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Google’s Solve for X Project

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Presentation on theme: "Google’s Solve for X Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Google’s Solve for X Project
Dan Trout COSC 380

2 Roadmap What is Solve for X? Why Solve for X? Projects proposed
Microsystems on the eye Stretchable electronics Collaborative science Summary References Questions

3 What is Solve for X? Brand new Forum to propose and discuss ideas
Steps Huge problem Radical solution Breakthrough technology Several fields Far away

4 Why Solve for X? Innovate Solve global problems
Ideas from around the world Take advantage of technology Science fiction

5 Microsystems on the Eye
Babak Parviz – nanotechnology and micro systems Sensors that monitor health 24/7 No need for checkups Non-invasive, continuously operable, safe, low power

6 Microsystems cont. Several components included in lens Display
Radio frequency data communication circuit Display drive circuit Semi-transparent display Biosensor module Radio frequency transfer antenna Display Right in front of your eyes Gaming, VR, augmented reality, supervision, night vision

7 Microsystems cont. So far, Extremely small radios
Extremely small sensors Combine and integrate devices Successfully created contacts with glucose sensors


9 Stretchable Electronics
Kevin Dowling – stretchable electronics technology Electronics limited in form (box, rigid) Push to become smaller and more functional Bio-inspired/conformal type systems

10 Stretchable Electronics cont.
Microelectronic mechanical systems (MEMS) Using MEMS, etch silicon in a variety of ways Conform to body Can be used to run diagnostics and detect diseases


12 Collaborative Science
Adrien Treuille – computer science and robotics Online multiplayer games Foldit EteRNA Anyone can play Players compensated for intellectual labor Promotes competition Real scientific discovery

13 Collaborative Science cont.
Foldit – protein folding, over 100,000 players Key challenge of biology Typically done by supercomputers Predict how drugs will react to user’s proteins Help cure HIV/AIDS, cancer, or Alzheimer’s Worst human solution > best computer solution



16 Collaborative Science cont.
EteRNA – fold RNA molecules Very similar to Foldit, used for scientific discovery Why is it important? Scientists do not understand all of RNA’s roles Eventually control living cells/disease-causing viruses Public can help do this!



19 Summary What is Solve for X and why it is important Projects
Microsystems on the Eye Stretchable Electronics Collaborative Science Foldit EteRNA

20 References

21 Questions?

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