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Space Strategy for Europe &

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1 Space Strategy for Europe &
International Lunar Decade Vidvuds Beldavs, University of Latvia EPSC2017 September 21, 2017

2 E.U. Space Strategy – October 2016
Significant focus on increased use of E.U. funded programs – Copernicus , Galileo New funding instruments – commercial development of space Expansion of space funding in Horizon 2020 and successors No reference to Moon, use of space resources, E.U. Space Strategy – October 2016

3 International Lunar Decade 2020-2030
ILD goal: demonstrate the feasibility of industrial development of the Moon. Moon Village a step towards that goal International cooperation to address Policy, rules, governance Roadmapping Infrastructure Enabling technologies Financing

4 EU role with ESA Convener / initiator Facilitator /non-binding forum
Research coordination. Horizon 2020, ESA, other instruments Financing / risk management instruments EU role with ESA

5 Opening benefits of the emerging Earth-Moon economy to member states
Harmonization of national space policies following example of Luxembourg Adapting the Horizon 2020 / FP9 to Foster cooperative RD&I among member states universities, research centers, Industry and SMEs Widen opportunities for cooperation between SMEs and research in member states with international partners participating in Moon Village / ILD

6 Cooperation in RD and innovation
FP9 includes Moon Village / ILD related R&D themes – aiming at industrial development of the Moon Lunar energy systems Space based solar, Thermal-electric, energy storage, Nuclear Lunar materials processing Solar furnace , Lunar basalt fiber, Oxygen, Robotics Communications Navigation, geodesy Ecological engineering, space farming Space transportation, launch from Moon, propulsion Space manufacturing, 3D printing, assembly, fabrication

7 EU role in policy for lunar industry dev.
EU endorse Moon Treaty and encourage all member states to accede. Per Article 11, par. 5, States Parties initiate negotiation of International Regime for lunar industrial development Invite other participants in Moon Village that may not be parties to the Treaty to participate International regime is negotiated that fully complies with OST, provides maximum regulatory certainty with minimum regulatory burden to industry.

8 Moon Treaty viewed as inactive treaty due to small number of states parties – 17, and no party has capacity to reach and operate on Moon. Principal objection – Heritage of all Mankind doctrine, that space exploration and use is for the benefit of all mankind Austria, Belgium and Netherlands are parties. France and Romania are signatories At present there is no agreed to process to set rules for appropriation of space resources. The Moon Treaty calls for such a process, Article 11, par. 5. If the EU endorsed the Moon Treaty and a majority of states acceded to the Treaty, then EU values could play a greater role in determining the international regime called for in the Treaty. Moon Treaty

9 Reductions in cost of activity in space, materials, energy, processes
Rapid widening of opportunities Increasing scale –megastructures, geoengineering, cities Pervasive robotics and automation Potential for rapid increase in roles for people Planetary protection Improved capacity to address climate change Post 2030 scenario

10 Need top-level commitment to initiate ILD and to support Moon Village
Assure greater benefits to EU member states from lunar industrial development. Enable the EU to leverage space leadership to advance global stability Widen opportunity in the European neighborhood Joint opportunities in space engaging African partners Develop the foundations for the post 2030 space economy Improve prospects for a rules based order in outer space Need top-level commitment to initiate ILD and to support Moon Village

11 President Trump – Join with Europe and the world to develop industries on the Moon!

12 EU has a deal.... EM – I’d like to welcome you to Moon Village...but
Kim – But what? EM – You must give up nuclear weapons. Kim – What about Trump? EM – No problem. Give up the nukes, join the Village, and Trump will send your lab to the Moon. The Village will take care of the rest.

13 Industrial development on the Moon makes possible an Earth-Moon economy

14 Feasibility Legal framework for extraction and sale of lunar resources
Technologies to process lunar materials into products for which there are customers Transportation from production to location of use Markets with high, profitable long term growth potential Feasibility

15 Growth of space economy
$400 billion / Earth 73.4 trillion (WB) Space launch, satellite services – communictions, Earth observation, navigation, military $1.2 trillion Near term benefits largely satellite launch, servicing, startup of space tourism. $11 trillion Lunar materials, larger space tourism, SBSP $28.5 trillion / Earth - $182 trillion (WB) SBSP, first space cities, Earth-Mars cycler, Growth of space economy

16 Outlook after feasibility demonstrated:
Decline in cost of energy and materials drives reduction in cost of products from space resources Effect similar to Moore’s Law. If scaling factor 50% cost reduction per decade within 4 decades City for 1,000,000 in space could be built for a comparable cost as on Earth or Heavy industry could be moved to outer space Scaling factor could be higher

17 Addresses global challenges
Climate change and environment Jobs Prospects for international peace Planetary protection

18 Products from Moon for terrestrial markets – satellites, LEO space facilities
Satellites all structural, could be built from lunar materials. Oxygen for fuel. LEO tourism – decreasing costs, greater numbers, more destinations Lunar resources for structures, fuel, cut costs Space-based solar. Structural parts, conductors PV arrays Earth-Moon economy

19 EU role key ILD and Moon Village are frameworks for international cooperation among states. EU is made up of sovereign states. Its very essence is international cooperation.

20 Paldies!

21 EU role key EU has a population of 511 million, GDP $20.7 trillion
Space investment ½ of U.S. Non-military space spending. Focus -- satellite services – communications, earth-observation

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