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Year 5 Mental Maths Facts Quiz Beginner Level

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Presentation on theme: "Year 5 Mental Maths Facts Quiz Beginner Level"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 5 Mental Maths Facts Quiz Beginner Level

2 How many seconds in a minute and a half?

3 How many weeks in half a year?

4 How many days are there in June and July together?

5 What is 17:00 in 12 hour (analogue) time?

6 What is 11.30pm in 24 hour (digital ) time?

7 Name this angle obtuse

8 Name this angle acute

9 Name this triangle Isosceles triangle

10 What is the size of the missing angle?
25 155

11 What is the size of the missing angle?
30 60

12 What is a half as a decimal?

13 What is a quarter as a percentage?

14 What is 0.1 as a fraction? 1 10

15 What is 20% as a decimal? 0.2

16 What is 0.01 as a fraction? 1 100

17 What are the first 3 prime numbers?
2, 3, 5

18 What is 5 ? 2 25

19 What is the square root of 9?

20 What is the perimeter of this rectangle?
4cm 12cm 32 cm

21 What is the area of this rectangle?
4cm 12cm 48 cm 2

22 Convert 2 kilograms to grams.

23 Convert 33 millimetres to centimetres.

24 What’s a quarter of a litre in millilitres?
250 ml

25 What’s 4 kilometres in metres?

26 0.2 + ? = 1 0.8

27 ? = 1 0.75

28 How many faces does a cube have?

29 What is this shape called?
pentagonal based pyramid

30 What is this shape called?

31 How many vertices does a triangular prism have?

32 What number does this Roman Numeral represent VII?

33 What number does this Roman Numeral represent LX?

34 What number does this Roman Numeral represent M?

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