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Bio 260 Viruses!!!.

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1 Bio 260 Viruses!!!

2 Viruses, and a half a second about viroids and prions
Chapter 13 Viruses, and a half a second about viroids and prions

3 Viral topics today Characteristics Structure Classification Culturing
Replication Things that aren’t viruses

4 Some questions first How big is a virus? What is its structure?
How does it get into cells? Can you tell viral relatedness based on symptoms?

5 How big? 5 um

6 General Characteristics of Viruses
Obligatory intracellular parasites DNA or RNA Protein coat Some enclosed by envelope Some have spikes Most infect only specific types of cells in one host Host range determined by specific host attachment sites and cellular factors

7 Virus Sizes Figure 13.1

8 Filtration – will it remove viruses?
Membrane filtration removes microbes >0.22 µm Other methods: Autoclaving (steam heat) Chemicals Dry heat (longer time) Figure 7.4

9 Virion Structure What’s a virus made of? Chemical composition?
Structural components? Figure 13.2a

10 Virion Structure Nucleic acid DNA or RNA Capsid (protein) Capsomeres
Attachment proteins spikes Optional extras Envelope (lipid) Figure 13.2a

11 Virus – naked or enveloped
Naked viruses: outer coat is protein capsid made of capsomeres (subunits) (eg.phages and some animal) WHY repeating subunits? Enveloped viruses: lipid bilayer covers protein capsid (some animal) WHERE did envelope come from? Attachment proteins (spikes) either in capsid or envelope WHAT determines host specificity?

12 Virus Morphologies polyhedral: composed of flat equilateral triangles
Icosahedral: 20 faces Helical: filamentous or rod-like appearance Enveloped: irregular shape Complex: Isometric head and helical sheath or tail eg. phages

13 Morphology of a Polyhedral Virus
Nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) Capsid (triangular faces) made of capsomeres Spikes (for what?) Adenovirus – common cold Check the size

14 Morphology of a Helical Virus
What’s this subunit?

15 Morphology of a Helical Virus
What’s this subunit?

16 Morphology of an Enveloped Virus

17 Morphology of a Complex Virus
If you were to guess, which viruses would be the most complex? Bacteriophages Animal viruses Plant viruses Figure 13.5

18 Morphology of a Complex Virus
Figure 13.5

19 Viral Genome Usually very small, few genes
RNA or DNA, ss or ds (matters for replication and transcription) What GENES will the virus need? (what proteins…)

20 Viral Genome Usually very small, few genes
RNA or DNA, ss or ds (matters for replication and transcription) Genome must code for three things: 1) Viral protein coat 2) Replication of viral nucleic acids 3) Movement into and out of host cells

21 Genome structure matters
Genome structure: ss or ds DNA or RNA Only (+) mRNA is translated into protein Other genomes need to be transcribed to (+) mRNA RNA replication unique to viruses; usually in cytoplasm DNA replication usually in nucleus

22 Different strategies to achieve two goals
Make new genome (how??) Make new capsid and other proteins (process??)

23 Different strategies to achieve two goals
Make new genome – DNA or RNA polymerase Make new capsid and other proteins – transcription and translation aka expression Viruses are all about genetics! Terminology note: “viral replication” means all of the above (genome replication plus gene expression plus capsid assembly)

24 Preview of viral replication and gene expression


26 But don’t worry… we’ll talk more about that later. Meanwhile…
Characteristics Structure Classification Culturing Replication Things that aren’t viruses

27 Classification of Viruses based on structure
Virus particle structure Isometric, helical, pleomorphic, complex (bacteriophages) Naked vs. enveloped Genome structure DNA or RNA; ss or ds; one molecule or segmented

28 Classification based on transmission
Enteric viruses: fecal-oral route  YAY! (e.g., poliovirus, norovirus) Respiratory viruses: inhaled droplets (e.g., influenza virus, rhinovirus) Sexually transmitted viruses (e.g., herpes, papillomaviruses, HIV) Zoonotic viruses: animal or arthropod vector transmission can occur to humans or other animals (e.g., rabies, West Nile virus, cowpox, dengue)

29 Growing Viruses - phage
Obligate intracellular parasite… meaning? Viruses must be grown in living cells Bacteriophages form plaques on a lawn of bacteria START HJERE Figure 13.6

30 Growing Viruses - animal
Animal viruses may be grown in living animals OR embryonated eggs Figure 13.7

31 Growing Viruses - common
Animal and plant viruses can grow in cell culture Continuous cell lines maintained indefinitely Figure 13.8

32 Virus Identification Cytopathic effects Serological tests
DNA or RNA sequence

33 Virus Identification –cytopathic effect
Any detectable change after infection – range from shape change to death Which is the infected side? A or B Figure 13.9

34 Virus Identification –cytopathic effect
Any detectable change after infection – range from shape change to death Uninfected – monolayer VSV infection: rounded Figure 13.9

35 Serological tests Detect antibodies against viruses in a patient
Use antibodies to identify viruses in neutralization tests, viral hemagglutination, and Western blot

36 How do viruses replicate?

37 Virus life cycle in brief
Get in Make more Get out Some variations on this theme Figure 13.9

38 A Viral One-Step Growth Curve
Figure 13.10

39 Bacteriophage replication
DNA genomes Lytic cycle Lysogenic cycle

40 Lytic cycle Attachment and penetration get in
Biosynthesis and maturation make more Lysis and release get out

41 The Lytic Cycle (bacteriophage)
Attachment: Phage attaches by tail fibers to host cell Penetration: Phage lysozyme opens cell wall; tail sheath contracts to force tail core and DNA into cell Biosynthesis: Production of phage DNA and proteins Maturation: Assembly of phage particles Release: Phage lysozyme breaks cell wall

42 Lytic Cycle of a T-Even Bacteriophage
attachment 1 2 penetration 3 biosynthesis Figure 13.11

43 Lytic Cycle of a T-Even Bacteriophage
maturation 4 release Figure 13.11

44 Viral infection of bacteria
Lytic cycle Phage causes lysis and death of host cell Lysogenic cycle Prophage DNA incorporated in host DNA

45 The Lysogenic Cycle “prophage” – when the phage DNA is in the host bacterial chromosome Figure 13.12

46 The Lysogenic Cycle phage DNA incorporated in host DNA  ________
A form of horizontal gene transfer  ___________ Figure 13.12

47 The Lysogenic Cycle phage DNA incorporated in host DNA  Prophage
A form of horizontal gene transfer  Transduction Figure 13.12

48 Why should we care about lysogeny (or transduction)
This exchange mediated by bacterial viruses is responsible for pathogenicity of many bacteria Botulism toxin of C. botulinum originally from a virus C. diphtheriae, also originally a viral (phage) source Shiga toxin of E. coli, from Shigella toxic shock syndrome of Streptococcus I could go on…

49 Multiplication of Animal Viruses
Attachment: Viruses attach to cell membrane (spikes not tail fibers) Penetration by endocytosis or fusion Uncoating by viral or host enzymes Biosynthesis: Production of nucleic acid and proteins Maturation: Nucleic acid and capsid proteins assemble Release by budding (enveloped viruses) or rupture

50 Getting in… Animal virus options

51 If you’re naked… Attachment (how?) Penetration by endocytosis
Uncoating (what’s coming off?) Figure 13.14a

52 Attachment, Penetration, Uncoating
By fusion (enveloped) Figure 13.14b

53 A question about entry Do both naked and enveloped viruses need to remove their coats?? A for yes, B for no

54 Getting OUT What do you think?
Animal virus 2 options – depend on structure LYSIS BUDDING

55 The dramatic way… lysis

56 Budding of an Enveloped Virus

57 How is viral structure related to entry/exit?

58 How is viral structure related to entry/exit?

59 What happens in between
Biosynthesis, maturation – what’s the point? Make new virus particles!!!

60 Multiplication of DNA Virus
release uncoat maturation “early” proteins (viral replication) Get into nucleus “late” proteins (capsid) Figure 13.15

61 If you’re a DNA virus What is copying your genome?
What’s making your mRNA? DNA  DNA by host DNA polymerase DNA m RNA by host RNA polymerase mRNA  protein by host ribosomes

62 If you’re an RNA virus What is copying your genome?
What’s making your mRNA? Are these obvious or simple questions to answer?

63 Some RNA virus terms Single stranded “+” RNA Single stranded “-” RNA
Double stranded RNA

64 Types of RNA genome

65 Multiplication of RNA-Containing Viruses
Only (+) mRNA is translated into protein Other genomes need to be transcribed to (+) mRNA Genome + mRNA  translate to protein and transcribe to –RNA -RNA  + RNA for mRNA and genome RNA to RNA HOW? Viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (in the genome) Figure 13.17

66 “+” stranded RNA genetics

67 Multiplication of RNA-Containing Viruses
Only (+) mRNA is translated into protein Other genomes need to be transcribed to (+) mRNA Genome - RNA  transcribe to +RNA +RNA translate to protein, transcribe to –RNA genome RNA to RNA HOW? Viral RNA-dep RNA pol IN THE CAPSID Figure 13.17

68 “-” stranded RNA genetics

69 Multiplication of RNA-Containing Viruses
Only (+) mRNA is translated into protein Other genomes need to be transcribed to (+) mRNA Genome dsRNA  use +RNA to make protein RNA polymerase transcribes both strands to make new ds genome RNA to RNA HOW? RNA-dep RNA pol in the genome (+ side of ds RNA can be mRNA) Figure 13.17

70 “ds” stranded RNA genetics

71 How is viral genome related to replication?
FUNCTION REPLICATION requires dsDNA DNA polymerase “+” RNA or dsRNA Genome is an mRNA Gene for RDRP (RNA dependent RNA pol) “-” stranded RNA RDRP protein loaded into the capsid

72 Anything ELSE??? Of COURSE there is. :D

73 Multiplication of a Retrovirus
HIV, leukemia, animal tumors Single-stranded, enveloped, RNA viruses reverse transcriptase: ss RNA  ds DNA NO PROOFREADING, mistakes made, capsid proteins highly variable ds DNA integrated into host chromosome = provirus Figure 13.19

74 Multiplication of a Retrovirus
Entry by fusion Release by budding Uncoating releases genome enzymes like RT, integrase Viral proteins to cell surface RT ssDNAdsDNA transcription  viral genome and proteins Integration of provirus Figure 13.19

75 Retrovirus replication

76 How animal viruses get mRNA and genomes
DNA viruses DNA  DNA host DNA polymerase sometimes also viral DNA polymerase DNA mRNA host RNA polymerase “+” RNA or ds RNA – their genome is already an mRNA Genome is an mRNA used directly by ribosome Encodes a Viral RNA RNA pol; makes more genomes “-” RNA – their genome is NOT an mRNA In capsid: viral RNA RNA pol makes mRNA This RNA RNA polymerase also makes more genomes Retroviruses – not “+” or “-” because of life cycle In capsid: RNA DNA reverse transcriptase Enters nucleus, incorporates into chromosome as provirus Now treated as a gene so mRNA is made by host RNA pol

77 Cancer oncogenes Transformed cells how can you tell
transform normal cells into cancer cells normal cell protein that is overactive or has extra functions due to mutation or misregulation oncogenes are the result of mutation – radiation, chemicals, and 10% of the time gene transfer by viruses Transformed cells how can you tell Change shape: increased growth, loss of contact inhibition Cell surface: tumor-specific transplant antigens Genetic: oncogenic virus’ DNA integrated into host DNA

78 Do plants get viruses? Yes! Is their life cycle the same? Figure 13.23

79 Plant Viruses -Very common
instead of attaching to receptors on cells enter through cell wall wounds - Many extremely hardy - Human, insect, worm, fungal vectors

80 Things that aren’t cells or viruses
But still cause disease And they are REALLY REALLY small

81 Viroids are infectious RNAs in plants
It’s not PTSD, it’s PSTD: potato spindle tuber disease Figure 13.23

82 Viroids Circular ssRNA ~300 to 400 nucleotides
Replicate autonomously within susceptible cells using host RNA polymerase Single viroid capable of infecting cell Resistant to digestion by nucleases So far only host is plants Sequences similar to introns - Many questions: how do they replicate, how do they cause disease, how did they originate (“RNA world”), are they restricted to plants?

83 Prions Proteinaceous Infectious particle No nucleic acids!
Inherited and transmissible by ingestion, transplant, and surgical instruments Spongiform encephalopathies: Sheep scrapie, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome, fatal familial insomnia, mad cow disease PrPC: Normal cellular prion protein, on cell surface PrPSc: Scrapie protein; accumulates in brain cells, forming plaques

84 Sphongiform encephalopathies
PrPC: Normal cellular prion protein, on cell surface PrPSc: Scrapie protein; accumulates in brain cells, forming plaques

85 How a Protein Can Be Infectious
Figure 13.22

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