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Laura Capobianco Bill Gates.

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1 Laura Capobianco Bill Gates

2 Basic Information Full Name- Sir William Henry Gates III
Born- October 28, 1955 Place of Birth- Seattle, Washington

3 Family Older sister named Kristi. Younger sister named Libby.
His Father William H. Gates II was an attorney for Seattle, Washington. His mother Mary was a schoolteacher for the University of Washington regent and chairman of United Way International

4 His Family His wife’s names Melinda. (Thus the Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation.) Married January 1, 1994 in Hawaii. Jennifer Katherine Gates was born in 1996. Rory John Gates was born in 1999. Phoebe Adele Gates was born in 2002.

5 Religion Melinda is Catholic. Bill is Congregational.

6 Their house Is 66,000 square feet Gardens Art collection Estuary

7 Their House (Cont.) Library 30 car garage Reception Hall Aquarium
Stocker trout stream

8 Education Went to Lakeside School in Seattle, Washington.
Went to Harvard for college. Began programming computers at 13.

9 Paul Allen Was a good friend of Bill Gates throughout their childhood.
He and Bill Gates would go through dumpsters to find things to make computers out of. He and Bill Gates created the computer company Traf-O- Data but, it failed in 1979. To this day are still good friends

10 Books In 1995 he wrote: The Road Ahead
Then again, 1999 Gates wrote: the Speed of Thought. He wrote another one called: Inside Out

11 Facts He has 660,000 computers in his basement.
With his $59 billion (his net worth) he could buy 500 million copies of Windows 7 Home Premium ($ each). He could also buy 295 million iPhone 4s. Gates could also get 4,436 jets at $13.3 million a piece.

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