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National seminars Good practice cities PORTUGAL 26TH JUNE 2017

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2 National seminars Good practice cities PORTUGAL 26TH JUNE 2017

3 URBACT in a nutshell European Territorial Cooperation programme (ETC) co-financed by ERDF All 28 Member States as well as 2 Partner States (Switzerland and Norway) are eligible to participate Main objective: To promote integrated and sustainable urban development in European cities Managing Authority: France National Seminars Good Practice Cities

4 URBACT III – 4 main objectives
To improve the capacity of cities to manage sustainable urban policies and practices in an integrated and participative way To improve the design of integrated urban & sustainable strategies/ action plans in cities To improve the implementation of integrated urban & sustainable strategies/ action plans in cities To ensure that practitioners and decision makers at all levels have access to knowledge and share know-how on all aspects of sustainable urban development National Seminars Good Practice Cities

5 3 main strands of activities
TRANSNATIONAL EXCHANGE & LEARNING Allowing cities to share experiences/ problems/ solutions, learn from one another, identify good practices to design & implement integrated urban policies CAPACITY-BUILDING Enhancing the capacities of urban practitioners and policy-makers to develop integrated and participatory approaches to urban development CAPITALISATION DISSEMINATION Capitalising & disseminating urban knowledge, policy recommendations, good practices to a wider audience of policy- makers & practitioners Networks: three different types of networks- action planning (to create a Local Action Plan), Implementation (to overcome challenges related to implementation of local policies), Transfer (one identified good practice to be transferred to other cities) Capacity-building: National and EU trainings on how to put in place integrated and participatory approaches/ local policies Capitalisation-communication: publications, events, website, National URBACT Points NETWORKS TRAININGS KNOWLEDGE PLATFORM National Seminars Good Practice Cities

6 What is a good practice according to URBACT?
A good practice is a successful experience which has been tested and validated and deserves to be shared so that a greater number of cities can adopt it… National Seminars Good Practice Cities

7 Results of the Good Practice Call
270 submitted Good practices 264 eligible for assessment Relevance – URBACT Principles – Evidence - Transferability 97 approved for the URBACT Good Practice Label National Seminars Good Practice Cities

8 Geographical Coverage
28 countries submitted bids (LU and SK no bids) 25 countries successful No cases from MT, NO and LT National Seminar s Good Practice Cities

9 Quick Stats 19 cities from less developed regions
71 cities from more developed regions 6 cities from transition regions 1 city from a Partner State 47 Large size cities 32 Medium size cities 18 Small size cities 30 Newcomers National Seminars Good Practice Cities

10 Thematic Objectives National Seminar with Good Practice Cities- 2017

11 Fit with UAEU themes National Seminars Good Practice Cities

12 Spotlight on Portuguese Good Practices
Amadora Agueda Cascais Lisbon (2) Palmela Guimarães Sintra Valongo 5 newcomers 1 economy 1 environment 3 governance 3 inclusion 1 planning REFER to Diet for green planet - Mollet del Valles example of transfer: Understand: Mollet del Valles ( people) before joining the network had no diet policy at local level but an ambition to promote the surrounding rural area and stimulate local economy. Albert Garcia says that for them Sodertalje was like a "UFO" something that was completely new and unusual from Spanish standards but at the same time an unexpected way to fulfil their goals. When joined the network, the city undertook a survey to the users of school canteens, gathered perceptions, facts and data. Thanks to this survey, the City realised that school canteens were using pre-cooked and frozen food and meals, the food was coming from thousands of Km away, and the cooks were heating food rather than cooking it.  Adapt & Reuse: Mollet decided to change this, and adapt the model to Sodertalje  to their legal framework. Unlikely Sodertalje, they used public procurement in Sept 2014 as a tool to integrate healthy habits and principles in the public canteens. The city also adopted a Diet Policy at local level and established the Food Council to give advise to public canteens. By September 2016, Mollet has transformed their 7 public canteens following Sodertalje model and has established a monitoring system to follow up progress and changes. National Seminars Good Practice Cities

13 Objectives of National Seminar
GOOD PRACTICE CITY Meet Good Practice cities from your country and make links for future collaboration First chance to promote your Good Practice at national level in presence of NUP and national government URBACT PROGRAMME Get to know you and your Good Practices better Start to formulate the content for the City Festival in Tallinn REFER to Diet for green planet - Mollet del Valles example of transfer: Understand: Mollet del Valles ( people) before joining the network had no diet policy at local level but an ambition to promote the surrounding rural area and stimulate local economy. Albert Garcia says that for them Sodertalje was like a "UFO" something that was completely new and unusual from Spanish standards but at the same time an unexpected way to fulfil their goals. When joined the network, the city undertook a survey to the users of school canteens, gathered perceptions, facts and data. Thanks to this survey, the City realised that school canteens were using pre-cooked and frozen food and meals, the food was coming from thousands of Km away, and the cooks were heating food rather than cooking it.  Adapt & Reuse: Mollet decided to change this, and adapt the model to Sodertalje  to their legal framework. Unlikely Sodertalje, they used public procurement in Sept 2014 as a tool to integrate healthy habits and principles in the public canteens. The city also adopted a Diet Policy at local level and established the Food Council to give advise to public canteens. By September 2016, Mollet has transformed their 7 public canteens following Sodertalje model and has established a monitoring system to follow up progress and changes. National Seminars Good Practice Cities

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