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Welcome Parents of Diman Class of 2020

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1 Welcome Parents of Diman Class of 2020
Freshmen Parent Orientation August 2016 Welcome Parents of Diman Class of 2020

2 Today’s Agenda Welcome and Introductions
Schedule, Attendance, Dress Code School Conduct Exploratory & Placement Academics Summer Reading Fall Sports

3 Daily Schedule Passing Time – 3 Minutes 25 minutes for Lunch
First Warning Bell :30 am Second Warning Bell :35 am Third Warning Bell :40 am Last Warning Bell :43 am School Begins :45 am Period 1 7:45 – 8:28 am Period 2 8:31 – 9:14 am Period 3 9:17 – 10:00 am Period :03 – 10:46 am Period :49 – 12:02 pm First Lunch 10:49 – 11:14 am Second Lunch 11:17–11:42 am Third Lunch 11:45–12:10 am Fourth Lunch 12:13 –12:37 pm Fifth Lunch 12:41–1:06 am Period :13 – 12:56 pm Period :59 – 1:42 pm Period 8 1:45 – 2:28 pm Passing Time – 3 Minutes 25 minutes for Lunch

4 Academic Schedule A week & B Week 8 Periods Daily
Each day is A, B, C, or D – will rotate each day Lunch Period Double & Single Block Periods There are eight 43 minute periods per day The schedule rotates day to day (A – D) There are two academic weeks A and B Math, English and Biology are double period classes Your lunch period will be determined by your 5th period class You will eat with your shop mates during your shop cycle

5 Attendance Policy In the case of an absence, a parent/guardian should call the Dean of Students office to report the absences. Student MUST bring documentation upon return to school. Students are responsible for ANY work missed during absence. 2 Day Policy This includes during a week change.

6 Attendance Policy 4 or more Unexcused Absences in a trimester = Attendance Failure 4 Unexcused Tardies and/or Dismissals = 1 Unexcused Absence The MAXIMUM number of Unexcused Absences for the year is 9. Any student with 10 or more Unexcused Absences for the year will receive Attendance Failure A student exceeding 4 unexcused absences in shop or academic class during a trimester will receive a grade of no greater than 60 for that trimester 4 unexcused tardies or dismissals will equal 1 unexcused absence

7 School Approved Absences
Doctor's note for an absence for the day the student is absent. The medical note must indicate the dates the student was unable to attend school. Appointment cards are not acceptable. Death of a relative/funeral leave. Court – must be verified by court paper, summons, and subpoena. Religious observance License/permit appointment All other reason not listed above that are unusual will be reviewed by the Dean of Students on a case by case basis.

8 Attendance A parent note or phone call is not considered an Excused Absence All absences require Proper Documentation upon return to school to the Dean of Students. Failure to comply will result in Disciplinary Action and/or Attendance Failure

9 Family vacations Family Vacations are NOT EXCUSED
Families should avoid taking any vacations during school days. Students will be require to attend Credit Recovery (Saturdays 8-12) to make up time upon returning to school, if days exceed Absence Policy. It is not to exceed 5 school days Parent notification must be received in writing at least 2 weeks in advance Students must obtain a vacation assignment form from the Dean of Students office Students must complete all assignments within 2 weeks of returning to school

10 Dress Code All students are expected to come to school neat and clean in dress and appearance The following is not permitted: Excessively short skirts/shorts (FINGER-TIP RULE) Bare midriffs/belly shirts Muscle shirts/tank tops Inappropriate logos and slogans Clothing with external metal parts/long chains Frayed or torn clothing Hats, caps, flip flops, sandals, bandanas Gang identification YOGA OR ANY TIGHT fitting pants unless you have a long shirt reaching fingertip length over them. SHORTS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN ANY SHOP!!

11 Exploratory Schedule 12 shops Shop Placement in January
Determination of placement  Quality of work, Effort, Potential, Conduct in every shop explored. You will explore 8 shops from August through December, all day for one week (sometimes less if holiday) The 3 shops you listed on your application should be listed on your schedule along with 5 others You will follow the schedule dates listed for each of your shops Shop placement will take place in January and is based on performance in exploratory You are evaluated in the following areas: quality of work, effort, potential, conduct/attitude, and amount of work completed. Your lunch during exploratory will be either 4th or 5th depending on shop assignment

12 Exploratory uniform Safety Glasses Black T-Shirt Jeans Belt
Steel- toed boots Hair Restraint

13 NO ripped or frayed clothing. Full length pants ONLY.
Exploratory Uniform NO ripped or frayed clothing. Full length pants ONLY. NO SHORTS NO sweatpants allowed.

14 additional safety requirements
Health Careers: NO finger nail polish Culinary Arts: NO fingernail polish; nails cut 1/16 from end of finger

15 Grading Policy and Report Cards
Trimesters – November, March, June Minimum passing grade 65 Attendance impact on grades 35 credits to be promoted to next grade level Must pass ELA and Mathematics Students will receive 3 report cards during the school year 65 (D) is the minimum passing grade Grades are based on class participation, assignments, tests and homework Poor attendance will have a negative impact on student grades Each year you are required to pass English, Math, Shop, Shop Related and earn a minimum of 35 credits to be promoted. Every teacher will give you his/her classroom shop rules and regulations

16 Extra Help RISE- before school
EXTENDS – after school Tuesdays and Thursdays Teacher extra help days Each teacher has an assigned day to stay after school for extra help or makeup work The EXTENDS program is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school from 2:45-3:45 for homework help and transportation home is available

17 School Conduct and Regulations
All violations are subject to Detention, Saturday School, and/or Suspension according to the Student Handbook. Food or drink outside the cafeteria during lunch Misbehavior in the cafeteria, corridor, or on school grounds Failure to observe student use of automobile regulations Public displays of affection Failure to have student ID in his/her possession Behavior which interferes with the learning process Failure to report to teacher’s detention Misuse of school documents/equipment Possession or use of cell phones, cameras or ipods during the school day Defiance/insubordination or lack of respect to a school employee Unauthorized area during lunch

18 Serious School Conduct and Regulations
All violations are subject to Saturday School and/or Suspension according to the Student Handbook. Knowingly being present where drugs/alcohol are being kept or used Fighting Assault or threats Extortion or intimidation False alarm or bomb threat Deliberately disrupting the school day Any form of harassment/bullying Verbal abuse Theft Forgery/plagiarism Refusal to identify oneself to school personnel Failure to repeatedly have an ID in possession Possession of weapon other than a firearm

19 Serious School Conduct
All violations are subject to Suspension and/or Exclusion according to the Student Handbook. Behavior that presents danger of physical harm to self or others Inappropriate use of the internet Hazing Possession of a firearm Arson or attempted arson Assault and/or battery Selling/possession/use of drugs or alcohol Vandalism

20 Summer Reading Assignments
READ! – All information can be found on Diman Website under “Summer Assignments” 5% of YOUR Year to Date Average Make sure you complete the assignment Test on the first day of academics Do not forget to read your summer reading book You will be tested on the book on your first day of Academics The grade on the test could count up to 15% of your 1st trimester grade

21 Fall Sports All information about fall sports can be found on the website under “Athletics”. Students must register through “Family ID”. Cross Country (boys and girls) Soccer (boys and girls) Football Cheerleading Volleyball Golf

22 Address and Phone Number Changes
Moving? Phone number change? Fill out a notification form in the Guidance Office! If you move or change your phone number at any time please be sure to complete a change of address/phone form in the PPS/Guidance Office

23 First Day 1st Day of School Aug. 31st –12:00 dismissal
A Weeks in Academics B Weeks in Shop 2nd Day of School Sept. 1st –12:00 dismissal B Weeks in Academics A Weeks in Shop 3rd Day of School September 6th Full Day Begin 2 week cycle B Weeks in Shop!

24 Diman’s Website
All Contact Information Teacher Addresses School Calendar Bus Routes Lunch Menus Aspen Portal An excellent resource for students and parents for all school related information addresses for all teachers are available

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