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Welcome ! Welcome everyone to the EuroHockey Outdoor Women’s Club Champions Challenge 11 in Vienna This event is been delivered in partnership with the.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome ! Welcome everyone to the EuroHockey Outdoor Women’s Club Champions Challenge 11 in Vienna This event is been delivered in partnership with the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tournament Briefing EuroHockey Club Champions Challenge ll Vienna, Austria 2nd to 5th June 2017

2 Welcome ! Welcome everyone to the EuroHockey Outdoor Women’s Club Champions Challenge 11 in Vienna This event is been delivered in partnership with the host club Navax AHTC and the local Organizing Committee The object of the meeting is to introduce the teams of EHF and Hosts and to cover the key technical aspects of the tournament.

3 ROLL CALL of TEAMS Navax AHTC (AUT) SV Arminen (AUT)
Whitchurch Saints(WAL) Edinburgh University WHC (SCO) Iris Hockey Lambersart (FRA) HC Rotweiss Wettingen (SUI) HC 1946 Praga (CZE) Black Boys HC Geneve (SUI)

4 Organisers Organising Committee of host club Marion Gero - organiser
Uschi Mohamed-Specht deputy organiser Susi Dvorak – Airport/Transport Susi Korper – meals and keys Medical cover – paramedics at pitch Website

5 EHF : Who’s who in the Officials Team
Tournament Director Anne Wotherspoon (SCO) Tel : Motel One Room 115

6 Technical Team TO - Caroline van de Leur(BEL)
Judges - Roberta Ilijsev (CRO) - Lesley Bayne (WAL) - Erhard Hiessmayr (AUT) - Reinhard Korper (AUT)

7 Umpires Manager and Umpires
Umpire Manager Dawn Bonner (ENG) Umpires Elena Eskina (RUS) Gillian Garrett (IRL) Rachel Williams(ENG) Carol Lewis (WAL) Claire Edwards (SCO) Magali Sergeant (BEL) Stepanka Smidova (CZE) Veronika Fechter (AUT) Karine Alves Pereira (FRA) Urszula Lapawa (POL)

8 Key Documents Managers are requested to study carefully the following documents: 2017 FIH Rules of Outdoor Hockey EHF Regulations Master for Club Competitions (April 2017) Appendix D for Club Challenge events ( April 2017) FIH General Tournament Regulations Outdoor Competitions May 2017 Appendix 1: variations to the Rules and Regulations Appendix 3 : ranking in the pools

9 FIH Tournament Regulations - Appendix 1
Suspensions Green Card (2 min) Yellow Card (minimum 5 min) Match timings Matches will be played in 4 periods of 15 minutes quarter time intervals of 2 minutes half time interval of 10 minutes 40s clock stoppages at PC Time stopped for goal – restarted when teams ready

10 FIH Tournament Regulations -Appendix 3 : progress in competition
Ranking in Pools Points Number of matches won Goal difference Goals for Result of match between those teams Field goals Shoot out competition

11 EHF Club Regulations APPENDIX D
Win = 5 pts Draw = 2 pts, Loss of no more than 2 = 1 pts Loss of more than 2 = 0 pts Top 2 teams promoted Bottom 2 teams relegated

12 Other Key Documents EHF Guidelines for Team Managers at club events
FIH Code of Conduct EHF Regulations on Discipline and Appeals EHF Social Media & Internet Guidelines FIH Anti-Corruption Regulations FIH Anti-Doping Policy The World Anti-Doping Code Prohibited List International Standard Valid WADA Prohibited List TUE Application Form You are expected to have read and understood these. Let us know if you have any problems.

13 Entry Form and other Forms
PLEASE PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING BEFORE YOU LEAVE: Final Entry Form everything checked! Form to be signed Team Manager Contact Details (mobile phone and addresses) Acknowledgement and Agreement Forms ( A and B)

14 The Venue Number of changing rooms: 4
Respect your time slot and keep the rooms clean Water : EHF update is that organizers are not obliged to provide this but you can come to an arrangement. Ice : available for medical use

15 Before the match Online submission of Team Entry Form: Minimum 60 minutes prior to the start of the match You have been sent log-in details You need to set up a password if you have not already done so Enter the Tournament Management System ( into your browser and then enter your address and password to log in. This will open a Competition page which lists current competitions.

16 Online submission of team entry form - 1
Please click on your competition EuroHockey Outdoor Women’s Clubs Champions Challenge ll, Vienna and another page will open which will show you the team list for your competition. Look down to your next match and you will see a column for ‘Line Up’ forms. The submission page will appear. All listed players are automatically selected for the match. The nominated captain, GK and team staff are also automatically selected for the match from the original entry form.

17 Online submission of team entry form - 2
Select the starting 11 – captain and team staff may be changed according to who is on the bench. Click submit. The TO should then be able to see the starting 11 on the match report. You can change the starting 11 as often as you like, up until the TO set the match to “Warm Up” - this usually happens about an hour (60 min.) before the match starts. The starting 11 will not be visible to public / media until the match is set to “ Warm Up” by the TO.

18 COMPOSITION OF A TEAM A maximum of 18 players may be used by a team in a match, of whom 2 must be goalkeepers wearing full protective equipment. If one of the goalkeepers becomes injured during a tournament, that team can continue to use 17 players including only 1 goalkeeper. If a team chooses not to include a second goalkeeper in the 18 players, they are limited to using 16 players in a match. If a player(s) has been suspended by the Tournament Director for one or more matches then, for those matches, the number of players the team concerned may use will be reduced by the number of players suspended.

19 Uniform Details All undergarments worn by players must be of the same colour as top garments (FIH Reg. 6.2) This does NOT apply to sweat bands or head bands ! Colours for each match to be determined by the TD.

20 Protective equipment 6.10 FIELD PLAYERS MUST
wear shin guards inside the socks and below the knee at all times during a match; wear any body protection (including leg protection) underneath normal playing clothing; Knee pads can be worn outside socks at PC provided they are the same colour as the socks not wear any additional protective equipment related to ‘medical reasons’ or similar as specified in the Rules of Hockey unless approved by the Tournament Director

21 Warm up and Warm Down Warm – up once pitch clear Please leave pitch as soon as possible after your match but no longer than 10 minutes AND all paperwork has been signed!!

22 TEAM VIDEO AREA Only 4 persons allowed, preference to the 2 teams on the match taking place. 9.10 Audible vocal communication from the videographer facility overlooking the field of play is not permitted by the personnel admitted to this facility.

23 GAME START PROTOCOL First named team shall sit to the left of the table as you look onto the pitch from the bench side. Official count down clock on the pitch, teams leave when clock on 0 – then it is 5 minutes to match start Captains toss coin at -6 minutes Teams should come off the pitch 5 mins before the start time Walk outs will be done for all games No anthems





28 During the match - substitution of players (Reg 8.4)
Team Managers are responsible for the proper application of the procedure of the substitution of players. Team managers are asked to co-operate with the TO on duty to manage this properly.

29 During the match - injured player or Goal Keeper
Entry by the physio/doctor to attend a player requires minimum of 2 minutes playing time off the field for the player, at the team bench area. Please note: this now includes Goal Keepers ! The player / GK can not be treated on the field, except in the case of immediate assistance needed to get the player from the field.

30 During the match injured or suspended GK (Rule 2.3)
At a penalty corner, a defending goalkeeper (ie wearing full protective equipment) who is injured or suspended may be substituted by another goalkeeper wearing full protective equipment or by a player with goalkeeping privileges. At a penalty corner, a defending player with goalkeeping privileges who is injured or suspended may be substituted by another player with goalkeeping privileges and not by a goalkeeper wearing full protective equipment. Basically a like for like substitution

31 During the match injured or suspended GK (Rule 2.3)
If a team has only field players, no substitution is permitted at a penalty corner until it has been completed. If the goalkeeper or player with goalkeeping privileges is suspended, the offending team plays with one less player.

32 During the match Discipline
Crowding of umpires by players will NOT be tolerated. If there are any such incidents, team captains will receive a personal penalty. FIH Code of Conduct (Regulations 15 and Appendix 12)

33 During the match Discipline
Managers You are responsible for the behaviour of your squad at all times You will, please, stand/sit closest to the table Coaches May not enter the field of play during playing time under any circumstances, except during a shoot out Must remain in the area designated by the TO on duty, but does not need to be seated All Vocal communication by team officials and or players on the team bench may not be directed at the technical officials, the umpires and/or players of the opposing side.

34 At the end of the game No matter what happens, no one should “rush” or abuse the umpires Sign the final match sheet – as soon as possible – order being by the Team Managers, the Umpires, the Technical Officials TO on duty will manage this process Team Managers must check the name and numbers of goal scorers BEFORE signing the match report form. Changes CANNOT be made once the report form has been signed.

35 Tackles Be strict on breaking down of play & intentional ‘stopping tackles’

36 Tackles A sliding tackle which takes down a player is a high risk, high penalty action.. =10 min Yellow Card

37 Playing the ball after the whistle
COMMUNICATE early – set STANDARDS Use cards once standard is set Inside the 23 m Stops attacker’s chance of a fair go towards goal – PC plus card Limited gain for the defence penalise only the involved player (card)

38 Aerial Balls Players can play the ball in a controlled manner at any height, provided this is not dangerous in itself or leading to dangerous play. Umpires will look for danger on the way up and down Players must stay 5m from receiver Poor skill will be penalised when the receiver makes the ball dangerous

39 Management of The Game DISSENT Unacceptable

40 Two is company – 3’s a CROWD
2 mins Ask for one player or show the appropriate penalty

41 Card Management Player may get 2 green cards (minor offences)
Players may be given two yellow cards (different offences) but time must be increased Second yellow for same offence, yellow then - Red

42 PROTESTS Protests needs to lodged by the Team Manager according to Section 16 of the FIH Tournament Regulations I.E. Immediately by writing directly below signature when signing the match report form. Give a written protest to be handed to the TO not later than 30 mins after completion of the match. Deposit five hundred Euros (€500) with the written protest.

43 Disciplinary Hearing Procedure
The Team Manager will be advised of the fact of a hearing and its time and place. The allegation(s) will also be advised. The hearing will be attended by the player and one representative if she/he desires, plus an interpreter if necessary. Details of the conduct and the information available will be presented. The player will be able to present material as to the fact of incident or penalty.

44 APPEALS / APPEAL JURY Eventual Appeals according to Section 17 in the FIH Tournament Regulations

45 Social Media: Players / Clubs – USE Social Media
Get the news out past the gates of the event Use #EHClub2017 so we can track/share on twitter so we can share Tag us on Instagram

46 Follow EuroHockey: Instagram – eurohockeyorg Twitter - @eurohockeyorg
FaceBook - Official results on

47 And finally… Good luck and enjoy the tournament!
If you have any queries during the tournament, please don’t hesitate to speak to me If you have any umpiring queries or comments please speak to the UM Dawn Bonner Good luck and enjoy the tournament!

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