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Muon Tomography Overview SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics

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1 Muon Tomography Overview SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics
David Urner University of Manchester Accelerator Physics / Dimensional Metrology: Oxford B-Physics, Meon Spectroscopy: CLEO/Cornell Muon g-2: Brookhaven/UIUC Meson Spectroscopy: Crystal Barrel/LEAR/Zurich

2 Muon Tomography Overview
We need large drift chambers inexpensive few readout channels ~mm type resolutions Solution OPAL muon chamber single cell: 60 cm wide up to 10 m long

3 Muon Tomography drift chamber
Developed in Manchester Anode wire 5800V ~up to 1 μs drift time expected resolution σx ~1mm charge division σz ~ 5cm Cathode 4000V Strips shaping drift field Induced field depends on avalanche position on diamond improve noise behaviour by subtraction large signal on diamond small signal Cathode

4 Prototypes Roger Barlow Jo Pater Ray Thomson Julien Freestone
Andrew Elvin Mike Perry Scott Kolya Minesh Patel Richard Mudd Matthew Currie Andrew Cox

5 Muon Tomography Status
Scintillator 6 prototype chambers build 4 chambers equipped with electronics Test data acquisition system We see tracks good efficiency ~97% resolution limited by alignment (just needs effort) Only anode and charge division so far we do see the cathode hits

6 Plan for next year Order of 36 chambers Deliver Muon Tomography System
in July in process hiring Chris Jackson trigger DAQ analysis needs effort of entire detector group to meet deadline

7 SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics
Goal: Develop system (with full detector in mind: 20’000 cells) £50 per cell → highest electronics integration development costs occur now build enough electronics for 2000 cell demonstrator Geiger counter:

8 SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics
Goal: Develop system (with full detector in mind: 20’000 cells) £50 per cell → highest electronics integration development costs occur now build enough electronics for 2000 cell demonstrator Geiger counter: anode: transverse coordinate measurement g

9 SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics
Goal: Develop system (with full detector in mind: 20’000 cells) £50 per cell → highest electronics integration development costs occur now build enough electronics for 2000 cell demonstrator Geiger counter: anode: transverse coordinate measurement

10 SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics
Goal: Develop system (with full detector in mind: 20’000 cells) £50 per cell → highest electronics integration development costs occur now build enough electronics for 2000 cell demonstrator Geiger counter: anode: transverse coordinate measurement cathode time: longitudinal coordinate measurement ~40 μs propagation over full length of wire:

11 SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics
3 inputs per drift cell (2 cathodes 1 anode)! Use differentiated anode signal + cathode: 2 input signals James Mylroie-Smith Anode Signal differentiated anode signal Limited by number of inputs that can be fit to the board Amplifier/TDC board ASIC for 18 cells FPGA TDC I/O

12 SUPERNEMO Tracker Electronics

13 End

14 Muon Tomography Status
6 prototype chambers build 4 chambers equipped with electronics Test data acquisition system We see tracks good efficiency ~97% resolution limited by alignment (just needs effort) Only anode and charge division so far we do see the cathode hits

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