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Water and Aquatic Biomes

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Presentation on theme: "Water and Aquatic Biomes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water and Aquatic Biomes
AP Biology Water and Aquatic Biomes

2 What is required in order to regulate something?
Energy What is one of the main things organisms must regulate? Water

3 What raw materials are needed for photosynthesis?
Water and carbon dioxide (+ energy from the sun) What begins every food chain? Producers (autotrophs)

4 Sunlight = Photosynthesis = Energy for life = Producers = Consumers = More light…..more….. Life

5 How large are aquatic biomes?
Cover 75% of the earth’s surface What effect to aquatic biomes have on ecology? Responsible for rainfall and temperature regulation Help with oxygen production and carbon dioxide consumption

6 What is the photic zone of the ocean?
The upper region that has light penetration Red light penetrates deeper, since it has longer wavelengths

7 What is the aphotic zone?
The lower region of the ocean, where no light penetrates

8 What is the benthic zone of the ocean?
The very bottom of the ocean Organisms at the bottom tend to be decomposers or waste feeders (detritis) No photosynthesis occurs here, but some organisms can carry on chemosynthesis

9 What is the abyss of the ocean?
The very deepest parts of the ocean, such as the deep sea trenches

10 What is the pelagic zone of the ocean?
From the surface to the bottom in the mid-region of the ocean

11 What is the thermocline?
The temperature gradients in the body of water

12 In fresh water what is the littoral zone?
The shallow water where light is present for plants

13 In fresh water, what is the limnetic zone?
The middle surface region, where phytoplankton and zooplankton live and produce

14 In freshwater, what is the profundal zone?
The deep middle region where most fish are found

15 In freshwater, what is the benthic zone?
The bottom of the water, with less light penetration

16 In freshwater, what is the pelagic zone?
From surface to bottom in the mid-range

17 What is an oligiotrophic type of lake?
Nutrient poor, very deep, cold Appears clear, no phytoplankton Few plants or animals in water

18 What is a eutrophic lake?
It is nutrient rich, fairly shallow and warm Appears murky, with lots of plants and animals

19 What is a mesotrophic type of lake?
An in between condition, with a moderate number of plants and animals present

20 What are headwaters in a stream or river?
Located high in mountains Cold, clear, fast, narrow, nutrient poor, high dissolved oxygen content Support fish that need lots of oxygen, like trout

21 What is a midstream river or stream?
Between the mountains an coast Warm, slow, wide, nutrient rich, murky Not as much dissolved oxygen Not as many plants and animals Catfish would be more adapted

22 What is an estuary? Where fresh water meets salt water The Bay of Mobile or any bay Very nutrient rich Water almost black Lots of biodiversity

23 What are wetlands? Lands that have lots of water and plants that live above water What are two types of wetlands? Swamps Marshes

24 What is a swamp? Has trees

25 What is a marsh? Has reed grasses only

26 In a marine biome, what is the intertidal zone?
Very harsh environment Where tides move in and out Rich in biodiversity Plenty of light for photosynthesis

27 In a marine biome, what is the neritic zone?
From shore to the continental shelf drop off Rich in biodiversity Plenty of light

28 In marine biomes, what is the oceanic pelagic?
Photoic and a photic zones Lacks biodiversity Has lots of large fish

29 In marine biomes, what is the coral reef?
Very rich in biodiversity Rainforest of the ocean Are endangered and protected by low Warm water climates

30 In marine biomes, what is the benthic zone?
Deep sea thermal vents Mid ocean rift valleys Moderate biodiversity



33 Aquatic Biomes

34 Ocean terminology

35 Fresh Water terminology

36 Oligiotrophic Lake

37 Eutrophic Lake

38 Stream Headwaters

39 Midstream

40 Estuary

41 Swamp

42 Marsh

43 Marine Biomes

44 Coral Reefs of the World(purple areas)

45 Coral Reef

46 Open Ocean

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