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Programs and Services Advisory Council Friday, March 31, 2017

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1 Programs and Services Advisory Council Friday, March 31, 2017
Opening Thought Programs and Services Advisory Council Friday, March 31, 2017

2 Two Leadership Approaches to Think About…

3 Six Secrets of Change Love Your Employees Connect Peers with Purpose
Capacity Building Prevails Learning is the Work Transparency Rules Systems Learn

4 Responsive Classroom The Center for Responsible Schools

5 The Six Secrets of Success
Secret ONE is the foundation secret. However, the six secrets are interrelated and overlapping. They reinforce each other and result in multiple payoffs.

6 The FIRST Secret of Change
Love Your Employees If you build your organization by focusing on your customers without making the same careful commitment to your employees, you will not succeed.

7 The FIRST Secret of Change
Love your employees as much as your customers. Secret One is not only about social Responsibility and Caring for others. It is about sound strategies linked to Impressive outcomes. Secret One in Action Helping all employees to find meaning, increased skill development, and personal satisfaction in ways that fulfill their own and the organization’s goals.

8 Firms of Endearment Build a high-performance business on love.
Help people find the self-actualization they’re so desperately seeking. Don’t just talk about creating a happy, productive workplace: do it! Southwest Airlines is considered a Firm of Endearment. It is referenced in Resonant Leadership as a company with a thriving culture.

9 The Second Secret of Change
Connect Peers with Purpose The glue for achieving simultaneous tight-loose organizations is to be found more in purposeful peer interactions than in hierarchy. People don’t bond with their hierarchy…they bond with their peers. Secret Two in Action Create mechanisms for purposeful interaction. Stay involved but avoid micromanaging.

10 The Third Secret of Change
Capacity Building Prevails Capacity building prevails over criticism. Capacity building promotes a non-judgmental approach to feedback.

11 Non-judgmentalism “Assume to dictate to his judgment, or to command his action, or to mark him as one to be shunned or despised, and he will retreat within himself, close to all avenues to his head and heart; and tho’ your cause be naked truth itself, transformed to the heaviest lance harder than steel can be made, and tho’ you throw it with Herculean force and precision, you shall no more be able to pierce him than to penetrate the hard shell of a tortoise with a rye straw.” Abraham Lincoln

12 Capacity Building People who thrive here have a certain humility. They know they can get better, they want to learn from the best. We look for people who light up when they are around other talented people.

13 Responsive Classroom Principles
HOW adults learn is as important as WHAT they learn. (Secret 4: Learning is the Work.) To be successful in the workplace, adults need to learn a set of social and emotional skills that include cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self- control. Knowing the adults with whom we work – individually, culturally, and developmentally - is as important as knowing the content of our work. How we, the leadership, work together is as important as our individual competence. Lasting change begins with the leadership community.

14 Building Community Adult Morning Meeting – short form Greeting Sharing
Matching Numbers Sharing Maitre d’ Matching Cards using Math Facts Maitre d’ Describe a big project you are working on How is your work/home balance coming along? What would you appreciate today?

15 Love your employees Components of MM set the tone for respectful learning and establishes a climate of trust. The tone and climate of MM extend beyond the Meeting. MM motivates adults by addressing two human needs: the need to feel a sense of significance and belonging, and the need to have fun. The REPETITION of many ordinary moments of respectful interaction in MM enables some extraordinary moments. MM merges social, emotional, and intellectual learning.

16 A Thought and Then…A Discussion
How many of our meetings could we structure to start with a Greeting and a Quick Share?

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