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Single-Scan Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy

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1 Single-Scan Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy
7th CCPN Workshop, Ambleside, England, August 2, 2007 Single-Scan Multidimensional NMR Spectroscopy Lucio Frydman Department of Chemical Physics Weizmann Institute - Israel zx 2D 1H-15N HMQC NMR spectrum of 2 mM 15N-enriched Ubiquitin in H2O 1H Shift [ppm] 9 8 7 129 108 115 122 15N Shift [ppm] Total acquisition time: 85 ms

2 Eventually, we end up with too many peaks…
Why is it that Chemists “love” NMR? Because what we get from its spectra is very simple: One Site - One Frequency - One Peak Two Sites - Two Frequencies - Two Peaks A direct atom-by-atom picture of a molecule, mapping chemical structure into sharp spectral peaks appearing at predictable frequency positions Cholesterol NMR Spectrum Eventually, we end up with too many peaks…

3 And yet, where do we get these “two times” from?
The solution to this embarrassment of riches: 2D NMR “2D time-domain experiments: A signal s(t1,t2) is measured as a function of two independent time variables defined by suitable segmentation of the time axes, and is converted by 2D Fourier transformation into a 2D frequency-domain spectrum S(1,2)” Significant improvement in the resolution of the NMR spectra (2 dims vs. 1 dim) New information about inter-nuclear correlations unavailable in the 1D Paradigm for other branches of spectroscopy 2D 1H-1H TOCSY NMR - Antanamide (Ernst, Noble Lecture, 1991) And yet, where do we get these “two times” from?

4 The Jeener-Ernst canonical scheme of 2D NMR:
We get the two desired variables by giving them very different roles in the sampling of the time-domain: t2 is a physical time; t1 is monitored in a point-wise, scan-by-scan fashion 1D NMR: Single-scan (sub-second) 2D NMR: Series of 1D NMR acquisitions (minutes) 3D NMR: Series of 2D NMR acquisitions (hours)

5 Nowadays not only Chemists & Biochemists love NMR…
Physicians do so too Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) NMR Spectroscopy w=gBo Bo constant Sample (H2O) NMR Imaging B(z) = Bo + Gz w = gBo + gG.z Profile (z) z

6 The typical MRI exam is also carried out as a 2D/3D NMR Experiment
Y axis Y X axis Z X

7 => S(kx,ky) = ∫∫r(x,y)exp[i(kxx+kyy)]dxdy
MRI practitioners have their own domain: k-Space In MRI: Gradients help encode the “interactions” x, y kx = Gxt1 ky = Gyt2 => => S(kx,ky) = ∫∫r(x,y)exp[i(kxx+kyy)]dxdy S(t1,t2) = ∫∫ r(x,y) exp[i(t1.Gxx+t2 .Gyy)] dxdy Get the image by 2D FT vs kx,ky; wavenumbers in reciprocal space Gx tx Gy ty kx ky FT imaging Gx Gy t kx ky Back-Project Gx Gy t ty kx ky Spin-Warp

8 Gradients: Windings & Echoes Sxcos(gGtz)+Sysin(gGtz)
Due to their man-made nature, MRI interactions are 100% reversible. This gives an opportunity to “echo” their effects: t G=∂B/∂z RF t W(z) = gGz t W(z) = -gGz UNWINDINGGradient echo taking spins back to Sx In the beginning: Sz M My z,Mz Sx M My z,Mz Sxcos(gGtz)+Sysin(gGtz) WINDING: no signal over the sample

9 Gradient echoes enable 2D MRI to be carried out in an “Ultrafast” mode (Mansfield, 1976; Nobel Prize in Medicine 2003) Gx Gy t Echo Planar Imaging  Functional MRI kx ky

10 M+(z) ≈ exp[iCW1z]: NO OVERALL SIGNAL
2D NMR spectroscopy can also be carried out “Ultrafast” Starting point: An alternative way to collect 1D NMR data based on encoding the MR interactions along a Spatial Domain The Principle: Excite different z’s as a function of t Excitation Offset / Excitation Time Sample Position (z) ∂O Ge = ____ ∂z Spins are excited and begin evolving under the action of an internal W1 z Mx My z Mx My z Mx My z Mx My z My z Slope=C-1 D t 2D N 1 Start This process creates a shift-driven winding of the x-y magnetization: M+(z) ≈ exp[iCW1z]: NO OVERALL SIGNAL

11 Integrated Bloch equations in the presence of +Ga
An acquisition gradient can then unravel the W1 evolution frequencies - revealing them as echoes Chemical shift #1 >> Chemical shift #2 Integrated Bloch equations in the presence of +Ga Behavior of 5 slices illustrated for simplicity. Actual signals (bottom) calculated assuming a 17-slices excitation. z Position Overall Signal Acq. Time (a k, a n1)

12 Why bother with this strange approach to monitor NMR aided by a “spatial” domain?
Because the gradient-driven decoding process is 100% reversible, and hence it can be used to monitor an array of k/n1 spectra as a function of an acquisition time t2: Physical dwell time k/n1 (pre-mixing spectrum, no FT required) t2 (encodes post-mixing frequencies, needs FT) Sampled points rf G O i N1 +Ge Dt1 -Ge t2 Regular Mixing +Ga -Ga Ta FT of these data along t2 can therefore yield 2D NMR correlations within a single scan

13 A closer look at two ways of retrieving 2D NMR spectra:
In traditional time-encoded 2D NMR We detect and we get what we want by 2D FT In spatially-encoded 2D NMR (where t1 = C.z) We detect and we get what we want by calling -k/C=n1, and doing a 1D FT

14 Ultrafast 2D NMR has been implemented on a number of platforms
Single-scan H,H-COSY on Ethanol Philips 3T/80 cm (in collaboration with W. Köckenberger, Sir P. Mansfield MRC., Nottingham) n1 (6 ppm) n2 (6 ppm) TOCSY Spectra on Mouse Brain: 300/89 Varian (w/OVS & Vapour water suppression) 256 (64 t1 points) scans 4 (ultrafast) scans

15 Some recent (800 MHz + cryoprobe) biomolecular examples
15N-1H 2D HMQC NMR spectrum; 2.3 mM 15N-Ubiquitin 85 ms acquisition time 1H shift [ppm] 15N shift [ppm] 1H shift [ppm] 13C shift [ppm] 13C-1H 2D HSQC NMR spectrum; 1.0 mM U(15N,13C)-protein A 60 ms acquisition time

16 Sensitivity-wise… we should pay a price per scan due to the simultaneous sampling of two domains (larger bandwidth needed) but we seem to be paying an additional sensitivity overhead Grad H N DEC FID 1/2J /2 π Time-domain signal (kpoints) Signal amplitude (a.u.) As-collected FID Ubiquitin (280 K) Time-domain signal (kpoints) Signal amplitude (a.u.) Identical conditions No gradients or RF chirps

17 Ultrafast 2D Hyperpolarized NMR
(7T direct-excite NMR expts in collaboration with D. Blazina, OIMBL) Single-Scan (0.15 sec) 2D HSQC NMR on a hyperpolarized pyridine solution in CD3OD [pyridine] = 0.47 mM Single-Scan 2D HSQC NMR (0.13 sec) on 15N-labeled hyperpolarized urea in CD3OD [urea] = 200 nM Natural abundance

18 2 mM U-(15N,13C)-Leu-Ala-Phe
Ultrafast NMR and higher-dimensional acquisitions: Accelerated 3D HNCO on a fully-labeled tripeptide N 2 p p p/2 D t 3 1H 15N 13CO 13C G D' F1 2 mM U-(15N,13C)-Leu-Ala-Phe 128 total scans Amide region peaks Acq time: 85 sec F3 (NH proton) F1 (NH nitrogens) F2 (CO carbons) 14 ppm 1.7 ppm 16 ppm

19 3D HNCO Acq time: 155 sec 2 mM U-(15N,13C)-Ubiquitin
6-10 ppm 2 mM U-(15N,13C)-Ubiquitin @ 500 MHz (RT probe) 16 t2 increments; 256 total scans. Longitudinally-optimized HSQC-type sequence (BEST w/SLR pulses); amide region peaks 3D HNCO Acq time: 155 sec ppm F1 (NH nitrogens) ppm F2 (CO carbons) F3 (NH proton)

20 Yet another possibility: 3D NMR in a Single Scan
Spatial encoding of a 2D correlation eiCzn1.z eiCxn2.x S(kx,kz,t3) ≈ eikzz.eikxx.ein3t3 Mixing #1 Mixing #2 D t 3 1 2 rf G z N x 4 T a

21 3D HNCO UFNMR of U-15N/13C Leu-Ala-Phe
2 p p p/2 D t 3 1H 15N 13CO 13C Gz Gx D' F1 F2 1 F3 1H F2 13C F1 15N t3 kx kz Interlaced FT: Integrated Processing of all Data 2 sec total acquisition time 2 mM in d6-DMSO; 2 phase-cycled 11.7 T

22 Then the spatial encoding… and a ki=∫Gi(t’)dt’ sampling…
In general… Given a gradient set Gi = {∂Bo/∂Pi }i=1-n, based on Pi(r) geometries such that ∫Pi(r)Pj(r)d3r = dij (as in shimming coils) Then the spatial encoding… rf G1 G2 Gn eiC1n1P1.eiC2n2P2 … eiCnnnPn N 1 D t 2 Exc Mix n and a ki=∫Gi(t’)dt’ sampling… k0 =∫P0dt=t ki kj S(k)= eik0n0 . eik1P1.eik2P2 … eiknPn …will furnish a signal from which an (n+1)D NMR spectrum could become available within a single scan

23 R. Battacharyyha (solids), S. Raz (high-res), F. Kramer (opt. control)
Acknowledgements POSTDOCS: R. Battacharyyha (solids), S. Raz (high-res), F. Kramer (opt. control) GRADUATE STUDENTS: B. Shapira (UF,high-res), Y. Shrot (UF, in vivo), M. Mishkovsky (UF), N. Ben-Eliezer (MRI), A. Tal (MRI), M. Gal (UF, dynamics), Z. Noy (CIDNP, DNP) COLLABORATORS: H. Degani, B. Brutscher, R. Esposito, R. Griffin, B. Blümich, W. Köckenberger, Bruker, Varian, OIMBL Ilse Katz MR Center zx Horowitz Foundation EC Our sponsors:

24 Thank You

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