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Performance Management of public emplyment services

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1 Performance Management of public emplyment services
Arbeitsmarktservice Österreich / Public Employment Service Austria (AMS) Performance Management of public emplyment services Marius Wilk April 2017

2 The AMS, the Public Employment Service
is a service provider company under public law (AMSG) is divided into one federal, 9 regional and 101 local offices the local organisations are complemented by 68 career information and counselling centres Budget 2016: unemployment in insurance: € mio.; active labour market policy: € mio.; staff and infrastructure: € 510 mio. at the end of December 2015, staff (corresponding to full time equivalents) representatives of employers’ and labour organisations (unions) are involved at all levels of AMS and make a considerable contribution and decision of forming labour market policy (since 1994) 0,75% of GDP for activ/activating 0,18% standardized to 1% UE – top 3 of OECD members

3 Performance Mgmt. Targets
System of central-steering the AMS Performance Mgmt. Targets Regulations (tasks and services) Rules & directives (active and passive LMP) Organisational structure and development HR-training and -development Ressources Management by Objectives (Labour market policy targets) Balanced Scorecard Working programs Controlling Other Management-Information ALMP Budget Budget Staff Infrastructure IT

4 “Technical” tools of Performance management of AMS
Labour market policy targets Balanced Scorecard Specialist Monitoring (e.g. process indikators for main processes for PES like service for jobseekers, service for employers, labour market and vocational information) Controlling (financial, IT, HR – Controlling) Traditional statistics and forecasts of labour market Evaluation; particular pilot evaluation (e.g. instruments of active labour market policy, services)

5 Labour market policy targets (1)
Form of management by objectives since 1995 Maximum of 8 federal policy targets Quantitative targets, broken down for local offices If possible outcomes not input Discussed und negotiated by general directors and regional managers Decided by tripartite administrative board (workers-, employers- and government-representatives) Strict controlling of the targets Separate targets for women and man (gender mainstreaming)

6 Labour market policy targets (2)
Examples of targets: Maximum number of youth (till 25 years) not finding a job or being integrated in active labour market measures within 6 month Number of elderly unemployed finding new employment Number of long term unemployed finding new employment Effectiveness of active labour market measures

7 Labour market policy targets: results
% of unemployed youth (till 25 years) not finding a job or being integrated in active labour market measures within 6 month

8 Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
Strategic management information Permanent overall assessment of the local, the regional and federal organisations (benchmarking) Analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of every organisational unit Overall performance of every unit in one figure Basis of further improvement

9 Balanced Scorecard 26 indicators for all 101 local offices and 9 regions 5 main processes: Services to jobseekers, Services to employers, Career information, Management process, Support process 6 main dimensions: Labour market policy targets, Customer satisfaction, Process results: Services to jobseekers, Process results: Services to employers, staff satisfaction, Other performance indicators Labour market goals are included

10 Services to jobseekers
Taking up work within 3 months after finishing an active measure Overall customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction with active measures Ratio of granted appeals in UE insurance cases Average duration of processing UE benefit applications Average duration of business case of registered unemployed Services to jobseekers Utilization eAMS Achievement of LMP targets Utilization eAMS Overall performance Penetration rate of open vacancies Call centre: settled cases Support process Career information Penetration rate of open apprenticeships Services to employers Call centre: service level Management process days for filling vacancies Call centre: customer satisfaction Customer satisfaction with career information centres customer satisfaction in general Cost of materials Satisfaction of staff with working conditions Achievement of targets concerning women’s promotion Achievement of LMP targets Evaluation of managers by staff

11 Punkte/Punkte Max Bgld Ktn Sbg Stmk Tirol Vbg Wien Region L01 - arbeitsmarktpolitische Ziele SfA 91,21 % 92,59 % 88,26 % 87,28 % 97,07 % 95,53 % 90,57 % 91,59 % 87,16 % 89,99 % L02 - Geschäftsfalldauer 14,22 % 5,62 % 4,97 % 32,72 % 59,35 % 25,82 % 34,23 % 64,90 % 29,82 % 26,63 % L03 - Erfolg der Arbeitsmarktförderung 79,19 % 67,17 % 58,63 % 54,95 % 87,40 % 78,08 % 60,13 % 76,49 % 88,88 % 73,40 % L04 - Zufriedenheit mit der Förderung 66,63 % 90,11 % 62,54 % 85,34 % 77,20 % 97,74 % 60,34 % 48,91 % 98,00 % 83,40 % L05 - Gesamtzufriedenheit mit SfA 93,88 % 90,21 % 89,29 % 92,85 % 82,86 % 96,88 % 89,93 % 79,70 % 97,34 % 92,80 % L06 - Antragsbearbeitung 100,00 % 99,23 % 99,70 % 99,83 % L07 - Anteil der behobenen Bescheide 89,10 % 95,35 % 90,35 % 82,20 % 95,15 % 96,20 % 75,25 % 87,20 % L08 - Anteil der eAMS-Konten mit eServicenutzung 81,68 % 84,40 % 77,44 % 77,80 % 85,36 % 83,28 % 35,72 % 75,48 % 61,76 % 71,64 % L09 - Anteil der Zugänge mit Online-Antrag 90,31 % 89,77 % 72,92 % 86,85 % 75,92 % 98,38 % 79,38 % 83,31 % L10 - Anteil personenbezogene eAMS-Förderbegehren 70,40 % 84,30 % 49,40 % 77,90 % 71,70 % 78,40 % 96,40 % 19,90 % 59,40 % L11 - arbeitsmarktpolitischen Ziele SfU 97,56 % 99,53 % 98,46 % L12 - Einschaltgrad offene Stellen 34,53 % 87,80 % 52,05 % 59,15 % 58,28 % 46,65 % 39,10 % 69,80 % 64,20 % 57,83 % L13 - Einschaltgrad Lehrstellen 90,80 % 99,10 % 70,80 % 96,50 % 95,85 % 95,10 % 86,80 % 99,35 % 89,95 % L14 - Laufzeit offener Stellen 30,55 % 83,15 % 45,20 % 4,15 % 0,00 % 68,10 % 28,80 % 22,75 % 78,65 % 49,90 % L15 - Gesamtzufriedenheit mit SfU 64,07 % 52,50 % 66,96 % 57,53 % 49,19 % 55,47 % 40,90 % 21,10 % 73,73 % 60,36 % L16 - Anteil der über eAMS-Konto/eJob-Room gemeldeten Aufträge 17,62 % 85,38 % 37,77 % 9,77 % 71,77 % 59,00 % 27,54 % 3,46 % 13,31 % 32,77 % L17 - Anteil unternehmensbezogene eAMS-Förderbegehren 90,92 % 99,00 % 55,00 % 64,31 % 74,69 % 72,15 % 83,08 % 63,69 % 70,62 % L18 - BIZ (Version 2016) 99,33 % 96,84 % 92,09 % 91,70 % 78,64 % 87,67 % 83,37 % 94,67 % 91,97 % L19 - Personalausstattung Ist/Soll L20 - Trust Index 72,99 % 81,78 % 93,96 % 64,49 % 76,95 % 56,14 % 50,27 % 86,32 % 75,96 % L21 - Führungskräfte feed back 80,04 % 94,15 % 83,19 % 86,11 % 89,74 % 84,98 % 95,57 % 88,13 % L22 - Ziel Frauenförderplan 68,11 % 78,89 % 54,83 % 61,89 % 63,44 % 63,50 % 60,56 % 62,33 % 79,44 % 65,61 % L23 - Entwicklung ausgewählter Kosten 28,00 % 19,69 % 55,69 % L24 - Servicelevel SEL 92,10 % 37,81 % 66,76 % 81,67 % L25 - Zufriedenheit mit der SEL L91 - Gesamtscore SfA 79,23 % 78,35 % 72,17 % 77,81 % 86,38 % 84,32 % 81,42 % 81,34 % 79,42 % L92 - Gesamtscore SfU 66,81 % 78,53 % 69,89 % 65,42 % 65,19 % 69,96 % 58,99 % 55,88 % 77,83 % 70,39 % L99 - Gesamtscore AMS-Scorecard 77,61 % 81,64 % 76,21 % 73,82 % 77,96 % 80,66 % 71,09 % 72,20 % 84,18 % 78,55 %

12 Performance management: Steering
Quarterly discussion of performance results in the governing board Quarterly discussion between general directors and regional directors of performance results Basis of the “management assessment“ (every regional organisation is assessed every 4 years by the federal organisation and every local unit by the regional organisation) Yearly award of „best local units“ (event: “Best of AMS”) Basis for the staff bonus (approx. 80% of one monthly salary)

13 BSC Performance

14 EU PES Performance management
EU network of Public Employment Services (PES): EU PES benchmarking on the basis of common performance Indicators EU PES “management assessment“: There is a “management assessment” of the PES of every EU member state every 2 – 3 years organised by the EU network of PES.

15 EU PES Performance management – common indicators (1)
Unsubsidised transitions into the primary labour market Subsidised transitions into the primary labour market Fast transitions (i.e. within 6 months of unemployment) into the primary labour market Outflows of low-skilled (i.e. ISCED 0-2) jobseekers, irrespective of destination Outflows of young (i.e. under 25 years of age) jobseekers, irrespective of destination

16 PES Performance management – common indicators (2)
Relative number of notified vacancies (i.e. notified vacancies per jobseeker) Share of filled vacancies PES involvement in job finding according to Eurostat’s Labour Force Survey Jobseeker satisfaction (i.e. share of satisfied jobseekers)

17 Thank you for your attention!

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