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Competitiveness Roadmaps

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Presentation on theme: "Competitiveness Roadmaps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Competitiveness Roadmaps
Georg Lettner Energy Economics Group (EEG) Vienna University of Technology Competitiveness Roadmaps PV Parity Final Workshop EU PVSEC 2013 Paris, 4 October 2013

2 Agenda Modeling approach Empirical settings in the target countries
MITHRAS simulation tool Results: Roadmap to PV competitiveness in different sectors in Europe Competitiveness of PV electricity imports from MENA countries Summary Competitiveness Roadmaps

3 Modeling approach Self-consumption Wholesale market
Economic calculation of the net present value ​​of costs and revenues over the lifetime of a PV system. Self-consumption PV generation can be partially or completely replace the current consumption. The economic comparison is made with the current retail electricity price (= generation costs & grid costs & taxes). Wholesale market PV revenues at the Wholesale market (less/no self-consumption) Competitiveness Roadmaps

4 Household/Commercial Customer: Economic Comparison with versus without PV System
1. Household/Commercial Customers with PV System 2. Household/Commercial Customer without PV System 3. Comparison (Economic Trade-Off): Competitiveness Roadmaps

5 Utility-scale Ground-mounted PV Systems
1. PV System Selling to the Wholesale Market LCoE-PV System Spotmarket Price PV Generation „Merit-Order“ Effect of PV Generation (Economic Cannibalism) 2. Economic Trade-Off: Competitiveness Roadmaps

6 Empirical Settings for the Residential Sector in the Target Countries
Overview of the Status Quo 2012 of the Retail Price, Market Price, avg. Energy Yield and the avg. PV System Costs for all Target Countries Competitiveness Roadmaps

7 Development of PV System Cost in the Target Countries
Competitiveness Roadmaps

8 Development of Retail Electricity Prices in Target Countries
Competitiveness Roadmaps

9 Development of Wholesale Market Prices in the Target Countries
Competitiveness Roadmaps

10 MITHRAS simulation tool
Public version: NPV-based economic trade-off analyses of PV generation in all sectors (households, commerical/industry, utility-scale, non-grid connected) Using real (measured) load profiles data and also standardized load profiles on an 1/4 –hourly basis All parameters in the GUI can be edited/varied by user (tailor-made individual PV project analysis incl. sensitivity analysis possible) Internal version (in addition): Monte-Carlo simulation of all parameters implemented (mean value, standard deviation, lower/upper limit) Optimisation of size of individual PV system fulfilling different criteria/ constraints (e.g maximizing self consumption, economic benefits, etc.) Identification of „expected“ market electricity price for feeding excess PV generation into the grid (incl. corresponding economic trade-offs) Competitiveness Roadmaps

11 MITHRAS simulation tool
Simulation Model MITHRAS modeling PV competitiveness in different sectors Competitiveness Roadmaps

12 The Simulation Model MITHRAS
GUI: Parameter Settings, Calculation, Result Presentation Competitiveness Roadmaps

13 Roadmap to PV competitiveness in the residential sector in the target countries
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Competitiveness Roadmaps

14 Roadmap to PV competitiveness in the residential sector in the target countries
Probability of achieving PV competitiveness in the residential sector in the target countries Competitiveness Roadmaps

15 Roadmap to PV competitiveness in the commercial sector in the target countries
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Competitiveness Roadmaps

16 Roadmap to PV competitiveness in the commercial sector in the target countries
Probability of achieving PV competitiveness in the commercial sector in the target countries for two different kind of load profiles Competitiveness Roadmaps

17 Roadmap to PV Wholesale Price competitiveness for utility-scale PV power plants in the target countries Analysis of a possible PV wholesale price competitiveness based on an Energy-only market concept Competitiveness Roadmaps

18 PV Grid Connections from MENA countries to Europe
Competitiveness Roadmaps

19 Competitiveness of PV electricity imports from MENA countries
Slight Wholesale Price Spread for grid investments between MENA countries and Europe up to 2030 Imports from MENA countries increase the cannibalism of PV competitiveness on wholesale market place Comparison of average wholesale prices and LCoE has no significance. Competitiveness Roadmaps

20 Summary Rooftop PV systems in the residential and commercial sector:
PV competitiveness is already reached (or will be reached in a few years) in majority of target countries. Self consumptions of PV generation shall be maximised, because… …at present, these kWhs are not subject to grid tariffs, RES-E support charges, and taxes. Although grid tariffs and taxes need to be charged in the medium- to long-term, this does not affect PV competitiveness fundamentally in future. Utility-scale ground mounted PV power plants: Competitiveness of PV generation in the wholesale electricity market is far away. Inherent structural problem of „economic cannibalism“ of PV generation in the wholesale market („merit-order effect“) will remain also in the long-term. Imports from MENA countries will enhance the “merit-order effect” Competitiveness Roadmaps

Thank you for your attention! Contact: Georg Lettner PV Parity Project: Simulation Model MITHRAS: Competitiveness Roadmaps

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