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Company Presentation Alessio Di Iorio, Managing Director 06/09/2016 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Company Presentation Alessio Di Iorio, Managing Director 06/09/2016 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Company Presentation Alessio Di Iorio, Managing Director 06/09/2016 1

2 Profile ALMA Sistemi sas di Di Iorio Alessio & C is an Italian SME providing high level consultancy in the space and defence market Established in 2005 1 SME owner, 10 employees and consultants Currently involved in: 3 EU-FP7 projects 2 EU H2020 project 1 project funded by ASI 2 Industrial projects with ESA (MetOp-2G) ALMA Sistemi sas

3 Services & markets ALMA provides services in:
Project and Proposal/Bid Management Mechanical and Software Engineering CADM and Product / Quality Assurance Business Development and Market analysis In the following marketplaces: European Space Agency European Commission National Space Agencies ALMA Sistemi sas

4 Business development services
ALMA provides consultancy for business development and proposal preparation in ESA, ASI and EU contexts covering: Business Development: liason and presentation toward potential customers , identification of opportunities, scouting and establishment of international consortia in reply to ESA ITT, EU and national calls; Proposal management and support in the preparation of the complete bid package covering management, financial and compliance sections as well as technical in some contexts (EGSE, MGSE, software, EO applications, services) Market Analysis in the aerospace sector ALMA Sistemi sas

5 Engineering services The activities of ALMA covers the inception, establishing and execution of RTD and industrial projects in the public (ESA, EU, ASI) and private space market covering: system engineering for satellite and payloads check–out equipment (Mechanical and Electrical Ground Segment Equipment) covering development and verification added value services in the space market focusing on Earth Observation, Scientific data exploitation and navigation application high level software development for aerospace applications with specific regard to remote sensing data and image processing Support services: Project Management, Quality Assurance, CADM and documentation ALMA Sistemi sas

6 RTD projects HORUS – Heritage and Observation Retrieval Under Sand, in cooperation with Rovsing A/S (DK). Completed; customer European Space Agency. PAGIS – PlAnetary Geoscience Information System in cooperation with IRSPS (I). Completed; customer Italian Space Agency; WHERE –in cooperation with Nextant SpA (I). Completed; final customer: Italian Space Agency; SIMONA - Satellite assets Integration for Maritime situatiON Awareness in partnership with Engineering SpA (I). Customer ESA (ARTES-20). Phase 1 completed. Aphorism (FP7)– Innovative methods for ash plume and earthquake monitoring by remote sensing in partnership with INGV (I). Ongoing; customer EU; ITACA (FP7) – Innovative Technologies for Underwater archaeology by remote sensing in partnership with Planetek Hellas (GR). Ongoing; customer EU. ALMA Sistemi sas

7 RTD projects CLIMA– Cultural Landscape risk Identification, Management and Assessment.; KO June 2015, ongoing. Customer Joint- Program-Initiative Cultural Heritage (JPI-CH, EU). PALADIN – H SME Instrument phase 1 – Market Analysis for avionic plasma antenna for safety and security. Customer EU. Completed. STARLET – Plasma antenna for satellite navigation for safety and security. KO October 2015, ongoing, customer ASI. EVER-EST - European Virtual Environment for Research - Earth Science Themes; KO 01 October 2015 (H2020 coordinated by European Space Agency/ESRIN). PATH – Plasma Advanced TecHnologies – Research Innovation Staff Exhange. Grant Preparation. ALMA Sistemi sas

8 Business Development & Engineering services
Project / Bid Program Prime Customer Role Area Several bids and projects MTG, EnMAP, ExoMars 2018, MetOp-2G EU-H2020 EU-FP7 TAS-F (FR) OHB Sistem (DE), Kayser-Threde (DE), Airbus D&S (UK), Airbus D&S (DE), AVIO S.p.A. (IT) ESA Elital Srl (I), AVIO SpA, ASI Business Development, Proposal/Bid Manger, Engineering services MGSE, EGSE Launcher systems, IOD Data Exploittion Virtual Research Environment ESA and EU programmes: ExoMars, Science, FP7 Large Scale Integrators , ESA and EU Vitrociset Belgium Sprl (BE) Business Development, Proposal & Project Manger EGSE, Integrated GNSS applications Several bids ESA programmes: Galileo, HSF, Science Large Scale Integrators and ESA Rovsing A/S (DK) Sales Director and Proposal Manger EGSE, manpower software development, ISVV -Radio Frequency Compatibility Test Engineering support -SI&V Tool requirements Project Galileo IOV TAS-I Project Management System Engineering Navigation / AIV / system study - EGSE procurement specification - Ground Mission Segment AIV Tools - Ground Control Segment AIV Tools requirements Galileo C0 ThaleATM-D AST-UK Project Management & system engineering Navigation / EGSE / System Study GMS AIV Processing Tools and contribution to GCS AIV Plan Galileo B2 AST-D Navigation / System study ALMA Sistemi sas

9 Consultancy for MGSE industrial contracts awarded by Elital in ESA programmes (open ITT) under ALMA proposal management and support: MeteoSat Third Generation (MTG) Spacecraft Transport Container – Customer: Thales Alenia Space, Cannes, France. MTG Platform Transport Container – Customer: OHB Sistema GmbH, Bremen, Germany. MTG Platform Radiator Tilting Stands – Customer: OHB Sistema GmbH, Bremen, Germany. EnMAP Mechanical Ground Support Equipment – Kayser-Threde GmbH, Munich, Germany. ExoMars Rover Transport Container – Airbus Defence & Space, Stevenage, UK. MetOp-2G MicroWaveSounder Mechanical Ground Support Equipment - Airbus Defence & Space, Portsmouth, UK (CDR-TRR phase - ALMA is Elital’ subcontractor ). MetOp-2G Lifting and Handling Devices for Satellite A & B – Airbus Defence & Space GmbH (RR-PDR phase – ALMA is Elital’ subcontractor) ALMA Sistemi sas

10 Contact Info Legal premises: Via Dei Nasturzi 4 00012 GUIDONIA Operative premises: via Tenuta del cavaliere n°1, Building «B», 2nd Floor 00012 Guidonia (Rome) Tel: Fax: Web site: ALMA Sistemi sas

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