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What Does it Look Like in Grades Kindergarten-2nd ?

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Presentation on theme: "What Does it Look Like in Grades Kindergarten-2nd ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Does it Look Like in Grades Kindergarten-2nd ?
What is Blended Learning? What Does it Look Like in Grades Kindergarten-2nd ?

2 Blended Learning Blended Learning combines the best of online learning with traditional teaching. Individualized instruction and progress monitoring via the computer is translated into daily classroom instruction by the teacher. The student works at his or her own level through technology and a web-based program called i-READY with a focus on reading and math. i-READY is a user friendly program that allows students, teachers, and parents to analyze student progress. Students also have access to i-READY at home.

3 Blended Learning Is….. Great for visual learners
Geared toward enhancing critical thinking skills Continually challenging every student at their own level through the i-READY program Interactive learning for every student at their particular level Allows student to work at their own speed and ability level Fosters length of time on task, therefore students learn to stay focused for longer periods of time

4 Blending Learning Is ……
Cultivates reciprocal learning strategies Students apply classroom strategies to problem solve online lessons Online learning skills are being transferred to classroom learning

5 What Blended Learning is Not
A misconception is that by simply adding technology into the school day is a blended learning approach. Blended learning approach is the teacher’s ability to use technology to personalize the learning process for students. Blended learning is an effective way to maximize teacher direct instruction.

6 Key Factors for Implementing a Successful Blended Learning
Factor #1: Select a technology tool that adapts to each student’s abilities. Core objective of Blended Learning is to personalize instruction to meet the specific needs of each student. Factor #2: The instructional program should capture student data. If a blended approach is used in the class and the intention is to help each student grow and improve their skill development, then the technology program must record, monitor, and provide the student progress easily.

7 The DATA helps drive the INSTRUCTION.
Factor # 3 The program should recommend next steps for the teacher. A blended approach to learning helps make the students instruction more personalized. It allows them to work at their own pace and focus on areas of weakness and further develop other skill areas. The data the teacher receives on each students skill areas helps to provide direct instruction and intervention on a more individualized level. The DATA helps drive the INSTRUCTION. Factor # 4 The program should provide resources for teacher-led instruction. The data the teacher receives on student performance is very valuable in planning for the classroom. However, many technology programs do not provide the resources- “lessons for instruction” and the teacher is left to find/choose materials that would help the student. A technology program that provides strategies for direct instruction is invaluable for the student and their growth.

8 Summary of the 4 Key Factors
“When blended learning incorporates adaptive technology, real-time progress monitoring, and provides the recommended next steps for the teacher to customize instruction for each student, the result is a powerful combination that helps teachers become more targeted, time efficient and effective in improving students’ overall ability.” Elizabeth Brooke, Vice President of Education and Research, Lexia Learning

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