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FREE AND UNIVERSAL RIGHT Presented by Susan Cook July 23,2016

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1 FREE AND UNIVERSAL RIGHT Presented by Susan Cook July 23,2016

2 PHOTO ID IN MISSOURI Constitutional Amendment: HJR53 or Amendment 6
…………………………………………………………………… Constitutional Amendment: HJR53 or Amendment 6 A proposed constitutional amendment will be on the ballot that would allow a photo ID requirement to vote, weakening the voting protections in the Missouri Constitution The question on the ballot shall read: “Shall the Constitution of Missouri be amended to state that voters may be required by law, which may be subject to exception, to verify one’s identity, citizenship, and residence by presenting identification that may include valid government-issued photo identification?”

3 THE DANGER Constitutional Amendment: HJR53 or Amendment 6
…………………………………………………………………… Constitutional Amendment: HJR53 or Amendment 6 This amendment would open the door to our Missouri legislators allowing them to amend the rules in many different ways in the future Allows free and universal suffrage to have an exception in our state

4 HB1631 Enabling Legislation
…………………………………………………………………… Enabling Legislation This bill limits the forms of acceptable ID at the polls to only non-expired Missouri or Federal ID’s with photos and expiration dates—typically a current Missouri driver’s or non-driver’s license. Those without valid photo ID could vote if they present another form of ID and sign a statement under penalty of perjury. Those who don’t sign can vote a provisional ballot that would only be counted if they return to election authority with proper photo ID.

5 HB1631 Enabling Legislation
…………………………………………………………………… Enabling Legislation The state would provide ID without cost to those in need and includes a directive that the state will help voters obtain the underlying documents necessary to get an ID. However, doesn’t address those who do not have the underlying documents or whose documents do not match or have errors. Can be costly and difficult to correct documents.

6 HB1631 Enabling Legislation
…………………………………………………………………… Enabling Legislation The Missouri Supreme Court ruled in previous years that a Photo ID requirement was unconstitutional; therefore, this bill can only go into effect if voters amend the constitution.

7 WHY PHOTO ID IS WRONG Missouri already requires voter ID
…………………………………………………………………… Missouri already requires voter ID More than 220,000 Missouri voters lack a state ID Photo ID laws are a modern-day poll tax The law is expensive (over $16 million to implement with ongoing costs) Solution in search of a problem (no cases of voter impersonation fraud in MO) Voting is the one time we are all equal We should not strip fundamental rights from our Constitution

8 WHO IT WILL AFFECT …………………………………………………………………… For those who do NOT currently have a qualifying Photo ID 20% are under 30 years of age 20% are over 65 years of age 15% make under $15,000 per year 25% are people of color

…………………………………………………………………… Polling and voting numbers: 6 million people in Missouri 4.2 million registered voters in Missouri Expecting 2.8 million people to show up in November to vote Expecting 2.6 million to vote all the way down the ballot We need to convince 390,000 Missourians that Photo ID is WRONG

10 OUR MESSAGES …………………………………………………………………… After polling, these messages were found to be most effective: Fairness: women, African Americans, and young voters found this most convincing. Over 220,000 Missourians don’t currently have ID, especially seniors, those with disabilities, and people who don’t drive. Some people that have voted all their lives and now won’t be able to. Fraud: African Americans found this most convincing Cost: Third best messaging All tested well but these were the top three.

11 HOW TO HELP Numerous way to get involved with the campaign
…………………………………………………………………… Numerous way to get involved with the campaign Phone Banks across the state Canvassing across the state Monetary donations

12 FOR MORE INFORMATION Various contacts throughout the state
…………………………………………………………………… Various contacts throughout the state Contact Susan Cook at Facebook and other social media sites coming soon Ron Berry, campaign director:

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