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The First 8 Weeks: Scheduling and Using the Teacher’s Calendar

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1 The First 8 Weeks: Scheduling and Using the Teacher’s Calendar
Note: This is an optional session. This session can be helpful even if you are a few weeks into the school year. Some aspects of this session may overlap with the scheduling session so if you do both, look to see if anything needs to be modified. Materials Red Teacher’s calendars Red Class Meeting kits Small post-it notes for marking ideas on the Teacher’s Calendar (optional) Time needed: minutes _______________________________________________________________________________ SLIDE: Title Slide 1 minute Today’s session will provide the teachers an opportunity to explore in detail the First 8 Weeks of the Caring School Community program

2 Session Goals Review the first eight weeks of CSC
Schedule first five weeks SLIDE: Session Goals 1 minute Share with participants that the purpose of this session is to help teachers explore the first 8 weeks and plan for the first 5 weeks

3 First Eight Weeks Teambuilders Introduce Class Meetings
Teach cooperative structures Set and agree on classroom norms (grades 2–6) Discuss playground issues Introduce Buddies and Homeside SLIDE: First 8 Weeks 2 minutes 1. Remind participants what is accomplished in the first 8 weeks of CSC by reading this slide aloud.

4 Beginning-of-Year Class Meeting Lessons
Help students get to know one another Build classroom community Introduce cooperative structures and social skills Designed to be taught in order during the first eight weeks Introduce other CSC components, including launch of Cross-Age Buddies schoolwide SLIDE: Beginning-of-Year Class Meetings 2 minutes Remind participants what the first class meetings accomplish by reading this bulleted list. Highlight importance of everyone completing first five weeks of CSC to set the stage for buddies, which will start schoolwide together.

5 Review Teacher’s Calendar
What are you particularly excited to try with your students? Facilitation techniques Academic connections Assessments SLIDE: Review Teacher Calendar 10 minutes Walk the teachers through the different rows: The first row lists the “Teambuilder Lessons and Class Meetings” that fit in a particular week or month; The second row spells out a few things you might do that particular week/month; The third row includes specific “Teacher Facilitation Techniques” you can focus on individually; The fourth row offers suggestions about academic connections; And the final row offers assessment tips and strategies. Ask the teachers to review the Teacher’s Calendar with a partner, noting ideas that they are particularly excited to try (think about having post-it notes on the tables for them to use) Discuss briefly as a group what they are most excited to try with their students.

6 CSC in the Classroom Look through the Teacher’s Calendar
Note when you will introduce and/or post the following: - Class Meeting rules One person talks at a time. Look at the person talking. When mentioning problems say “people” instead of using names. - Class Norms (grades 2–6) - Discussion prompts SLIDE: Review Teacher Calendar 5 minutes Have teachers review the Teacher Calendar with a partner. Ask them to discuss in partners. Discuss briefly as a group what they noticed on the teacher calendar and when they will post information. Note: Posting Class Meeting Rules is not explicitly noted on the calendar. The “Introducing Class Meetings” meeting suggests posting the Class Meeting rules as a chart in the classroom to be referenced throughout the year. The calendar also does not say exactly when to post the norms and discussion prompts but these are useful to post as well in week 4.

7 Scheduling First Five Weeks
2–3 Team Builders or Class Meetings per week for first 5 weeks (15–20 minutes each) Daily check-ins starting in Week 3 (5–10 minutes each) With a partner, decide when you will hold CSC activities during the first five weeks. SLIDE: Scheduling First 5 weeks 8 minutes Let teachers know that we are carving out time today to figure out how Class Meetings can best fit in their schedules in the first 5 weeks. If there are teachers who have successfully incorporated and regularly held class meetings, ask them to share how they scheduled them. Have teachers work in pairs to place CSC in their own schedules. They can move around the room to talk with grade-level partners. When most partnerships seem to have had enough time to discuss, have a few share out.

8 Reflection What’s one thing you learned today that will help you be successful as you implement the first 8 weeks of CSC? SLIDE: Reflection 2 minutes Ask the question on the slide. Have teachers turn to a partner and discuss. Have a few share.

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