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BC inquiry Project By: Josh & Ezra.

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1 BC inquiry Project By: Josh & Ezra

2 Question B Has British Columbia always been multicultural & accepting province?

3 Immigration OF Black people
Shows number of slaves that entered Canada in 1819 All of them were in their early twenties and early thirties. They all used the Underground Railroads.

4 Immigration and Settlement of Black People
Book about slaves from America settling in Canada. In the beginning, it talks about the problems they had trying to escape America. Once they made it to Canada, the people of Canada wanted to help the slaves out right away. Canada gave the slaves new clothes, food and money. The slaves though it was easy to find a job in Canada right away.

5 Quote from a slave This quote says that the runaway slaves from America came to this lovely lady for work and food. The slaves had felt their first hash winter in Canada, though the lovely lady said that the power of God was with them. The African Americans soon left and the lovely lady had moved to America for what she thought was going to be a better life. She was soon interviewed. "But the first winter was terribly severe for those poor runaways. They earned their bread by chopping wood in the snows of a Canadian forest; they were frostbitten, hungry, and naked. Harriet was their good angel. She kept house for her brother, and the poor creatures boarded with her. She worked for them, begged for them, prayed for them, with the strange familiarity of communion with God, which seems natural to these people, and carried them by the help of God through the hard winter."  Franklin Sanborn The Boston Commonwealth, 1863

6 Chinese Immigration Back then Christianity was a huge thing.
The Chinese were also hated because they had no religioned or follow no God. In this drawing, it shows that white immigrates are accepted into Canada and the Chinese are not accepted. If you look close into the drawing, it shows that there are more Chinese than White Immigrates.

7 Helping with the Railway
Gen. William T. Sherman on the Plains Indians, 1865 “They built the Great Wall of China, didn’t they?” In this quote, Sherman had said that if the Chinese were able to build the Great Wall of China, then their more than capable of building a Railway.

8 Paying the Head Tax British Columbia really didn’t want the Chinese to enter British Columbia, so then they created a Head Tax. Many Chinese could pay the Tax, so British Columbia made the price higher and higher until they said no Chinese aloud in British Columbia. The cartoon shows that the Chinese needed to pay a Tax if they wanted to enter British Columbia. Cartoon was made in 30th of June 1900.

9 Southern Asian immigration
Indian immigrations was something that became more popular in the 20th century Since many Indians wanted to immigrate to British Columbia, British Columbia said that if they wanted to immigrate to British Columbia, they would need to come from where they started, make no stops and get to British Columbia. Though, the Indians had to stop to get more fuel, but they said that they never left the British colonies, they stop at a British colony and arrived at a British colony.

10 The Komagata Maru Incident
The Komagata Maru was a ship full of Indian immigrates coming from India. When the Indians arrived in British Columbia, all 367 passengers were told not to leave the ship they were on. Because they stopped on their way to British Columbia, and to keep out Asian immigrates. In the cartoon in the slide before, that cartoon showed the Indians getting mad that they couldn’t get off their ship, the people of British Columbia were scared that they will take all the jobs. On July 23rd, 1914, two naval ships, arrived, escorting the Asian immigrates to leave the British Columbian Territories.

11 Conclusion So was, British Columbia really Multicultural and accepting of other races? Yes & No British Columbia started out ruff with others, though through time, British Columbia started to become more of what the question is asking.

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