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Unit 4 Wildlife protection.

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1 Unit 4 Wildlife protection

2 What’s the topic of the video?
We should protect the wildlife. When the buying stops, the killing can too.

3 rhino elephant shark 2. How many animals are there in this video?
What are they? rhino elephant shark

4 Do you know any other endangered animals?

5 milu deer

6 South China Tiger

7 antelope

8 Why are these animals dying out?
too much hunting

9 Their habitat is being threatened

10 They cannot find enough food

11 How Daisy learned to help wildlife

12 species 种类;物种 carpet 地毯 respond 回答;响应;做出反应 distant 远的;远处的 fur 毛皮;毛;软毛 antelope 羚羊 Zimbabwe 津巴布韦 in relief 如释重负;松了口气 laughter 笑;笑声 burst into laughter 突然笑起来;大声笑出来 mercy 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯

13 certain 确定的;某一;一定 importance 重要(性) rub 擦;摩擦 protect...from 保护...不受...(危害) mosquito 蚊子 millipede 千足虫 insect 昆虫 contain 包含;容纳;容忍 powerful 强大的;有力的 affect 影响;感动;侵袭 pay attention to 注意 appreciate 鉴赏;赏识;意识到

14 Read the text quickly and find out the answer.
Task 2 Read the text quickly and find out the answer. What places did Daisy go? 2. How many animals did she meet? What are they? 3. What helps Daisy meet the wildlife?

15 1. What places did Daisy go?
Tibet Zimbabwe Rainforest

16 2. How many animals did she meet? What are they?
antelope Elephant Monkey

17 3. What helps Daisy meet the wildlife?
By a flying carpet

18 Daisy flew to Tibet, Zimbabwe and
After finishing these three questions, try to grasp the main idea of the text . 人物(Daisy)、地点、事件(了解动物现状) 结果(明白了什么道理) Daisy flew to Tibet, Zimbabwe and a thick rainforest on a flying carpet, seeing the endangered antelope, the well protected elephant and a monkey, making her realize the importance to protect wildlife.

19 Read the text carefully and finish exercise book on page 45 Task 3.

20 The first spot Purpose Place Animals Condition
To see some endangered wildlife Place Tibet Animals Tibetan 1.________ Condition Being killed for 2.________beneath its stomach and used to make 3.________ antelope wool sweaters

21 The second spot Purpose Place Animals Condition
To go to a place where there is some 4._______________ Place Zimbabwe Animals 5.______________ Condition Being 6.________while now being protected by farmers making money from 7.________________ wildlife protection African elephant hunted tourists/tourism

22 The third spot Purpose Place Animals Condition
To go to a place where the WWF is involved Place 8.________ Animals 9.________ Condition The monkey can use the millipede insect to 10.______ ________ from mosquitoes Rainforest Monkey protect itself

23 What can we do to protect wildlife?
Discussion What can we do to protect wildlife?

24 Measures to protect the endangered animals:
protect the environment and their habitats stop people from killing endangered animals. (3) Set up nature reserves or natural protection area (4) pay more attention to the importance of wildlife protection

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