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BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

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1 BSBWOR301 Organise personal work priorities and development

2 Identify signs of stress and effects on personal wellbeing

3 Identify signs of stress and effects on personal wellbeing
Stress is a commonly used word which describes our psychological and physiological wellbeing. We say we are stressed when we suffer from tiredness, insomnia, irritability etc These are really describing distress on our body However have you heard of the saying “…..I work best under pressure…? Sometimes some degree of stress or eustress can be positive – this occurs where we have a heightened sense of anticipation – for instance, just before the start of a competition or game

4 Identify signs of stress and effects on personal wellbeing
Refer to the diagram on Perceived Demands versus Capability, provided in section 2.4 of the text book What does the diagram suggest?

5 Typical symptoms of Distress
Physical (think of what these can be) Constant tiredness Headaches Frequent indigestion Lack of appetite Forgetfulness Lack of concentration Biting of Nails Nausea

6 Typical symptoms of Distress
Psychological Incessant worry Irritability Helplessness Difficulty in sleeping Indecisiveness Loss of humour

7 Typical symptoms of Distress
Physiological Tissue damage Low resistance to antigens

8 Behaviours The following behaviour could occur Absence from work
Alcohol or other substance abuse Conflict with work colleagues Conflict with friends and family members When at work, low productivity When at work, incessant mistakes Intense participation in sporting activities Participate in extreme sports Withdrawal from others

9 Typical symptoms of Eustress
Physical Heightened alertness Psychological Positive – can do attitude Creative – keen to explore options Physiological Elevated heart rate Dilated pupils Behaviours – As a result of eustress the following could occur Heightened productivity Ability to multi-task Confident Handle change well

10 Activity Refer to the activity in section 2.4

11 2.5 Identify sources of stress and access appropriate supports and resolution strategies
Work demands Complex tasks Role ambiguity Work/life balance Work overload Capability component Knowledge Skill Ability Motivation Attitude Personality

12 Coping Mechanisms for dealing with stress:
Seeking help at work Developing your skill base Using new work methods and technology Working faster Working longer hours Developing a silo mentality – stay out of it….. Excessive use of alcohol and substance abuse Seeking comforting relationships Meditation Participating in sporting activities Participating in social activities

13 Refer to the Model/Diagram provided in Section 2.5
Then undertake the activity – Demand – Resource Pressure Note interesting points provided in this example What are some of the Resolution strategies

14 Review Questions Now undertake the Review Question at the end of Module 2

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