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BaMa in Europe: Origin and Implementation

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1 BaMa in Europe: Origin and Implementation

2 EUROPE 1992 = Single Market CAPITAL + GOODS + PERSONS
PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY Qualifications? Recognition? HOME COUNTRY – ABROAD – CROSS BORDER EDUCATION SYSTEM: - national history - national authority (not EU) CAETS

Language + Cultural EU programs increase mobility (Erasmus/Socrates) Access to Profession -Different rules + mechanisms + conditions Engineering: P, Sp, Gr, It (regulated) B (limited)  Nl (only title) -Difference diplomas/degrees: contents + study length... CAETS

3. Transparency Diplomas / Degrees Engineering: B,D,Gr,P,...(3y/4y/5y) Nl (3y/ y/5y) It (5y) UK: BaMa (4y Eng./5y Scot.) Fr : Grandes EcolesUniv. Access: high school- O/A levels- exam/concours Contents: engineering  science (e.g. Computer ) Confusion: ‘vocational drift’  ‘academic drift’ Need for HARMONISATION! CAETS

5 4. Other problems. Globalisation: e.g. comparability to US degrees
Competition for int’l student flows Long duration of study trajects (e.g. Nl/D in practice?) Lack of flexibility (structure, contents, access) Transfer between programs Life long learning Problem for: Students + Professionals + Universities + Employees Problem for EU: how to increase mobility? establish knowledge economy? face int’l competition in science/technology? CAETS

- SEFI-index - FEANI register (+ Eur. Ing.) - CLAIU-register - ERT-efforts NATIONAL INITIATIVES UK (92): Polytecnics  Univ (44 125) SP: 6 yr  5yr Nl: 5yr  4yr 5yr FR (98): Comm. Attali: model FR (95): mastaire CAETS

7 SORBONNE Declaration (25-05-98) FR+UK+D+It
Principle = Harmonisation Standard=Ba Ma BOLOGNA Declaration ( ) 29 Min. of Educ. (EU+...)+ consent Universities Purpose: ‘to create a European space for higher education in order to enhance the employability and mobility of citizens and to increase the international competiveness of European education’. CAETS

8 - stimulate European integration process
General Objectives - stimulate European integration process - increase readibility of degrees/diplomas - increase employability (1st degree) - remove barriers to mobility - enforce quality assurance (standards + accreditation) - increase flexibility (life long learning) Specific Objectives - Diploma supplement - ECTS compatible credits CAETS

9 - national responsibility (legislation)
Implementation - national responsibility (legislation) - DD = 2010 - road map follow-up Prague (2001) - Berlin (2003) Bergen (2005) – London (2007) Where do we stand? It’s still a mess... but we are on the way... CAETS

10 Overview of progress on the deadlines (BERLIN) monitored since 2005
BOLOGNA SCORECARD Overview of progress on the deadlines (BERLIN) monitored since 2005 Three action lines: Two-cycle system Quality assurance Recognition of degrees and study periods CAETS

11 Accreditation Systems General system  Specific
National System  Multinational Ex: - NVAO = Nl + B (Fl) - UK: Engineering Council - P: Ordem dos Engenheiros - Fr: Commission du Titre CAETS

12 Example: B (Flanders) 3-tier system:
Distinction: professional / academic degrees Universities: Eng.: 2+3  3 (Ba) + 2 (Ma) Science: 2+2  3+1 or 3 +2 HE: 3 yr (grad)  3 yr (Prof Ba) 4 yr (ing)  2+2 3 +1 Association Univ / HE: 1 Univ + x HE schools CAETS

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