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REFEREE 101 Dan Lewis/Abram Anaya

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1 REFEREE 101 Dan Lewis/Abram Anaya
NMOA State Clinic REFEREE 101 Dan Lewis/Abram Anaya

2 Pre-Game Crew Communication At least one week prior to the game
Know of any potential issues on the crew or with teams If local game, let crew know what time you want them there School Communication Contact School AD/Head Coach Find out your on-site representative Confirm location/Game time Travel Driver Meeting time/location On Site Pre-Game In the locker room What are your expectations Foul Reporting Ensure crew knows their responsibilities

3 On Field Pre-Game Coaches Meeting
Professionalism – Be confident, look the coach in the eye Introduce your self/crew Anything we should be aware of/unusual Do not get drawn into “what happened last week” Give equal time to each Coach Watch players Know your starting QB Watch his movements/throwing style Take a look at linemen in blocking drills

4 COIN TOSS This is your first opportunity to gain credibility
Hustle to the middle of the field and stand across the umpire at the 50 Bring in the captains If on camera, turn the captains 90 degrees so you are facing the Press Box. Make sure you are ready (and know what you are going to say) before turning on the mic. Welcome the visiting team Introduce yourself and UMPIRE! Speak clearly (rehearse this!) Give visitors choice of coin flip Flip the coin and leave it on the ground (Umpire will pick it up) Give winner choice (kick, receive, defer) Losing team will get the remaining option Give signals for the whole stadium to see Line up teams and signify who will receive to begin the game GO TO YOUR SPOTS! No need for the ra-ra stuff or starburst

5 Pre-Snap Routine Formulate your own pre-snap routine and use it EVERY play, this will make you a much better official Clock Status Line of Scrimmage Down and distance Substitutions Count Recognize formation Identify Keys

6 Pre-snap Positioning - Scrimmage
14-15 yards deep 2-3 yards outside of the Tackle Initial keys are the backs and tackles Once the ball is snapped try to stand still as long as you can This will improve focus Open Vision Watch tackles until QB is threatened When QB moves – go with him Hand off – look for front side blocks

7 Pre-snap Positioning - Punts
2 – 3 yards behind Punter 1 – 2 Outside of the Tackle Want to be at 45 degree angle when the ball is kicked Watch initial holding Move to Punter once threatened Once the kick is away, go to the spot of the kick Don’t lose your kicker, he is your responsibility

8 Pre-snap Positioning – Field Goals
Position yourself on the side “looking into the holder” Outside of the widest blocker Depth - Where you are comfortable to see the action on your kicker/holder Stay on the action on your kicker/holder (don’t be a hurry to “go up”)

9 Pre-snap Positioning – Free Kick
Goal line; you have the responsibility to know if the ball crosses the goal line Count R, but don’t forget to count players to each side of Kicker Once the ball is caught focus on blocks in front (wedge) Low blocks Be aware of the guy swimming up stream Follow the play where ever the ball takes you

10 You hold the credibility of the entire crew in your hands!
Penalty Enforcements This is the one time in the game when everything comes to a complete stop and all eyes are on us You hold the credibility of the entire crew in your hands! Know what you are going to say BEFORE you turn on the mic Stand still, don’t be moving around or fidgeting Don’t give the appearance that you are unsure or unconfident Be aware of body language/facial expressions Speak clearly Practice your signals and try to make them coordinate with your verbalism

11 Penalty Enforcements FOUL NUMBER TEAM PENALTY DOWN Offense Defense
Kickers Receivers PENALTY DOWN

12 Game Flow Getting the ball set Making the ball ready for play
Game pace Good game pace keeps the coaches off your back Keeps fans happy!

13 PROFESSIONALISM You are the face of your crew Perception is Reality!
Physical appearance Uniform Confidence vs. Arrogance RESPECT Game administration Coaches Players Fans Fellow Officials Social Media Watch what you say and be aware of where you are at and who you are around!

14 HAVE A GREAT SEASON! Abram Anaya 505-670-2714
Dan Lewis

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