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VSEP Project Steering Committee Meeting
April 20th 2017 Review of Year 3 and the 4th Annual workplan
Increased environmentally sustainable economic opportunities for poor rural men, women and youth
1000 : Improved management of technical and vocational education and training in Vietnam 2000 : Improved access to quality and relevant skills training programs for women and youth and ethnic minorities and rural population by technical and vocational education and training institutions
The VSEP designed Technical, Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is the bridge, between the labour supply and the industries’ requirements, assisting youth to access jobs in the modern economy.
VSEP aligns training programs more closely to requirements of industries using an improved curriculum, labs and teaching methodologies.
VSEP exposes it’s partners to the best practices of the Canada’s Community College model for the development of a successful and modern college.
Two Components: Component one involves the establishment of two Training Centers for Advanced Management (TCAMs) which will serve as focal points for the development and transformation of the TVET system based on market-driven, competency-based methodologies.
Component two implements best practices of the Canadian College model at three institutions in Vietnam: Vinh Long Community College, Hau Giang Community College and Binh Thuan Community College
College Partnerships Binh Thuan Community College Vinh Long Community College Hau Giang Community College College of the North Atlantic Niagara College Durham College Business Administration of Restaurant, Hotel and Tourism Food Technology Food and Pharmaceutical Technology
Review of Activities for Year 3
Component One Activities
TA for admin needs of TCAM Recruit and contract TCAM Staff Technical Assistance to set up TCAM RBM workshop Tech. Mission for TCAM Leadership in Canada Procurement of equipment for TCAM Barriers Workshop Annual Policy Forum High Level Study Tour 2 Train TCAM Staff Train TCAM Program Development staff Develop program framework for TCAM programs Develop and pilot applied training modules Support Communities of Practice (COP) Train TCAM Staff in Canada – summer academy Tech. Mission for Provincial Human Resource Planning Train TCAM staff in Facilitation Skills in Vietnam
Component Two Activities
DACUM training Tech mission in enrollment Mgmt Industry involvement PACs Greening of Campuses Gender main-streaming Employability skills Develop the program for approval Develop the curriculum Upgrading skills of faculty TA for student recruitment ESP Articulation Master Trainer Program Scholarships Quality Assurance
Highlights during the year:
A high level study tour for 8 senior policy and decision makers from national and provincial government were oriented to the Canadian Community College Model at Niagara College, Canada.
Grand Opening of TCAM-NAEM TCAM-NAEM opening was held on Sept 29th, 2016 in Hanoi.
Technical Missions for TCAM in Canada
Leaders develop the CAM Series at Niagara College Niagara College Summer Academy on Instructional Design
Accessibility Workshop focusing on increasing access and removing barriers for access to skills training for VSEP target groups
The Policy Forum on moving towards a modernized College model
Development of the CAM Series
Cam Series framework First course developed and delivered Student Centered College
Program Development in the provinces
All three provinces progressing satisfactorily in the development of the new programs. 3 Missions from the Canadian Colleges, involving a lead Instructional Designer, a Subject Matter Specialist and support from a Manager were completed.
Faculty Skills Development Workshop
DACUM Training DACUM 1 was held in Hanoi
DACUM Skills Consolidation Workshop held in HCMC.
Technical Mission in Enrollment Managment
BTCC, HGCC and VLCC all spent one week in Canada on a technical mission to study Enrollment Management at their partner college. This was followed by a technical mission from a recruitment expert who worked with faculty for one week in Vietnam.
Scholarship Program Only one faculty member qualified for application during the year. However, not yet accepted by Canadian University due to high requirements. 9 BTCC faculty trained at CNA
English for Special Purposes
Canadian ESP expert has been working with BTCC since September to develop a four level course for English for Tourism
The 4th Annual Workplan (April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018)
Outcome Conditions Output Conditions Activity
4th Annual Workplan The Fourth Annual Workplan contains 21 sub‐activities: 10 in Component One and 11 in Component Two. Of these sub‐activities, two are in the Leadership Bundle with Niagara college, and three are involve Canadian Colllege Partnerships.
Our Focus for the Year ahead:
complete the writing of the CAM Series and continue to roll‐out the training for colleges throughout Vietnam through the TCAMs. continue to develop organization capacity with the TCAMs launch the three exemplary college programs, including lab set‐up and capacity building of instructors, and to document lessons learned and best practice to produce a resource library of Knowledge Products.
1111.4 Procurement of Equipment for TCAM
Facilitate procurement and fund equipment and furniture for TCAMs.
1111.6 On-going monitoring and evaluation
Provide TA to strengthen the competencies project stakeholders in RBM including support to strategy and logic model development
1111.8 TA to assist TCAM with on-going administrative needs
Provide TA to address TCAM organizational, financial and administrative issues such as planning, budgeting, etc
1131.1 Third High Level Study Tour in Canada
A third high level study tour to Canada will be arranged to introduce the Canadian College system to the new stakeholders of the project, particularly MOLISA and new members of the PPCs in the colleges
Annual Policy Forum Provide TA to plan and host an Annual Policy Forum. The theme of the Forum will be decided later but will focus on Project Sustainability. We expect two guest speakers from the Canadian Community College system.
1211.4 (LB) Develop program framework for TCAM
Train TCAM staff in Facilitation Skills to carry out the CAM series to a wide group of colleges in Vietnam.
1211.6(LB) TA to develop evaluation approaches, review one course
TA to develop evaluation approaches and tools and review one course
1211.7 (LB) Support the TCAM to deliver TVET leadership and management programs.
Through the Flow Through Fund, TCAM will be provided with support to develop the remaining CAM Series courses and carry out these training programs throughout the college network in Vietnam.
1221.1 (LB) Develop and pilot applied training modules
Provide TA to TCAMs to develop applied TVET management and training resource packages (Knowledge Products) based on best practices from the project
1231.1 Support 29 Colleges to develop COP
To engage higher-education leaders and managers from a segmented grouping in order that they learn and share about issues that are specific to their grouping. Segmentation Example Leaders Managers TVET Schools 1 2 Colleges 3 4 Projects 5 6
2111.5(CP) Industry involvement in colleges incl. PAC (CNA lead)
Increase industry involvement in college activities, in collaboration with the CTVTE, by establishing/supporting Program Advisory Committees (PACs) in the Provinces.
2121.3 (CP) Environmental experts to provide ongoing TA
Canadian and Vietnamese environmental experts work with the colleges to support environmental sustainability. The focus is to work with the partners for “Greening the Colleges”.
2121.5 Ongoing support to Access/Gender Committee
Canadian and Vietnamese Gender Equality Specialists will provide ongoing support increased access at the Vietnamese colleges by providing support to the implementation of the Accessibility Action plans developed during Accessibility Workshop completed during the previous fiscal year.
2121.6(CP) Employability Skills expert works with colleges
Capacity will be built to integrate a Vietnamese Essential Employability Skills (EES) into the curriculum. This will be done by comparing our existing Canadian EES with studies that have been undertaken in Vietnam in order to develop a knowledge product for VSEP.
2121.9 (CP) Develop Proposal for Program Approval
Develop Proposal for Program Approval including course mapping, equipment and facilities plan, articulation, employability skills and strategy.
2121.10(CP) Develop the Curriculum
Co‐develop three exemplary, gender‐ and environmentally‐ sensitive programs and provide relevant faculty development. Three missions from the Canadian Colleges are planned of 18 days each involving an instructional designer and subject matter specialist. These will comprise missions 6, 7, 8 from the college partnerships.
2121.16 Pilot - English for Specific Purposes for hospitality and tourism program
Provide TA to BTCC to develop and deliver an English for Specific Purposes program. The design of the program will be completed. Activities will include publishing of the materials and training in their usage in the classroom and in the program.
2131.1(CP) QA experts develop the Program Level QA system plus KPI
QA experts develop the Program Level QA system (AUN). This will led by TCAM in collaboration with the AUN.
Program Validation Vietnamese colleges will be able to evaluate and validate the existing programs using the tools gained in the development of their new programs, i.e. DACUM, competency‐based training, etc. “Why do we teach what we teach?”
2221.2 TA to Vietnamese partners to develop student services strategies
Canadian college partners provide TA to Vietnamese partners to develop strategies for improved Student Services.
2321.2 (CP) Implement Scholarship program for Masters Program
Implement a Scholarship Program and develop technical upgrading programs for Vietnamese faculty. We propose expanding this activity to three possibilities: Scholarships for faculty. Minimum requirement 8 GPA, 6.5 IELTs, for existing faculty (at least 3 years) and who can return before the end of program . Develop a customized program with the partners, based on mutual agreement, to upgrade faculty that will deliver the programs. Increase Canadian SME Training in Vietnam, based upon mutual agreement between partnerships i.e. on-site training at the college in Vietnam.
Gender Gender equality concerns are factored into VSEP activities with emphasis placed on access to education and training, participation in trainings and events, and increased representation and decision making. VSEP’s gender strategy is supported through Canadian and Vietnamese Gender Equality Specialists who are consulted regularly to audit plans, review results of activities and comment on ways and means that VSEP can more effectively ensure that women’s concerns are well represented at all levels of the project. Gender disaggregated data is produced for each activity.
Adjustment to the PIP Emphasis on Student Services. Student Services require strengthening to increase and sustain enrolments, increase success rates and reduce drop‐out due to a wide‐variety of risk factors. Each college has developed an Access Action Plan to improve enrollments and success in studies with particular emphasis placed on gender issues and students at risk. Third High Level Study Tour. With all of the Vietnamese community colleges falling under MOLISA effective January 1, 2017 there is need to sensitize MOLISA officials towards the Canadian College approach. As well, changes of rectors at all of our partners and responsible People's Committee personnel in the provinces need to be oriented to the VSEP approach. Therefore, a third High Level Study Tour will be organized in September 2017 with a group of 10 people comprising new rectors, new People's Committee members and representation from MOLISA. Master Degree Scholarship Program. VSEP initially designated $1M CAD to support three faculty from each partner college obtain a Masters degree in Canada. It is now clear that very few candidates can meet the requirement. We are therefore recommending a focus on upgrading faculty involved in the new programs through a variety of skills upgrading activities in Canada and in Vietnam.
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