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The Nervous System.

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1 The Nervous System

2 Functions of the Nervous System
Sensory input—gathering information To monitor changes occurring inside and outside the body Changes = stimuli Integration To process and interpret sensory input and decide if action is needed

3 Functions of the Nervous System
Motor output A response to integrated stimuli The response activates muscles or glands

4 Functions of the Nervous System
Figure 7.1

5 Structural Classification of the Nervous System
Central nervous system (CNS) Brain Spinal cord Peripheral nervous system (PNS) Nerves outside the brain and spinal cord Spinal nerves Cranial nerves

6 Functional Classification of the Peripheral Nervous System
Sensory (afferent) division Nerve fibers that carry information to the central nervous system Motor (efferent) division Nerve fibers that carry impulses away from the central nervous system

7 Organization of the Nervous System
Figure 7.2

8 Functional Classification of the Peripheral Nervous System
Motor (efferent) division (continued) Two subdivisions Somatic nervous system = voluntary Autonomic nervous system = involuntary

9 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Support cells in the CNS are grouped together as “neuroglia” Function: to support, insulate, and protect neurons

10 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Astrocytes Abundant, star-shaped cells Brace neurons Form barrier between capillaries and neurons Control the chemical environment of the brain

11 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Figure 7.3a

12 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Microglia Spiderlike phagocytes Dispose of debris

13 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Figure 7.3b

14 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Ependymal cells Line cavities of the brain and spinal cord Circulate cerebrospinal fluid

15 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Figure 7.3c

16 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Oligodendrocytes Wrap around nerve fibers in the central nervous system Produce myelin sheaths

17 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Figure 7.3d

18 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Satellite cells Protect neuron cell bodies Schwann cells Form myelin sheath in the peripheral nervous system

19 Nervous Tissue: Support Cells
Figure 7.3e

20 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Neurons = nerve cells Cells specialized to transmit messages Major regions of neurons Cell body—nucleus and metabolic center of the cell Processes—fibers that extend from the cell body

21 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Cell body Nissl substance Specialized rough endoplasmic reticulum Neurofibrils Intermediate cytoskeleton Maintains cell shape

22 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Figure 7.4

23 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Cell body Nucleus Large nucleolus Processes outside the cell body Dendrites—conduct impulses toward the cell body Axons—conduct impulses away from the cell body

24 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Figure 7.4

25 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Axons end in axonal terminals Axonal terminals contain vesicles with neurotransmitters Axonal terminals are separated from the next neuron by a gap Synaptic cleft—gap between adjacent neurons Synapse—junction between nerves

26 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Myelin sheath—whitish, fatty material covering axons Schwann cells—produce myelin sheaths in jelly roll–like fashion Nodes of Ranvier—gaps in myelin sheath along the axon

27 Nervous Tissue: Neurons
Figure 7.5

28 Neuron Cell Body Location
Most neuron cell bodies are found in the central nervous system Gray matter—cell bodies and unmyelinated fibers Nuclei—clusters of cell bodies within the white matter of the central nervous system Ganglia—collections of cell bodies outside the central nervous system

29 Functional Classification of Neurons
Sensory (afferent) neurons Carry impulses from the sensory receptors to the CNS Cutaneous sense organs Proprioceptors—detect stretch or tension Motor (efferent) neurons Carry impulses from the central nervous system to viscera, muscles, or glands

30 Functional Classification of Neurons
Figure 7.7

31 Functional Classification of Neurons
Interneurons (association neurons) Found in neural pathways in the central nervous system Connect sensory and motor neurons

32 Neuron Classification
Figure 7.6

33 Structural Classification of Neurons
Multipolar neurons—many extensions from the cell body Figure 7.8a

34 Structural Classification of Neurons
Bipolar neurons—one axon and one dendrite Figure 7.8b

35 Structural Classification of Neurons
Unipolar neurons—have a short single process leaving the cell body Figure 7.8c

36 Functional Properties of Neurons
Irritability Ability to respond to stimuli Conductivity Ability to transmit an impulse

37 Nerve Impulses Resting neuron The plasma membrane at rest is polarized
Fewer positive ions are inside the cell than outside the cell Depolarization A stimulus depolarizes the neuron’s membrane A depolarized membrane allows sodium (Na+) to flow inside the membrane The exchange of ions initiates an action potential in the neuron

38 Nerve Impulses Figure 7.9a–b

39 Nerve Impulses Action potential
If the action potential (nerve impulse) starts, it is propagated over the entire axon Impulses travel faster when fibers have a myelin sheath

40 Nerve Impulses Figure 7.9c–d

41 Nerve Impulses Repolarization
Potassium ions rush out of the neuron after sodium ions rush in, which repolarizes the membrane The sodium-potassium pump, using ATP, restores the original configuration

42 Nerve Impulses Figure 7.9e–f

43 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Impulses are able to cross the synapse to another nerve Neurotransmitter is released from a nerve’s axon terminal The dendrite of the next neuron has receptors that are stimulated by the neurotransmitter An action potential is started in the dendrite

44 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Neurotrans- mitter is re- leased into synaptic cleft Neurotrans- mitter binds to receptor on receiving neuron’s membrane Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Neurotransmitter molecules Ion channels Transmitting neuron Receptor Neurotransmitter Na+ Neurotransmitter broken down and released Ion channel opens Ion channel closes Figure 7.10

45 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Figure 7.10, step 1

46 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Ion channels Transmitting neuron Figure 7.10, step 2

47 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Neurotrans- mitter is re- leased into synaptic cleft Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Neurotransmitter molecules Ion channels Transmitting neuron Figure 7.10, step 3

48 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Neurotrans- mitter is re- leased into synaptic cleft Neurotrans- mitter binds to receptor on receiving neuron’s membrane Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Neurotransmitter molecules Ion channels Transmitting neuron Figure 7.10, step 4

49 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Neurotrans- mitter is re- leased into synaptic cleft Neurotrans- mitter binds to receptor on receiving neuron’s membrane Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Neurotransmitter molecules Ion channels Transmitting neuron Receptor Neurotransmitter Na+ Ion channel opens Figure 7.10, step 5

50 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Neurotrans- mitter is re- leased into synaptic cleft Neurotrans- mitter binds to receptor on receiving neuron’s membrane Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Neurotransmitter molecules Ion channels Transmitting neuron Receptor Neurotransmitter Na+ Neurotransmitter broken down and released Ion channel opens Ion channel closes Figure 7.10, step 6

51 Transmission of a Signal at Synapses
Axon terminal Vesicles Synaptic cleft Action potential arrives Synapse Axon of transmitting neuron Receiving neuron Neurotrans- mitter is re- leased into synaptic cleft Neurotrans- mitter binds to receptor on receiving neuron’s membrane Vesicle fuses with plasma membrane Neurotransmitter molecules Ion channels Transmitting neuron Receptor Neurotransmitter Na+ Neurotransmitter broken down and released Ion channel opens Ion channel closes Figure 7.10, step 7

52 The Reflex Arc Reflex—rapid, predictable, and involuntary response to a stimulus Occurs over pathways called reflex arcs Reflex arc—direct route from a sensory neuron, to an interneuron, to an effector

53 The Reflex Arc Figure 7.11a Stimulus at distal end of neuron Skin
Spinal cord (in cross section) Interneuron Receptor Effector Sensory neuron Motor neuron Integration center (a) Figure 7.11a

54 The Reflex Arc Figure 7.11a, step 1 Skin
Stimulus at distal end of neuron Skin Receptor (a) Figure 7.11a, step 1

55 The Reflex Arc Figure 7.11a, step 2 Skin
Stimulus at distal end of neuron Skin Receptor Sensory neuron (a) Figure 7.11a, step 2

56 The Reflex Arc Figure 7.11a, step 3 Skin Spinal cord
Stimulus at distal end of neuron Skin Spinal cord (in cross section) Interneuron Receptor Sensory neuron Integration center (a) Figure 7.11a, step 3

57 The Reflex Arc Figure 7.11a, step 4 Skin Spinal cord
Stimulus at distal end of neuron Skin Spinal cord (in cross section) Interneuron Receptor Sensory neuron Motor neuron Integration center (a) Figure 7.11a, step 4

58 The Reflex Arc Figure 7.11a, step 5 Stimulus at distal end of neuron
Skin Spinal cord (in cross section) Interneuron Receptor Effector Sensory neuron Motor neuron Integration center (a) Figure 7.11a, step 5

59 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11b–c
Sensory receptors (stretch receptors in the quadriceps muscle) Sensory (afferent) neuron Sensory receptors (pain receptors in the skin) Spinal cord Sensory (afferent) neuron Synapse in ventral horn gray matter Inter- neuron Motor (efferent) neuron Motor (efferent) neuron Effector (quadriceps muscle of thigh) Effector (biceps brachii muscle) (b) (c) Figure 7.11b–c

60 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11b, step 1
Sensory receptors (stretch receptors in the quadriceps muscle) Spinal cord (b) Figure 7.11b, step 1

61 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11b, step 2
Sensory receptors (stretch receptors in the quadriceps muscle) Sensory (afferent) neuron Spinal cord (b) Figure 7.11b, step 2

62 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11b, step 3
Sensory receptors (stretch receptors in the quadriceps muscle) Sensory (afferent) neuron Spinal cord Synapse in ventral horn gray matter (b) Figure 7.11b, step 3

63 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11b, step 4
Sensory receptors (stretch receptors in the quadriceps muscle) Sensory (afferent) neuron Spinal cord Synapse in ventral horn gray matter Motor (efferent) neuron (b) Figure 7.11b, step 4

64 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11b, step 5
Sensory receptors (stretch receptors in the quadriceps muscle) Sensory (afferent) neuron Spinal cord Synapse in ventral horn gray matter Motor (efferent) neuron Effector (quadriceps muscle of thigh) (b) Figure 7.11b, step 5

65 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11c, step 1
Sensory receptors (pain receptors in the skin) Spinal cord (c) Figure 7.11c, step 1

66 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11c, step 2
Sensory receptors (pain receptors in the skin) Spinal cord Sensory (afferent) neuron (c) Figure 7.11c, step 2

67 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11c, step 3
Sensory receptors (pain receptors in the skin) Spinal cord Sensory (afferent) neuron Inter- neuron (c) Figure 7.11c, step 3

68 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11c, step 4a
Sensory receptors (pain receptors in the skin) Spinal cord Sensory (afferent) neuron Inter- neuron Motor (efferent) neuron (c) Figure 7.11c, step 4a

69 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11c, step 4b
Sensory receptors (pain receptors in the skin) Spinal cord Sensory (afferent) neuron Inter- neuron Motor (efferent) neuron Effector (biceps brachii muscle) (c) Figure 7.11c, step 4b

70 Simple Reflex Arc Figure 7.11b–c
Sensory receptors (stretch receptors in the quadriceps muscle) Sensory (afferent) neuron Sensory receptors (pain receptors in the skin) Spinal cord Sensory (afferent) neuron Synapse in ventral horn gray matter Inter- neuron Motor (efferent) neuron Motor (efferent) neuron Effector (quadriceps muscle of thigh) Effector (biceps brachii muscle) (b) (c) Figure 7.11b–c

71 Types of Reflexes and Regulation
Somatic reflexes Activation of skeletal muscles Example: When you move your hand away from a hot stove

72 Types of Reflexes and Regulation
Autonomic reflexes Smooth muscle regulation Heart and blood pressure regulation Regulation of glands Digestive system regulation

73 Types of Reflexes and Regulation
Patellar, or knee-jerk, reflex is an example of a two-neuron reflex arc Figure 7.11d

74 Central Nervous System (CNS)
CNS develops from the embryonic neural tube The neural tube becomes the brain and spinal cord The opening of the neural tube becomes the ventricles Four chambers within the brain Filled with cerebrospinal fluid

75 Central Nervous System (CNS)
Figure 7.12a

76 Regions of the Brain Cerebral hemispheres (cerebrum) Diencephalon
Brain stem Cerebellum

77 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Figure 7.12b

78 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Cerebral Hemispheres (Cerebrum) Paired (left and right) superior parts of the brain Includes more than half of the brain mass The surface is made of ridges (gyri) and grooves (sulci)

79 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Figure 7.13a

80 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Lobes of the cerebrum Fissures (deep grooves) divide the cerebrum into lobes Surface lobes of the cerebrum Frontal lobe Parietal lobe Occipital lobe Temporal lobe

81 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Figure 7.13b

82 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Specialized areas of the cerebrum Primary somatic sensory area Receives impulses from the body’s sensory receptors Located in parietal lobe Primary motor area Sends impulses to skeletal muscles Located in frontal lobe Broca’s area Involved in our ability to speak

83 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Figure 7.13c

84 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Figure 7.14

85 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Cerebral areas involved in special senses Gustatory area (taste) Visual area Auditory area Olfactory area

86 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Interpretation areas of the cerebrum Speech/language region Language comprehension region General interpretation area

87 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Figure 7.13c

88 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Layers of the cerebrum Gray matter—outer layer in the cerebral cortex composed mostly of neuron cell bodies White matter—fiber tracts deep to the gray matter Corpus callosum connects hemispheres Basal nuclei—islands of gray matter buried within the white matter

89 Regions of the Brain: Cerebrum
Figure 7.15

90 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Figure 7.16

91 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Sits on top of the brain stem Enclosed by the cerebral hemispheres Made of three parts Thalamus Hypothalamus Epithalamus

92 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Figure 7.12b

93 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Figure 7.16a

94 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Figure 7.16b

95 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Thalamus Surrounds the third ventricle The relay station for sensory impulses Transfers impulses to the correct part of the cortex for localization and interpretation

96 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Hypothalamus Under the thalamus Important autonomic nervous system center Helps regulate body temperature Controls water balance Regulates metabolism

97 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Hypothalamus (continued) An important part of the limbic system (emotions) The pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus

98 Regions of the Brain: Diencephalon
Epithalamus Forms the roof of the third ventricle Houses the pineal body (an endocrine gland) Includes the choroid plexus—forms cerebrospinal fluid

99 Regions of the Brain: Brain Stem
Attaches to the spinal cord Parts of the brain stem Midbrain Pons Medulla oblongata

100 Regions of the Brain: Brain Stem
Figure 7.16a

101 Regions of the Brain: Brain Stem
Midbrain Mostly composed of tracts of nerve fibers Has two bulging fiber tracts— cerebral peduncles Has four rounded protrusions— corpora quadrigemina Reflex centers for vision and hearing

102 Regions of the Brain: Brain Stem
Pons The bulging center part of the brain stem Mostly composed of fiber tracts Includes nuclei involved in the control of breathing

103 Regions of the Brain: Brain Stem
Medulla Oblongata The lowest part of the brain stem Merges into the spinal cord Includes important fiber tracts Contains important control centers Heart rate control Blood pressure regulation Breathing Swallowing Vomiting

104 Regions of the Brain: Brain Stem
Reticular Formation Diffuse mass of gray matter along the brain stem Involved in motor control of visceral organs Reticular activating system (RAS) plays a role in awake/sleep cycles and consciousness

105 Regions of the Brain: Reticular Formation of the Brain Stem
Figure 7.16b

106 Regions of the Brain: Cerebellum
Two hemispheres with convoluted surfaces Provides involuntary coordination of body movements

107 Regions of the Brain: Cerebellum
Figure 7.16a

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