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Presentations Essay planning

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1 Presentations Essay planning
GCSE Lesson 12 Mice and Men video – Curley’s wife Candy’s dog Date  w/b 9/11/15 Tutor Judith Williams / Nikkie Fisher Course/ Code W224Y15 W315Y15 B451Y15 Location Ambleside, Rm 3 Ambleside, Rm 18 Belfairs. Start Time 7.00pm 12.30pm Finish Time 9.30pm 3.00pm Support Tutor Matthew Hann (Tues) Sarah Anne Cooper (Weds) Vols Session Topic : Character Analysis : Curly Structuring a whole piece of text Presentation skills Introduction to the Spoken Language Unit Learning Objectives: Formal Assessment or Curriculum Link If applicable  Unit 3 : Explore the ways writers present strong feelings and attitudes. English, maths & ICT embedded in session: Organising information / Using memory strategies/ strategies to get words on to paper Extended skills embedded in session: Speaking in a group. Differentiation for learners By outcome EME 1:1 support from support tutors. CON EST Encourage additional research into past papers. Equality and diversity Presentations Essay planning 1

2 Aim of the Session Presentations
Analysis of John Steinbeck’s techniques in relation to Curley (the ways he presents feelings and attitudes) Write a PEED paragraph at the Grade Band you are working towards.

3 Learning Objectives Use language skills to give an oral presentation.
By the end of the session you have learnt to: Use language skills to give an oral presentation. Take succinct notes. Identify and analyse appropriate quotes from a text in relation to Curly. Organise writing into a PEED paragraph. Recognise how to structure a full answer for the CA Recognise the brief outline for the Spoken Language Unit in order to complete the homework brief for the Christmas period Learning Objective:. To write personal targets Time: 7.30pm mins CSPAR: Connect/ present Tutor Activity: Explain what is being covered and provide examples of individual targets that can be set Support: Support learners on his list to ensure that they have set targets and he knows what he might support them with in the session. Learner activity: Learners to look at the generic class objectives and identify what they will personally need to work on to achieve this target and write in ILP. Higher Order Thinking Skills: Questioning what they might need to develop – can go back to ILP to refer to. Checks on learning: observation; Q&A. Resources: Computer and IWB/ ILPs

4 Have you marked off the date of your presentation in your ILP?

5 Overview of ‘Of Mice and Men’
Answer the following: Name the ‘person’ in which the novella is written (1st, 2nd, 3rd person). Steinbeck does not explicitly tell the reader what the characters are thinking apart from one part – what/where is this? How does Steinbeck structure the novella? How does Steinbeck show place/ time/settings in the novella? How does Steinbeck show language/symbolism in the novella?

6 Presentations Lauren – Donna - Michael – Salman – Tracey - Anita –
Sam - Presentations Learning Objective:. To give a presentation on a topic related to OMAM Time: 8.00pm mins CSPAR: Present/ review Tutor Activity: To ask learners to say what persuasive devices they are using. Nikkie to take notes for group 1/ Mathew to take notes for group 2. Support: support to help Elana with her nerves. Learner activity: Confirm understanding of the requirements of the CA. Higher Order Thinking Skills: Learners to take notes and ask questions that challenge the presenter. Checks on learning: observation; Q&A. Resources: Computer and IWB

7 Top Tips Confidently convey information and emphasise key points
Use a range of vocabulary (interesting words) Use standard English (when appropriate) Adapt non-verbal features- think about body language, the tone and volume of your voice, look at the audience Use humour! Interest the audience- get them involved, show clips/images/objects Use persuasive techniques- short powerful sentences, rule of 3, repetition, rhetorical questions Anecdotes (personal stories to highlight a point)



10 Structuring your Controlled assessment
Plan your ideas and find the quotes to back up what you are saying. These can be around: structure/ theme/ place/ time/ setting/language/symbolism, but must relate to the essay title. Make some notes on your analysis of each, trying to apply key literary terms when you can. Introduction Main analysis Conclusion Learning Objective:. Recognise how to structure a controlled assessment Time: 8.50pm 10 mins CSPAR: Present/apply Tutor Activity: Explain the structure and answer questions. Provide some study skills support with strategies to put ideas on to paper. Support: Mathew to support the learners on his list to ensure that they are able to take notes on the topic and support them with study skills ideas to put their words in to writing Learner activity: To actively listen and take notes/ to ask questions Higher Order Thinking Skills: Checks on learning: observation; Q&A. Resources: Computer and IWB

11 Starting your essay The aim to starting your essay is to show that you have understood the title, introduce the reader to the topic and what you will be discussing to be able to answer the question. Here are two different ways to start: Q: How did Dickens build drama and tension in the first chapter of Great Expectations? ‘Great Expectations’ is a story filled with intrigues and drama. Dickens makes effective use of a variety of dramatic techniques throughout the sort in order to fluctuate the tension and keep the reader interested. Dickens also uses a variety of more common linguistic techniques to help portray the tension that is so apparent in the story. I am going to analyse to what extent these techniques are used and if any other factors contribute to the creation of drama and tension in the first chapter. Or The first example of Dicken’s ability to create drama and tension comes on line 16 of chapter one. Here we see Dickens beginning the description of the graveyard in which Pip, the protagonist, stands. Dickens uses dramatic irony to …this has a secondary effect of….

12 Finishing your essay It is just as important to round up your piece of writing well, as it is to have a strong, clear start. The aim of the conclusion is to sum up the key point from what you have identified in your main body. Do not introduce new points at this time.

13 Watch the video to find the answers to these questions:
The following video will help you to get some ideas on how to structure your essay. MU75DCc (9) Watch the video to find the answers to these questions: How many quotes should you use if you are aiming for a ‘C’ grade? How many quotes should you use if you are aiming for an ‘A’ grade? What sort of phrases could you use in your writing? We have suggested 5 or 6 ideas for a C grade, but if you would like to extend to a B or A grade you do need to write 8-9 ideas, as suggested in the video.



16 Point evidence explain develop

17 Explore the ways Steinbeck present strong feelings and/or attitudes.

18 Structure of the novella
Watch the you tube video and take notes to help you to identify how to comment on structure in your CA. 2DSpapI




22 Analysing a quote As a group, work together to identify several key quotes to identify a feeling/ strong attitude for Curley. You will need to start at the beginning of the book and look for extracts that show how is character progresses (you can get ideas from the quotes already discussed and those mentioned on Moodle). You can write this on a pyramid, as they do in the you tube clip, to help you. Analyse the quotes. Write a PEED paragraph about one of these quotes. Continue any tasks not completed for homework Learning Objective:. Recap on last week’s session/ previous learning Time: 9.00pm mins CSPAR: Connect/review Tutor Activity: Support individual learners to answer by asking specific learners/ extend learners answer with use of questions Support: Mathew to support the learners on his list to ensure that they understand the questions and know what they need to do. Learner activity: Higher Order Thinking Skills: Checks on learning: observation; Q&A. Resources: Computer and IWB

23 Introduction to Spoken Language Study
The next unit will be Unit 3c Spoken Language Study As part of this unit you will record and analyse a conversation. In preparation for your Christmas ‘Explore the characteristics of features of spoken language used by different members of your family.’ Discuss what conversations might be interesting to record.

24 ILP – Review of Learning
Please complete the ‘after the session’ section of your ILP. vtM9_c Mice and Men ending Learning Objective: Consolidate learning through review. Time: 9.20pm / 2.50pm CSPAR: REVIEW Tutor Activity: Question learners to ascertain their learning and to prompt deep reflections. Support: Circulate and ask questions of individuals. Monitor the completion of ILPs. Learner activity: Learners to reflect on what they have learnt this lesson. Did they achieve the lesson objectives? Higher Order Thinking Skills: Checks on learning: observation; Q&A. Resources:

25 Homework Watch the videos used in the session to ensure that you have fully understood how you can include structure as one of the areas to comment upon and also how to structure your controlled assessment. Produce a plan for your CA Continue any activities not complete in class h/extendedreading/controlledassessmentrev3.sht ml

26 End of Session

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