similar products Reducing the risk that the data available provides a distorted picture of the markets and their openness to manipulation

3 Transparency – Consistency and Adequacy of Information Disclosure
Minimum standards to be applied EU-wide coverage – minimum set of information disclosed level of detail – unified for the minimum set of information definition – unified to allow effective use of information time resolution and updating frequency – simultaneously format – ready to use by IT systems Information is to be published rather than provided on request Public disclosure of effective ring-fencing and “firewalls” methods used between the grid operation branches and the rest of vertically integrated companies in order to raise trust in the markets

4 Transparency – PXs as Common Information Publishers
Improving effectiveness of information publishing and transparency single point of reference for market data in a jurisdiction timely and logically consistent disclosure of all relevant information in a jurisdiction (or more of them) PXs have no direct interest in the markets and can gain no advantage from withholding information independence from market participants non-discriminatory access to information disclosed proven capability to manage commercially-sensitive information technical competence and established information systems already in place PXs can facilitate cross-border access to information as their membership is already multinational

5 Market Coupling - Market design elements
Implicit auctions complemented by hedging instruments represent the most efficient solution to congestion management implicit auctions are the most efficient short-term method for congestion management financial Transmission Rights (FTRs) and, where sufficiently liquid compared to cross-border volumes, electricity derivatives are preferred hedging instruments physical Transmission Rights (PTRs) with UIOSI are possible interim solution Price difference bids (or ‘capacity bids’, but for firm flow obligations) if desired and beneficial to the market Implicit intra-day cross-border markets: continuous matching, or intraday market coupling, or both

6 Market Coupling - Governance of Market Coupling
Recognised as a critical issue PXs have a critical role in market coupling: provide orders, enable firm positions, clear and settle Governance needs to reflect roles and responsibilities of TSOs and PXs TSOs: capacity allocation according to regulation PXs: price formation, fair and orderly market, may be regulated Market coupling should be supported by a Central Coupling Office (CCO) – possibly jointly owned contractual interface to TSOs and PXs possible role of CCO in price formation limit regulation to existing scope, and may vary locally

7 Market Coupling - Way Forward
EuroPEX should play an active role on two aspects: need to define a longer-term model need to define a strategy for transition towards the longer-term model – how build on existing/planned arrangements? Institutional and governance issues are crucial in progressing towards a common approach to congestion management EuroPEX can facilitate consultation process across markets

8 EuroPEX Members’ Projects – CWE Region
Involved Countries Status GME Specific unilateral Market Splitting via virtual trading zone connected to Italy France, Austria, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland Operative Nord Pool Market Splitting over Kontek cable Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden OMEL Specific unilateral Market Splitting via virtual trading zone connected to Spain and Phase 1 of the Spain- France arrangement France, Morocco, Portugal, Spain APX, Belpex, Powernext TLC – Trilateral Market Coupling Belgium, France, Netherlands To be launched soon, subject to regulatory approval EEX OMC – Open Market Coupling Germany Regulatory Due Diligence APX, Belpex, Nord Pool, Powernext NorNed: extension/co-operation of Nord Pool & TLC – Market Coupling over NorNed cable Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden Common approach between 4 PXs and 4 TSOs APX, Belpex, Nord Pool, OMEL, Powernext Iberian-market & Nord Pool & TLC – Market Coupling of markets primarily belonging to separate market coupling/splitting mechanisms Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Morocco, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden Phase 1 (of 3 phases defined) approved by regulators of Spain and France

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