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ASPIRE An Introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion

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Presentation on theme: "ASPIRE An Introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASPIRE An Introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion
Secure Provide Intervene Respond Evaluate ASPIRE ASPIRE To raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils An Introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Marion Hastings (EYFS Improvement Officer) – Emi Grant (Primary Improvement Officer) – Dave Langdale (Secondary Improvement Officer) –

2 ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Course Aims & Agenda Establish an agreed definition of the role of the Disadvantage Champion and the importance of the role Establish shared priorities for future networking meetings Share current best practice Agree next steps in school

3 Who are the disadvantaged? – A brief reminder
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Who are the disadvantaged? – A brief reminder These pupils are all eligible to receive Pupil Premium Funding Pupils who were eligible for free school meals at any point during the last six years. FSM/FSM6 CLA Children who have been looked after continuously for 1 day or more Children adopted or no longer in LA care because of special guardianship, child arrangements order or a residence order. Post-LAC Pupils in year groups reception to year 11 recorded as Ever 5 Service Child or in receipt of a child pension from the Ministry of Defence. Ever 5 Service Child £300 £935 in Years 7 to 11 £1,320 in reception to Year 6 £1,900

4 The National Picture – KS2
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The National Picture – KS2 Key Stage 2 gap between 2012 and 2015 2015 15.0 3.10

5 The National Picture – KS2
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The National Picture – KS2 The DfE’s Statistical First Release 2015 explains this data as follows: There has been a 7.1% improvement since However, most of this is accounted for by the improvement in 2012 following the introduction of the PPG. The percentage improvement since 2013 is a much smaller 1.9%. There has been an improvement of 1.6% in 2015 compared with 2014.

6 The National Picture – KS4
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The National Picture – KS4 Key Stage 4 gap between 2012 and 2015 2015 27.0 Attainment gap index 3.80

7 The National Picture – KS4
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The National Picture – KS4 The DfE’s Statistical First Release 2015 explains this data as follows: There has been a 6.6% improvement since However, most of this is accounted for by the improvement in 2012 following the introduction of the PPG. The improvement since then is a much smaller 2.3%. There has been a deterioration of 1.6% in 2015 compared with This takes the index back almost to its 2013 position. The 2015 figure would have been 3.77 (rather than 3.80) had the definition of disadvantage been unchanged. Therefore the deterioration would have been halved to 0.8% (but there would still have been deterioration).

8 The Impact of Disadvantage
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The Impact of Disadvantage Source: National Pupil Database for a cohort born in

9 The Local & National Picture
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The Local & National Picture 2015 disadvantaged v non-disadvantaged attainment comparison Phase Disadvantaged Pupils Others National ER EYFS Good level of development 45% 47% 64% KS1 All subjects combined APS 14.8 15.0 APS 16.6 KS2 Maths, Reading, Writing combined L4+ 70% 85% Maths, Reading, Writing combined L5+ 13% 11% 29% KS4 5A*-C incl. Maths & English 36% 31% 63%

10 The Local & National Picture
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The Local & National Picture 2015 disadvantaged v non-disadvantaged attainment comparison Phase Disadvantaged Pupils Others ER National EYFS Good level of development 47% 64% KS1 All subjects combined 15.0 APS 16.6 KS2 Maths, Reading, Writing combined L4+ 70% 85% Maths, Reading, Writing combined L5+ 11% 29% KS4 5A*-C incl. Maths & English 31% 63%

11 The Very Local Picture ASPIRE
An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The Very Local Picture Discuss current school context

12 ASPIRE Charter Document ASPIRE
An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion ASPIRE Charter Document

13 The role of the Disadvantage Champion
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion The role of the Disadvantage Champion What do you envisage the role of Disadvantage Champion to be? Why is this role so important within the context of your school ? Discuss the questions on your table. Record ideas on the flip chart paper and/or your individual sheets. Feedback ideas.

14 Break Grab a coffee, Have a wee, Lets resume At 2.40. ASPIRE
An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Break Grab a coffee, Have a wee, Lets resume At 2.40.

15 Diagnostic Approaches – Case Study 1
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Diagnostic Approaches – Case Study 1

16 Diagnostic Approaches – Case Study 2
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Diagnostic Approaches – Case Study 2

17 ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Personal Reflection Consider the discussions that have been held and the outcomes reached. Consider your unique school context. What would be a good starting point for diagnostic work on disadvantaged provision within your school?

18 Approaches to Action Planning – Case Study 3
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Approaches to Action Planning – Case Study 3

19 Approaches to Action Planning – Case Study 4
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Approaches to Action Planning – Case Study 4

20 ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Personal Reflection Consider the discussions that have been held and the outcomes reached. Consider your unique school context. What would be a good starting point for action planning for improving disadvantaged provision within your school?

21 ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Next Steps Spend a little time planning what you intend to do when you get back to school. How do you intend to approach the role of Disadvantage Champion? How will the role have status within your setting? What else do you need to find out and how will you do this? Do you need to undertake any further research? What immediate diagnostic work could be undertaken? Is an action plan in place? Does this need reviewing? Liaise with your governing body, find a link governor and their name & address to ILS Support.

22 Please complete the evaluation forms:
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Evaluations Please complete the evaluation forms: Course facilitators: Marion Hastings, Emi Grant, Dave Langdale. Course Aims Establish an agreed definition of the role of the Disadvantage Champion and the importance of the role Consider a range of possible approaches to diagnostic work and methods of self-evaluation to assess the quality and impact of current disadvantage provision Consider a range of possible approaches to action planning to improve the quality and impact of current disadvantage provision

23 Dates & venues TBC so watch this space! Hope yo see you all there.
ASPIRE An introduction to the role of Disadvantage Champion Advertisement The next ASPIRE CPD session will focus on Impact, Evaluation & Next Steps. Dates & venues TBC so watch this space! Hope yo see you all there.

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