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“It shouldn’t be like this!” “What has gone wrong with our world?”

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Presentation on theme: "“It shouldn’t be like this!” “What has gone wrong with our world?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “It shouldn’t be like this!” “What has gone wrong with our world?”

2 from perfection to sinful rebellion,
The Fall was terrible: from paradise to hell, from perfection to sinful rebellion, from joy to sorrow, from health to dis-ease, from a joyful marriage to blame & brokenness, from God’s friendship to God’s wrath, from LIFE to DEATH!

3 The Fall of Man: Sin entered the world
First – many angels rebelled against God, and were thrown out of heaven: Isaiah Satan is leader of the fallen angels (demons). Jesus said the devil is a murderer & liar. John 844 vs.1-7: The devil (serpent) twisted God’s Word. Adam & Eve obeyed the devil instead of God. vs.8-13: hiding from God [shame, fear, guilt]

4 Genesis 314-24: The Fall-out
Sin has consequences v.15a: Enmity between man & satan. v.15b: The promise of a Saviour, who will crush satan’s head. v.16: Marriage relationship is damaged. vs.17-19: Planet earth, the garden, is now hard work! Man is sentenced to death, dust to dust. Creation groans, Romans vs : Adam and Eve are banished from the garden by God the judge. Yet still God’s grace is shown to rebel sinners!

5 Fallen Sinners can be lifted up!
All men & women are imprisoned by Satan, but there is a way of escape: Redemption! Jesus crushed satan’s head, paying the ransom, & rising again, so slaves can be free. God still comes looking for lost, guilty sinners. John 316&19: don’t hide in the darkness. Listen to the voice of God calling you today.

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