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Sara Dionísio, Catarina Freitas, Nuno Lopes, Patrícia Silva

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Presentation on theme: "Sara Dionísio, Catarina Freitas, Nuno Lopes, Patrícia Silva"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multifunctional adaptation: Solutions for addressing the urban heat island effect
Sara Dionísio, Catarina Freitas, Nuno Lopes, Patrícia Silva Studies and Environmental Management Division Department for Environment, Climate, Energy and Mobility City Council of Almada, Portugal Workshop: Towards Urban Climate Services Brussels, 21st to 22nd June 2016

2 Topics… ... Starting point ... Assessing Urban Heat Island Effect within Local Strategy Climate Change (NACLIM project ) ... Solutions for addressing the Urban Heat Island Effect … Final notes

3 Topics of the workshop …
Planning a city mobility LED Almada , Portugal Topics of the workshop … … what is sustainable mobility or LE mobility ... a glimpse of Almada, Portugal … mobility patterns and impacts … local strategy for sustainable mobility Lisbon Almada Almada Lisbon Metropolitan Area Area 70 km2 ~ inhabitants 3

4 Natural Areas and Biodiversity
Caderno 2 Natural Areas and Biodiversity Mediterranean climate with atlantic influence White sandy beachfront, fisherie community 4 4

5 Proximity to Lisbon: High urban pressure
High demand for the ocean beach front Main South access to Lisbon and North LMA 5

6 Demographic Distribution, 2001 and 2025

7 Starting point … Annual mean temperature ~ 17 ºC
Precipitation of approximately 90 days/ year Insolation approximately – hours / year Mediterranean climate with Atlantic influence Waterfront of ~ 35 km Rich Mediterranean ecosystems Long term vision on sustainability from our political leadership Informed community Land use plans under development Popular summertime destination (~ visitors/year)

8 Starting point … Coastal and riverfront areas vulnerable to sea level rise, with high tourist value Abusive occupation > high value natural areas are at risk Highly occupied territory Urban sprawl resulted in Green and Blue infrastructure bottlenecks, lack of connections (urban-rural-natural nexus) Watercourses and streams partially artificialized Ageing society Intensive use of private car in daily commuting Energy consumption in buildings and transports 8

9 ... climate scenarios will amplify existing vulnerabilities
Almada’s vulnerability to Natural Hazards Mass Wasting (rock falls, rock topple, landslides) Sea Level Rise (coastal erosion) Storm Surges/overwash Droughts Flooding Salinization of Coastal Aquifers Forest Fires Biodiversity loss Heat waves Mass Wasting ... climate scenarios will amplify existing vulnerabilities Coast Erosion

10 Local Development Strategy
Almada’s Methodology Integrate the Local Strategy for Climate Change in Local Policies and Processes Local Development Strategy Local Agenda 21 ELAC

11 Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change (ELAC)
ELAC: 2 dimensions Mitigation Agenda  energy consumption and GHGs emissions Energy efficiency, renewables, smart mobility... low carbon city + Adaptation Agenda Building the resilience of our natural, social and economic systems, providing our communities an healthy and safe environment to live and work. even if today we make significant reductions , past and current emissions of greenhouse gases will still change the climate until 2040 ( inertia of the climate system 11

12 Adaptation Adaptation in Almada Downscale Climate Evolution Scenarios
Monitor climate change impacts (ex: floods, landslides, heat waves, oceanic overwashes) Assess Vulnerability (coast, riverfront, ecosystems, urban water cycle, urban services), current and future… Model Urban Heat Island Effect Design Risk Maps Define adaptation goals and measures Integrate adaptation goals and measures in Municipal plans and strategies: Urban Plans; Emergency Plan; Rainwater Drainage Plan; Green Infrastructure Plan; Urban Agricultural Network... Adaptation in Almada’s Strategy for Climate Change 12

13 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2011 Heatwaves 2010 2012

14 Climate Change + +  ?

15 ... Solutions for addressing the Urban Heat Island Effect
Topics… ... Starting point ... Assessing Urban Heat Island Effect within Local Strategy Climate Change (NACLIM project ) ... Solutions for addressing the Urban Heat Island Effect … Final remarks 15

16 Urban Heat Island Efect
Urban Heat Island Effect in Almada (~  4ºC) Residential Medium Density City Center High Green Park Low

17 Urban Heat Island modelling (Exposure and heat wave days projections)
Urban Heat Island Efect Urban Heat Island Effect in Almada (~  4ºC) Residential Medium Density City Center High Green Park Low Urban Heat Island modelling (Exposure and heat wave days projections) North Atlantic Climate Project (NACLIM)

18 Urban Heat Island Effect
Heat Stress (current situation) Temperature diference between developed áreas and rural surroundings at 11 pm

19 Urban Heat Island Effect
Rising temperature in artificial areas Heat waves in Almada ( nº of days per year)

20 Urban Heat Island Effect
Rising temperature in artificial areas Heat waves in Almada ( nº of days per year) The average number of heatwave days per year in city center of Almada might increase from 5-6 to up days The average number of heatwave days per year in city center of Almada might increase from 5-6 to up days

21  Urban Heat Island Effect
Urban Heat Island Effect is a problem that needs a multi-dimension, integrated and multi-level response Land Use Planning can be a strategic tool to develop at a local level, specific adaptive solutions at different scales Master Plan + Urban Plans + Local Plans (1:1.000)

22 Urban Heat Island Effect
Evaluating the effect of urban planning projects: Heatwaves Days in Almada with Almada’s Urban Planning Scenario

23 Urban Heat Island Effect
Evaluating the effect of urban planning projects: Heatwaves Days in Almada with Almada’s Urban Planning Scenario

24 Urban Heat Island Effect Rising temperature in artificial areas
Heat waves in Almada ( nº of days per year)

25 Urban Heat Island Effect
Average number of Heat waves in Almada per year - N.º of inhabitants 2011

26 Topics… ... Starting point
... Assessing Urban Heat Island Effect within Local Strategy Climate Change (NACLIM project ) ... Solutions for addressing the Urban Heat Island Effect … Final notes

27 Evaluate heat stress of people (daytime) in public space
Combination of model results and radiation calculations based on 3D building data and vegetation maps => 1m resolution Mean Radiant Temperature map MRT<40°C: no heat stress; MRT 40-60°C: heat stress; MRT>60°C: high heat stress

28 Green roofs Scenario: All roofs in Almada are converted to green roofs
Calculate % of area occupied by buildings Change vegetation cover and soil sealing of this area No effect on radiation at ground level Conclusion: Green roofs have a small cooling effect on nighttime temperatures.The area with high heat stress is reduced by more than 50% Also positive effects on indoor temperatures

29 Planting Trees Scenario: Plant trees in 10/25/50% of available public space Randomly convert pixels to vegetation Change vegetation cover and soil sealing of this area Include effects on radiation at ground level Conclusion: Trees are most effective in cooling public space. They need water and rooting depth, not always easy. No effect on indoor temperatures

30 Boosting Green and Blue Infrastructure
Mixing green roofs and planting trees are an efficient approach to cooling artificial areas, especially in the city center, where the UHI impacts are more severe Green roofs and planting trees are flexible solutions, and have combined co-benefits, specially if mixed with Blue Infrastruture Green roofs and planting trees are included in the Green Infrastructure (GI) of Almada Mixing GI + BI environmental services to respond to future vulnerabilities is the basis of the Nature Based Adaptation Approach that are developing

31 1 single project addresses multi-climate hazards and vulnerabilities
Integration of adaptation measures in projects, ongoing or planned A multi-functional and integrated approach, to adapt to climate multi-risks, using flexible and low cost natured based solutions (blue and green infrastructure) 1 single project addresses multi-climate hazards and vulnerabilities

32 1 single project addresses multi-climate hazards and vulnerabilities
Integration of adaptation measures in projects, ongoing or planned a multi-functional and integrated approach, to adapt to climate multi-risks, using flexible and low cost natured based solutions (blue and green infrastructure) 1 single project addresses multi-climate hazards and vulnerabilities

33 Hazards Vulnerabilties
MultiAdaPT Multi-AdaPT: HOW? Look at GI + BI and how their ecosystem services respond to current and future multi-hazards/vulnerabilities Multi Hazards Vulnerabilties GI + BI GI + BI Multi-benefits Water course and its margins High permeability areas Soils of high ecological value Vegetation with conservative value Vegetable gardens Wooded areas Gardens and parks Erosion control Flood mitigation Rainwater infiltration Food production Enhance biodiversity Microclimatic regulation and reduction of heat island effect Flooding Erosion Soil loss Biodiversity loss Heat Island Effect Food supply chain

34 4 low budget interventions ► 4 different sites

35 Multi-AdaPT = Multi-benefits
Erosion control Rainwater infiltration, flood mitigation Enhance biodiversity Local food production Microclimatic regulation Reduction food chain supply Closing Water-Energy-Food nexus Social cohesion

36 Site 1 Fruit orchard Vegetable allotments Meadow Riparian vegetation
Stream Hydraulic surface discharger Picnic Park - Leisure area

37 Site 1 Flooding area Water Retention Volume Water capacity 75,00 m3
Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Flooding area Volume Water capacity 75,00 m3 1.152,55 m3 3.460,55 m3 Bacia de retenção Bacia de retenção Área inundável Nível 1 Nível 2 Nível 3 Nível 4 Retention basin

38 Topics… ... Starting point
... Assessing Urban Heat Island Effect within Local Strategy Climate Change (NACLIM project ) ... Solutions for addressing the Urban Heat Island Effect … Final notes

39 Final notes Being a Mediterranean city, with projections of a ten-fold increase in the number of heat wave days by the end of the century >> Almada will struggle with Heat Stress Exposure Climate Services can be an significant contribution to our Climate Change integrated approach: Heat stress scenarios are important information to respond to climate challenges Green Infrastructure (GI) as a planning tool is an effective way to build natural and urban resilience and climate mitigation, with relevant co-benefits Mixing flexible solutions in Urban GI (green roofs and planting trees) with Blue Infrastruture, is a win-win approach to boost resilience.

40 Final notes Nature based adaptation is a key opportunity to develop projects that are able to tackle current and future multi- challenges that cities have to face; However, Nature based solutions implies a deep transformation in urban planning practices; MultiAdaPT projects are an exemple of this approach, they combine the multifunctionality of ecosystems services to build natural resilience, in shot and long term; Multi-partnerships between cities, science and stakeholders improve adaptation planning and create synergies to implement a effective Local Adaptation/Resilience Strategy to Climate Change;

41 Thank you for your attention!

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