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Compact and Spongy Bone

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Presentation on theme: "Compact and Spongy Bone"— Presentation transcript:

1 Compact and Spongy Bone
Compact bone Solid, strong bone that is resistant to bending located along the diaphysis of long bones Provides solid structure to the skeletal frame Forms a hollow tube called the medullary cavity

2 Compact and Spongy Bone
Compact Bone Made of cylinder shaped units called osteons Inside osteons are osteonic canals containing two blood vessels that provide nourishment for bone


4 Compact and Spongy Bone
Made of many branching, bony plates Located in the epiphysis of long bones

5 Compact and Spongy Bone
Reduces the weight of the bone Provides strength to bones especially against forces of compression Standing, running Bone marrow is housed between the bony plates

6 Functions of Bones 1. Support and protection
Pelvis, legs, backbone support weight of body Ribs and shoulders protect the heart and lungs

7 Functions of Bones 2. Movement a. joints help arms and legs swing and rotate b. muscles attach to bones so arms and legs can flex and bend

8 Functions of Bones 3. Blood cell formation a. Hematopoeisis i. happens in stem cells in red bone marrow in the medullary cavity of long bones

9 Functions of Bones 4. Storage of inorganic salts a. Stores calcium i. If calcium is low in the body, osteoclasts break down bone and send calcium where it is needed.

10 Bone Growth and Development
Bone grow when existing connective tissue is replaced by bone Bone growth occurs in two ways

11 Bone Growth and Development
In the bones of the skull Cartilage forms in the empty spots of the skull Cartilage changes (differentiates) into bone forming cells called osteoblasts Osteoblasts deposit bone around themselves until gap is filled

12 Bone Growth and Development
In the rest of the skeleton Bones begin as cartilage Osteoblasts form in the Diaphysis and begin forming the periosteum Blood vessels invade the inside of the bone and spongy bone begins to grow

13 Bone Growth and Development
Rest of skeleton continued Compact bone is deposited around the spongy bone Bones lengthen as compact bone is laid down Epiphysis develops last

14 Bone Growth and Development

15 Bones of the body Axial skeleton Where is it?

16 Bones of the body Axial skeleton
Includes skull, Ribcage, spine, sacrum and coccyx Spine: know the regions cervical thoracic and lumbar

17 Bones of the body Appendicular skeleton Where is it?

18 Bones of the body Appendicular skeleton
Label the diagram and be able to answer questions

19 What is a joint? Joints are functional connections between bones
Some move and others do not

20 Types of joints Immovable Joints The flat bone of the skull

21 Types of joints Slightly moveable joints Joints between vertebrae

22 Types of joints Freely moveable joints Ball and socket joints
Joints of the shoulder and hip Allows for a lot of types of movement

23 Types of joints Condyloid joints
Joints between phalanges and metacarpals and metatarsals Rotational movement is not possible

24 Types of joints Gliding Joints
Allow for twisting and sliding movements Ankles Wrist vertebrae

25 Types of joints Hinge joints
Allows movement in only one direction like a door hinge Elbow Knee

26 Types of joints Pivot Joints Allows rotation about a central axis
Proximal end of radius and ulna

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