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PowerPoint Template Slides

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1 PowerPoint Template Slides
Table of Contents Title Slide Mission & Vision Why We Exist – (Problem Statement) How Partners Works – (Elevator Pitch) Impact, Highlights & Testimonials (regional examples) Your Investment Matters – (Case for Support) Section Headers Transition Slides (Agenda, Norms, Break, Lunch, etc…) Program Graphics Contact Info/Closing Slide






7 California Highlights

8 In California, our schools are narrowing the achievement gap: 79% of our partner schools increased their Academic Performance Index (API) ranking when compared to similar schools. Five schools increased by one rank and six schools increased by more than one rank.

9 API Growth (California)

10 School Highlights Since partnering with us, Everett Middle School in San Francisco Unified: Has transformed from having only 17.6% of students Proficient or Advanced in ELA to having 42.5% at that mark—a 24.9 percentage point increase. Had a 13.2 percentage point gain in the number of Latino students scoring Proficient or Advanced on the CST-ELA.

11 School Highlights Results in CST-Math at Carver Elementary School in San Francisco Unified: Between , the percentage of students scoring Proficient or Advanced increased by 30.6 percentage points. This year, 68.7% of Carver’s students scored Proficient or Advanced—1.7 percentage points higher than the state average of 67.0%.

12 Testimonial “Our work with Partners in School Innovation has been instrumental in truly accelerating the quality of teaching and learning at Everett, and ultimately, the academic results and high school readiness of our students. Partners’ staff are 100% student and school advocates all the way. We are grateful for our continued partnership.” —Jennifer Kuhr, Assistant Principal Everett Middle School, San Francisco Unified School District

13 Testimonial “Partners has helped turn our school around on many levels and helped to strengthen the staff and administrative team. We owe a great deal of our academic and culture/climate successes to our partnership. Partners helped to build the capacity in each school. We have been fortunate to partner with them and it has been an unforgettable experience of which we are grateful.” —Richard Curci, Principal, Everett Middle School San Francisco Unified School District ( )

14 Testimonial “Partners is our most valuable external partner because the team brings system-level thinking to the work; they’re not focused on just one narrow issue. Partners is a great thought partner, one that helps develop our capacity.” —Tom Green, Director of School Transformation Alum Rock Union Elementary School District

15 Michigan Highlights

16 School Highlights At Franklin Elementary in Battle Creek, the percentage of students scoring on grade level on the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Reading assessment increased by almost a full percentage point more than the district.

17 School Highlights At Franklin Elementary in Battle Creek, the percentage of students scoring on grade level on the MAP-Language Usage assessment increased by 1.3 percentage point more than the district.

18 Testimonial “Being a partner school felt overwhelming in the beginning because I misunderstood the purpose of the support. The support is not about what Partners wants. The support is all about what I want as an instructional leader. ‘It’s all about me.’ Partners just helps me refine my thinking and supports me to develop a plan that allows me to see success.” —Nneka Daniels, Principal, Franklin Elementary Battle Creek Public Schools

19 Testimonial “The support of Partners in School Innovation this year has been immensely helpful as we began implementing our Academic Plan for the excellent Grand Rapids Public School district that our families deserve. Partners has begun working hand in hand with us to provide more intensive support for some of our more challenged schools. The initial results of Partners’ efforts are promising, and we are very excited by the kind of exceptional achievement possible through our partnership.” —Teresa Weatherall Neal, Superintendent, Grand Rapids Public Schools

20 Your Investment Matters
Schools can only invest 1/3 of what it takes to renew the promise of public education. We need your help! $1 will support a Partners’ change agent in ultimately creating breakthrough student achievement for 4 public school students. $140 will support 1 student for 1 year in under-performing schools throughout the Bay Area. $2,500 completely outfits a newly-trained School Innovation Partner (our key change agent) with technology resources.

21 Section Header Layout


23 Section Header Title Section Header Text

24 Section Header Title Section Header Text

25 Section Header Title Section Header Text

26 Transition Slide Layout


28 Agenda 9:00-9:15 Opening 3:15-3:30 Closing

29 Lunch

30 Break

31 Break

32 Norms Ensure All Voices are Heard Listen Actively
Value Diverse Perspectives Assume Collective Responsibility for Learning Maintain Confidentiality Practice Generosity of Spirit Honor and Respect our Time Together Trust the Process

33 Results-Oriented Cycle of Inquiry



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