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TY MFL Getting the balance right!

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Presentation on theme: "TY MFL Getting the balance right!"— Presentation transcript:

1 TY MFL Getting the balance right!

2 Workshop Rationale TY MFL - Getting the balance right.
Looking at how to introduce creative project work while keeping up with the basics.

3 TY Language Learning Increase student motivation
Encourage independent learning Place greater emphasis on cultural awareness Build student confidence in oral work Keep up the basics!

4 Plan for the unexpected!
Plan A Modules (TY, sport, music, art, film, fashion) Project 1 – Creative Writing Project 2 – Dev Ed Project 3 –Oral Booklet Project 4 – Groovy Grammar Plan B Folders Language journal Mindfulness Games Apps

5 Plan B - TY Language Folders
The use of folders Link is to the self assessment booklet See Sheet from Niamh for explanations TY Self Assessment Booklet

6 Language journal

7 #Goals

8 Students keep track

9 Plan A - Creative Projects Task Based Project work
A communicative task based approach Writing Speaking Reading Listening Promoting the four key skills through active learning

10 1.Creative writing
Making stories on Storybird is easy, fast, and fun. To start, visit "Create" and explore the images until you find an artist that you like.  On the art page (the single-image pages where you can make comments) or the artist home page (where you see all the artist's images), tap the "Use this art for..." button and the artwork will load into the editor. In the editor, drag and drop images from the work area onto the page and use the white space to write your story. Use the Menu in the bottom-left corner to "Save and Close" a story that's unfinished. Select "Publish" when you're done. Private stories can be shared via or codes

11 These are examples created by TY students

12 Finished story …

13 Le Petit Renard Blanc …

14 Storybird : Introducing the opinion question





19 2. Development Education
Cross-curricular links: Geography, Business, History, Religion Global citizen: human rights, gender equality, appreciation of cultural diversity School ethos: social justice , JPIC, SVP

20 Éducation - Les Femmes Francophones

21 3. Students oral exam booklets
Mon Carnet Oral

22 3.Oral Exam Booklets Task based project Group work
Cross curricular - ECDL (A4 –A5 – Word Margins- Bookfold) Print Flip sheets on short edge Cards can be handmade – these have just been typed as examples. Hard copies available in ed centres for participants to see. These were made in publisher and saved as pdf for printing.

23 Ideas for when most of them are off bag packing !
There is only like two of us. So what are we going to do in class ? …. Online and on the app store. Click on the image to be brought to the website. Easy to use, games, tests and flashcards.

24 Great for writing skills
Sentence Strips Great for writing skills Postcard/letters Opinion pieces Diary entries 2) Sentence Strips Objective: To help OL students practice and improve their writing skills in the classroom. A) Organising the activity Students are divided into groups of three. Each group is given three sentence strips and a board marker. The postcard/message/diary entry is written on the board Each student is give one of the question task to complete. B) Completing the task Brainstorm: The task begins with a five minutes of vocab & grammar brainstorming. A selection of the words and grammar points found by each group is written on the board. Write: Students are given 5 mins to write their section Grammar: The sentence strip is then passed around to the other members of the group. Students correct each other’s grammar. Review: The group then looks at the other groups’ work. Then they correct their own work if necessary to create their ‘perfect answer’. Read: one student from each group is asked to read out their answer Assess: The class as a whole feedback on the answers and chose the answer or elements from different answers which best answer the question. This answer can be written out on the board by the students or typed up. It can then serve as a model answer.

25 Popplets - Opinion Question
This is the sample scaffold of the general themes/issues that surface at senior cycle the main areas are mentioned, followed by key vocabulary and the Spanish version shows how issues interlink. By referencing this when tackling an opinion students can make the links themselves by joining related topics up. In the vast majority of cases Family&/or Education can be mentioned so starting with preparation work on both of these always proves beneficial. Students are tasked with defining for themselves what each of these means in their target language e.g. For me family means….

26 RFI RFI (Radio France International) is an excellent listening resource which can be used by learners both in class and at home RFI (Radio France International) is an excellent listening resource which can be used by learners both in class and at home. Learn French

27 Le journal en français facile
This section contains the news in simple French. RFI

28 Other language sites are also available.


30 Duolingo Learn spanish, french, german or italian!
Again you need to sign in to be able to show this.

31 Online and on the app store
Memrise Online and on the app store You can choose to learn from a premade course or make your own! You need to sign in to be able to show this.

32 Apps for French Word Reference - Online Dictionary
French Verbs Free French Gender 2) Useful Apps – Encourgae students to increase their contact with the target language All the following apps are free Word Reference – a good online dictionary RFI – excellent French radio app. French Verbs Free – a useful conjugation tool. – a French metro style news app. Lots of interesting content and readers comment. French Gender – a useful app which helps students to master the gender of words.

33 Activity Try One! Participants can try in groups to make one

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