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The YELLOW Edges Lesson 8 Lesson 6 Review Lesson Extension

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1 The YELLOW Edges Lesson 8 Lesson 6 Review Lesson Extension
Rubik’s Trivia Vocabulary Lesson Focus Lesson Review

2 PP2 GOAL: The YELLOW Edges The goal of this stage is to solve the YELLOW edges - the final step to solving the Rubik’s Cube.

3 REVIEW from The YELLOW Corners
With YELLOW as the UP face Find a face (other than the YELLOW or WHITE face) that has matching TOP layer corners: Twist the UP face until two horizontal corners (shown as AB or CD) match with the center piece color on three faces. If you do not have two horizontal corners matching on the TOP layer: Twist the UP face until one set of diagonal corners (shown as AD or BC) match with the center piece color on three faces. Position the cube so the matching horizontal corners are on the BACK layer. Follow the algorithm to solve for all the TOP row corners: PP3 REVIEW from The YELLOW Corners To get the YELLOW corners:

4 The direction the hands on a clock move
PP4 Clockwise The direction the hands on a clock move

5 The opposite direction the hands on a clock move
Counter - Clockwise The opposite direction the hands on a clock move

6 Lesson Focus Make sure ALL the corners are in the correct position.
Find the face (other than YELLOW or WHITE) that is completely solved. Position the solved face as the BACK face If you DO NOT have three solved faces, choose any face as the BACK face and complete the algorithm: OR PP6 Lesson Focus

7 Lesson Focus With the third solved face as the BACK face,
look at the edge piece on the TOP layer. Decide whether the edges should move Clockwise along the TOP layer to solve the cube E to F F to G G to E Counter-Clockwise along the TOP layer to solve the cube. E to G G to F F to E PP7 Lesson Focus

8 PP8 If the edge pieces on the TOP layer should move clockwise (toward the face to the RIGHT): E to F, F to G, G to E, then: If the edge pieces on the TOP layer should move counter-clockwise (toward the face to the LEFT): E to G, G to F, and F to E, then: Lesson Focus

9 PP9 Occasionally, solving the YELLOW edges will not solve the cube completely. It may solve each of the faces of each layer, but the TOP layer will not match the MIDDLE Layer or BOTTOM layer. If the TOP layer does not match the other layers, twist the TOP layer until all the faces are complete. Troubleshooting

10 Does your Rubik’s Cube look like this?
Examine your Rubik’s Cube PP10 GOAL: The YELLOW Edges The goal of this stage is to solve the YELLOW edges - the final step to solving the Rubik’s Cube. Does your Rubik’s Cube look like this?

11 You have achieved The YELLOW Edges
PP11 Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! You have achieved The YELLOW Edges

12 Review Find the face (other than the YELLOW or
WHITE face) that is completely solved and position as the BACK face. If there is not a third solved face, complete one of the algorithms below, then reposition the cube with the solved face as the BACK face. Decide whether the edge pieces should move clockwise along the TOP layer to solve the cube or counter-clockwise to solve the cube. If the edge piece on the TOP layer should move clockwise: counter-clockwise: PP12 Review

13 PP13 If, after solving for all the YELLOW edges, the faces are not complete matches, we will have to twist the TOP layer until the faces are complete. This is similar to solving math problems. Sometimes, the answer we get at a certain step in the problem is not the intended solution for the problem. Lesson Extension How does this lesson apply to math?

14 Lesson Extension For example: What percent of 100 is 20?
As a number sentence that question is written: Wx100 = 20 By dividing each side by 100, we get 0.2. The solution to the problem is not complete. Even though .2 is the answer to W x 100 = 20, the original question asked: What percent? So, 0.2 must be changed to a percent by moving the decimal over two places. The solution to “What percent of 100 is 20?” is 20%. PP14 Lesson Extension How does this lesson apply to math? w x 100 = 20 w = .2 0.2 = 20%

15 Answer: There are about 43 quintillion configurations.
PP15 Question: There are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 possible configurations. About how many configurations are there? Answer: There are about 43 quintillion configurations. The number is read: 43 quintillion, 252 quadrillion, 3 trillion, 274 billion, 489 million, 856 thousand.

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