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Promotion: Policy and Procedures for COM Faculty in State College

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1 Promotion: Policy and Procedures for COM Faculty in State College
Feb. 23, 2012 Carol S. Weisman, PhD Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Distinguished Professor of Public Health Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology College of Medicine

2 Basic Principles All faculty members receive annual performance reviews in their departments (HR40) Promotion reviews take place on an annual University timetable, not on a rolling basis All fixed-term faculty members are reviewed at the departmental level for eligibility for promotion at least every 5 years Promotion is always based on performance in the mission areas, not on time in service

3 Teaching (at Penn State) Patient care (at Penn State) Research
Mission Areas Teaching (at Penn State) Patient care (at Penn State) Research Service (both internal + external) Weighed according to effort allocation: your offer letter provided an initial effort allocation across these mission areas; this allocation may be modified during annual performance reviews

4 Promotion Criteria Promotion criteria include achieving excellence in 2 mission areas (e.g., patient care and teaching) Demonstrating “scholarship” is key Scholarship is “the thoughtful discovery, transmission, and application of knowledge”* At the COM, scholarship is most commonly demonstrated by publications and/or development of new teaching or patient care methodologies * Uniscope 2000

5 The Dossier Each time you are formally reviewed for promotion, you must prepare a Dossier in standard Penn State format The Dossier is a record of your accomplishments in the mission areas and is used by internal reviewers to evaluate your performance and scholarship Each department has a staff assistant who works with faculty members on Dossier preparation Your signature on the Dossier attests to the accuracy and completeness of the information

6 The Dossier: Key Sections
Narrative Statement Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Patient Care Activities Scholarship of Research Service and the Scholarship of Service Evaluative Letters (external and internal)

7 Your responsibilities for the dossier
Write the Narrative Statement (1-3 pages) with the help of a mentor Work collaboratively with your staff assistant in providing the detailed information for the dossier sections Review the completed dossier before signing it Is it accurate? (If not, make corrections) Is it complete and up-to-date?

8 Additional responsibilities
Develop an external professional network so that you can identify at least 7 experts in your field outside Penn State who can serve as external evaluators for your promotion review These individuals may not be former teachers, mentors, supervisors, students, or current or former collaborators Do not contact these individuals – when the time comes, the Dean’s Office solicits the letters External evaluators are sent your CV and 5 examples of your scholarship (not the dossier)

9 What you can do now … Understand the policy: review HR23, the Promotion and Tenure Statement of the Dean of the College of Medicine, and your department’s P&T policy Borrow a colleague’s dossier to use as an example Keep detailed records of the information required for each of the dossier sections: keep a file for each section, with dates for each item Always maintain an updated CV Attend P&T workshops: April 5, 2012, noon – 1 pm

10 What else you can do Identify professional development opportunities
Junior Faculty Development Program, Grants Academy Workshops on specific topics Internal sources of project funding Office of the Associate Dean for Faculty and Professional Development: Ann Ouyang, MD

11 Annual HR40 Reviews Not part of the formal promotion process
Conducted by department chair or division chief each spring; you prepare a written report, using departmental format Opportunity to assess performance in past year; identify areas for professional development; ensure appropriate mentoring; adjust effort allocation for next year if needed Policy requires that you receive written feedback: if you don’t receive this, ask!

12 Ask Questions Ask your Department Chair or Division Chief:
the promotion process begins in your department Ask me: Ask Cindy Devine: Visit the Office of Faculty Affairs website:

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