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Career Research Project

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1 Career Research Project
By: Alante’ Ramos-Buford

2 #1 Real Estate Basics description
The basics of being a real estate agent is buying or selling houses. If a real estate agent or realtor buy a house he or she can keep it and rent the house out to another citizen, then the agent will get paid by the person living there. The other option is to buy a house that doesn’t cost a lot of money hold it till the land value goes up and sell it, or buy a house that softly damage, fix it up then sell it for more.

3 Real estate 10 Characteristics
These are the top 10 Characteristics to being a successful real estate agent. Problem solver mindset Self-motivated entrepreneur Honesty and integrity Hustle and tenacity Interest in houses and architecture Engaging personality Attention to detail Understand the local housing market Build a network of connections Knowledge is power




7 Lifestyle/ Lifestyle Goals
Real Estate Lifestyle/ Lifestyle Goals Salary: A real estate agent make a median of 86,000 a year. Real estate also gets paid from commission so they could make a lot more depending on how many house they rent out or sell. Working hours: A real estate agent works an average total of 40 hour a week but some work a 9 to 5 especially since many client meetings take place on weekday evenings and on weekends. Example: Donald Trump one of the richest real estate agents. My House: Since I get a good amount of money and my yearly payment can grow depending on how many houses I sell. Since I’m in real estate and I delicate my life to houses, I want to build my own house in a area where there is lots of land so I can add on to my house

8 Real Estate Location: Real Estate agent rarely relocates or move they mostly stay in the state where their properties are. My home landlord stays in a different state so she hardly comes by, she actually sends close family members over and to repair things or if we have a problem with our house. Interests area: Real estate mostly falls under business. Real estate agents also are recommended to take business class because it helps with finances and understanding of how the market works. Me: I plan on getting my Real estate license my senior year of high school it’s a 3 month class and I need around $300 dollars to take the class and pay for a couple of other things.

9 #2 Personal Trainer Basic Description
A personal trainer is a fitness professional involved in exercise prescription and instruction. They motivate clients by setting goals and providing feedback and accountability to clients. Trainers also measure their client's strengths and weaknesses with fitness assessments. This is a that doesn’t require a college degree but a certificate. I also will be taking classes for my certified right after high school and it will be my part time job (that’s why I put 1 ½ instead of 2 because its just a part time career )

10 Personal Trainer 10 Characteristics
These are the top 10 Characteristics to be a successful personal trainer Experienced Enthusiastic Communicative Patient Persistent Safe Prompt Empathetic Trust-worthy Praising




14 Lifestyle/Lifestyle Goals
Personal Trainer Lifestyle/Lifestyle Goals Salary: The weekly salary of a personal trainer is above $1,000 dollars (Part-Time). Annual salary for a part time personal trainer is $50,000 dollars. They get paid above $30 dollars a hour. Hours: Work hour depend on what time your client wants to train. It can be at 5 a.m. in the morning. Personal trainers can make their own time, as long as the client agrees they want to train at that time Goal : My goal is to be a great personal trainer and I want to be a weight lifter and build lots of muscle.

15 Career clusters/ Interest area
Personal Trainer Location The only area I have to be in is one near a gym. The only reason I would have to move or relocate is if my gym that I work at gets closed or shut down but I will always be in the same area. There’s other gym’s I can work at like planet fitness, fitness 19, powerhouse gym, anytime fitness, but La fitness is my favorite and I go there as often as I can. Career clusters/ Interest area A personal trainer falls under the are of a Exercise prescription, Exercise prescription is the referral of patients to exercise programmers. The term is also used to describe the development of exercise programs.

16 #3 Professional Athlete
Basic description A Professional Athlete participates in professional competitive athletic events to entertain the audience. He or she exercises and practices under direction of a professional coach. He or she may speak, as representative of team or professional sports club, to groups involved in activities, such as sports clinics and fundraisers.

17 Professional athlete 10 Characteristics
These are the top 10 characteristics you will need to be a good professional athlete Awareness Strong Mind Desire to Get Better Determination Passionate Mentally Tough Are You Coachable? Confidence Will to Prepare to Win Making Your Teammates Better




21 Professional Athlete Lifestyle/lifestyle Goals Salary:
NFL players make $1.9 million per year Hours: Professional athletes practices however many hours the coach wants them to, to be better. Goal: I haven't really thought of any goals to do in the NFL, I really been losing motivation to become a professional football player, but its still a dream of mines my main goal is to get better and hopefully start on a college team and get drafted ill set my goals more when I get there

22 Career area/ Interest area
Professional Athlete Location I know I will be moving a lot around America and even other countries but before I leave and relocate ever week I want to be establish. Career area/ Interest area In the United States and Canada, the term professional football includes the professional forms of American and Canadian gridiron football. In common usage, it refers to former and existing major football leagues in either country. Currently (2014), there are multiple professional football leagues in North America: the three best known are the National Football League (NFL) and the Arena Football League (AFL) in the U.S. and the Canadian Football League (CFL) in Canada. The NFL has existed continuously since being so named in 1922.

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