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7.2: Nationalism “…figure is not known as an Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the truth, the Turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird”

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Presentation on theme: "7.2: Nationalism “…figure is not known as an Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the truth, the Turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird”"— Presentation transcript:

1 7.2: Nationalism “…figure is not known as an Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the truth, the Turkey is in comparison a much more respectable bird” - Ben Franklin Minilesson: Nationalism Video: The Presidents: Madison  Monroe

2 Marshall Court ( ) McCulloch [winner] v. Maryland (1819)  MD tried to tax BUS w/in state lines (illegal under strict interpret of Const.) - SC: BUS legal  elastic clause - loose interpret - deny states’ rights to tax fed agency Gibbons [winner] v. Ogden (1824)  NY monopoly to Ogden to ferry Hudson R. – Congress already gave Gibbons one - river navigation = “interstate”  in Const. only Congress can regulate commerce - NY’s grant illegal (federal supremacy)

3 Foreign Policy during Monroe’s Admin
Sec’y of State John Quincy Adams  expansionist Important post-war treaties under JQA include… Rush-Bagot Treaty (1817) - demilitarization of US-Canada border - border 49th parallel - joint occupation of Oregon Territory Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) - US and Spain complete US acquisition of Florida


5 Danger Zone – Monroe Doctrine
US 1st to recognize independent LA countries fear France try to reacquire Monroe Doctrine approved by Congress – US acts independently - no Euro colonization in W Hemisphere - no Euro intervention in LA countries - US would not interfere in Euro US military too weak to enforce? GB honored it  trade w/ US




9 Slavery and Missouri Compromise
nationalism united US question of slavery threatened to divide 1819 Missouri seeks statehood as slave state issue: if admitted, slave states gain one-vote adv. over free states in Congress 1820 H of R Speaker (Henry Clay) proposed Missouri Comp - Maine enter as free state - Missouri enter as slave state *** in the rest of the La. Territory north of 36’30° slavery prohibited Issue of slavery on the horizon  ?????


11 Marshall Court Case: Marbury v Madison (1803) Background: - Pres. Adams appointed Marbury “midnight” judge - papers signed but not delivered - new pres (TJ) ordered Sec’y of State (Madison) not to deliver appointment - Marbury appealed to SC Const. Issue: - Const. does not specify SC has power of “judicial review” Decision: - Marbury had right to appointment - Marbury entitled to some remedy under US law - ruled Judiciary Act unconstitutional – Congress did not have power to make the law - “judicial review”: SC is final judge if law is constitutional or unconstitutional

12 Marshall Court Long Term Impact - check on other two branches by determining what is the “supreme law of the land“ - can determine any law unconstitutional

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