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AG-ASB- 18 g, h, i, j, k, l How do the immune systems of animals work?

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Presentation on theme: "AG-ASB- 18 g, h, i, j, k, l How do the immune systems of animals work?"— Presentation transcript:

1 AG-ASB- 18 g, h, i, j, k, l How do the immune systems of animals work?

2 Immunity Who got the flu shot? Did anybody get the flu?
How does that work?

3 How do disease organisms enter the body?
Natural openings – eyes, ears Respiratory tract – breathing it in Digestive tract – consuming Skin cuts

4 Immune system A method that the body uses to prevent disease

5 What is an animal’s first line of defense?
Natural barriers such as nose hair – sneezing mucous membranes – boogers and snot digestive enzymes – break down/kill bad things or makes you puke them up

6 What is the body’s second line of defense?
White blood cells called phagocytes that destroy disease carrying organisms. They are produced by bone marrow. White blood cell counts will spike when a disease is present Testing for appendicitis

7 What are lymphocytes? White blood cells produced by the lymph glands that kill disease carrying organisms This is why your glands swell when you are sick

8 Vaccinations The process of injecting an animal with low level of antigens to allow the animals immune system to build up resistance to that particular disease. Distemper Bordetella Rabies

9 Active and passive immunity
Active is permanent Passive is temporary

10 Acquired Immunity Naturally acquired immunity results from actually surviving the disease Artificial is the result of vaccines

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